am i a complete lunatic or am i just a person with extremely high goals?? either way, i have ventured into the deep unknown of training for a 13.1 mile run {1/2 marathon} and i am uber overwhelmed with the resources, books, training tips, websites, and blogs that are out there. i knew running was an avid ‘sport’, but jeez louise–i had no idea it was like a cult phenomenon.
i recently stumbled across these two blogs…
skinnyrunner and
eat, live, run. these women are absolutely hilarious and i look forward to their blogging antics daily– now i’m not promising to be anywhere near as good as
either of these ladies
{or any serious running blogger out there for that matter}, but i am hoping to learn what to do and what no to do based on others experiences {nutrition, training, choice of shoes/attire, etc.}
tomorrow marks 20 weeks until my first 1/2 marathon–seems like a long time–but with the holidays, a trip to charleston, and countless other events that will seemingly pop-up in my agenda, it’s not that much time to reach my goal.
recap: for my first week of training, i’ve done fairly well–i’ve completed 9 miles and i’m hoping to run another 3 tomorrow morning just so i’m not slacking all weekend.
i am also crossing my fingers that i can check some much-needed training items off my Christmas list this year {Jeff/Mom, this is where you come in!}:
a new slim fitting iPod arm band
new running shoes {i’m over my 500 mile mark on the current pair}
and a new watch to clock my pace, distance, and time for my runs
if any of you loyal readers out there know of great resources i should be checking out for nutrition and diet, training and exercise plans, gear/clothing, ways to avoid injuries, or anything else i desperately need to know, PLEASE send them my way!!!
This is where I've gotten my half marathon training plans. And their monthly magazine is pretty good, too.
Oh my! My mom is a fanatic runner. She has run many marathons and many triathlons. She will soon be competing in the Iron Man. Please don't get addicted like she. We would miss you in the blog world!
Oh my gosh girl – I am a total runner addict & I follow both of those girl's blogs! Good luck with your halfie, I am thinking about signing up for one too!! Can't wait to hear how you did and I'm sure you'll do great! I'd say your right on with good running shoes & the arm band is really good cause if your like me, I just cannot keep that focus if I don't have some killer jams playin.
Good for your. I was so good about running until after my first 5k, now my motivation is lacking. This post has already inspired me to strap the running shoes on later!
You will rock your first half marathon… I did one just over a year ago and I loved it. It is the perfect distance and you will love it, too!
I wish I could run a half – one day, right!!! SOOOO exciting!
I just found your blog, I love it! After completing my first 5k I am trying to convince myself that I can run a 1/2. Good luck with your training!
Did you get a watch? I am looking for one that will help me set my pace when I am not on a treadmill. I am interested in what you got!