In an attempt to brag about my roommate and how wonderful she is, while blatantly giving some PR for the ever-popular Dave Ramsey, I wanted to post about an event going on this Thursday (April 23rd at 8:00PM EST) around the country called
“Town Hall for Hope”. This event will be broadcast live around the country to thousands of venues where Dave will speak about the current U.S. economy, the “doom and gloom” that fills the radio and TV stations, and where we’re headed in the near future. He will answer questions throughout the event, and the best part is that the town hall meeting is absolutely FREE to attend!
You can go online to view the current hosts for the event (loads of Nashville-area churches are participating) and for those of you not located in Mid-Tenn, visit this
page to see where you can go to watch the broadcast and listen to exactly what type of economic crisis we’re involved in and how to best weather the “storm”. You can also ask questions to Dave via Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, phone, and email.
And last but not least, a big shout-out goes to my roommate and best friend – she has worked extremely hard on this event and I know it will turn out to be a HUGE success!! Love you Meg!
AWESOME!!! Thank you!!!