It’s almost here…only 1 more day and then it’s hasta la vista to 2009 and 2010 will finally make its debut! From my previous posts, you can see what a fabulous year its been, but I have to admit, I am ready for what 2010 has in store for me.
I also wanted to catch-up on my resolutions for this past year and see how well
{trying to be optimistic here} I did with my list: you can see the original post
Goal #1: Become Debt Free–this goal, although still in the works, has been a tricky one for me to overcome in 2009, but I am happy to report that no expenditures have been put on my credit card and I am now on a strict budget and slowly {but surely} paying off my balance!
Goal #2: Read My Bible–OK, I need to be honest here, I have not been so good about reading the Bible lately, but on the other hand, I was saved AND baptized this year, and my relationship has grown stronger with God throughout 2009 so I have to give myself some credit… it’s not all about reading per se, but investing my time with the Lord and I know I have increased that tenfold…
Goal #3: Get Healthy–if there is one goal that I have completed, I’d say this is the one. I joined the YMCA, I have started watching my diet extremely closely, and I am exercising 3 to 4 times each week- Go Me!
Now to hold myself accountable for what I am about to list for next year’s goals and resolutions, I need my friends {blogging ones included} and family to keep me on-track… support and motivation is all I need =)
Resolution/Goal #1: Read a Book a Month–yes, I am attempting to back off from my love of reality TV {sorry to Jersey Shore/Keeeping Up with the Kardashians/etc.} but I need to invest my time into some “other” forms of entertainment.. granted I most likely won’t be reading the philosophical books out there detailing our history, but I will be spending some much-needed quiet time with me, myself, and I… I’ve just started Eclipse and that should be done within a week or two! {by the way: any good books that are a must read?? please share!!}
Resolution/Goal #2: Invest More Time into my Side Business–some of you know, some of you may not, but this last year, I decided to try out my hand at calligraphy… it all began with me writing my best friend’s invitations for her wedding, and then I decided to start a blog for all things paper
{especially stationery and invites}. No, I am not trained and haven’t taken any professional classes, but I fully intend to spend more time on this endeavor in 2010–I am currently working with
Kathy to design my etsy shop and will be blogging more on my
Southern Paperie blog. I am happy to say I already have a job scheduled to complete 250 invitations in January, and 2 other friends’ weddings in June and August… if you know anyone, send them my way!! A little referral gift may be headed your way =)
Resolution/Goal #3: Complete at Least 5 Races–I saved the best for last… if you’ve been reading my blog lately, you know I am training for the Music City 1/2 Marathon in April, but I wanted to take it a step farther and knock out another 4 races in 2010! A big goal, but one I am determined to accomplish–my mind is set to do this and I’m getting a head-start by running in the
Nashville Zoo Fun Run on January 23rd… should be a pretty easy 5K race in the afternoon, but I am stoked about it!!
{if you have other local TN runs I should know about, let me know!!}
There you have it…my aspirations for next year–no, there’s nothing listed about world peace or anything too extravagant, but these goals are extremely important to me and ones that I will be sticking to so watch out world!
So tell me, what do you have lined up for next year?

I love your side business, you've got great handwriting. Hmm I haven't really thought of any goals yet but I'll give it a try:
1. get all my applications done and get accepted to graduate school
2. open an online store for my lavender crafts
3. lose weight (all that holiday baking!)
4. explore the city I live in more (SF)
5. to not stress the little things/let people get me upset that aren't worth it
Happy New Years!
Oh, good luck on the calligraphy adventure. I know at least 10 brides in 2010 (not including myself) and will definetly recommend you!!! Good luck
Good luck with your side business! Your calligraphy is gorgeous! I love the 5 race deal! I have a similar goal myself 🙂
Great goals! I especially like your goal of competing in marathons. I look forward to reading more of your blog 🙂
I just popped onto your blog and I LOVE it!!!
You're stinkin' cute, your blog is stinkin' cute and I just read your year in review and it just made me so happy 🙂
Can't wait to read more!
What a great little blog you've got here lady!!! FaBuLouS list of goals you want to achieve…they are definitely within reach 🙂
Ring out the old…Ring in the new.
Love your list – many of mine resolutions/goals are on it!!! Speaking of lists….I need to make one! 🙂
Hey sweetheart!! Am SO glad to hear you're doing the Zoo Run! One of my goals is to do some 5K and other races too – leading up to the big half in April. 🙂 So I'm doing the Zoo Run too, and signed up all alone! 🙂 Glad you'll be there. There's also a Nashville Preds race I'm thinking of doing in Feb. Here's a good Web site: Let me know if there are others you want to do and I'll sign up with ya! 🙂