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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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{Training Day: Week 3}


January 12, 2010

How am I doing with all of this training you ask?? Well, for the past 2 weeks, I have ran more than my program details, so I think I am on to something here… here is what this week looks like:
Monday: I ran 3 miles @ 9:55/mile
Tuesday: Rest Day
Wednesday: Easy Run 3 miles @ 11:30/mile
Thursday through Sunday: I’m taking off for vacation =)
**I’m technically required to run 9 miles this week, but since I have ran over the past 2 weeks I am giving myself a little break–don’t worry, I’m sure with all the tourist attractions in Charleston (i.e. ghost tours, walking tours of antebellum homes, King Street–SHOPPING!, etc) I’ll find a way to get some exercise in =)
Here is this week’s training tips brought to you by the one and only Runner’s World
Seeing as the temperatures have dropped well below freezing here in the South, it’s time we learned a lesson about running outside in the winter and how to overcome the cold… races don’t stop just because Frosty has decided to stay around for awhile. 
1. Acclimate Yourself: athletes who train in the cold also perform better in the cold (same with the heat); repeated exposure appears to improve blood flow, resulting in high skin temperature… how do you do this? Run outside as much as possible
**note, if the wind chill is below -20F, stay inside

2. Get Motivated and Be Seen: meet someone for a run… when a friend is waiting on you, you’re less likely to wimp out on them. With limited daylight until Spring rolls around, you’re most likely running in the dark so make sure to wear reflective gear and/or carry a flashlight

3. Protect Your Feet: run in shoes with the least amount of mesh; wear socks that soak up wetness/moisture and still keep your feet warm

4. Get Dressed: you want to be warm, but not sweating so much that you get a chill. Rule of thumb: experts suggest you dress as if itis 20 degrees warmer. Assume to always wear gloves and a hat

And of course, a little workout wear fashion for those that !!
want to look cute at the gym: {this week C9 is on sale at Target}
Fiitted Bootcut Pants ($19.99)–I have these and they are great
The BEST Sports Bra- Seamless Camisole Bra by C9 ($16.99)
Polka Dot Sports Bra ($10 on sale)
Racerback Yoga Tank ($10 on sale)
**Next week I am tackling nutrition/what to eat before and after races/must have snacks… if you have any ideas on nurition and what you use, let me know and I’ll make sure to include!

  1. Great job with the running!!!

  2. Caroline says:

    I love the C9 workout wear at Target. It's my favorite.

  3. jayme says:

    have you heard of lulu lemon?! it's the absolute BEST work out clothes! its pretty expensive but it'll definitely give ya the motivation because it's all so cute! and the pants make any bootayy look ammmazing! but great job!

  4. Teresa says:

    Well I am delighted to be following your cute self through this running process! I've been adding intervals of running into my long walks…sure wish it would dry up a bit outside!
    But I have the treadmill for indoors!
    I need an iPod!
    Do you run with an iPod Natash!
    That is probably a crazy question!
    You go girl and I know you will be doing some running while on vacation.
    I spend much of my time on holidays…walking and running in inspiring spots!

  5. Amber says:

    Use the "GU Gell" before and during your race. It will give you an additional boost of energy and it easy to suck down while running. 🙂

  6. Sarah Mina says:

    peanut butter on a wheat bagel is the best pre-run snack! some people do peanut butter on a banana but i'm not a banana person haha

  7. Great and cute finds!

  8. jayme says:

    PS … yes, i'm aware that i'm now a double commenter but i left ya something over on my blog! enjoy!

  9. LG says:

    Dang! I was just in Target this afternoon! Ineed some new workout clothes as well!

  10. Aw, thanks dear! We're going to celebrate with dinner at Cabana. I love that place. Then, drinks downtown. Our suites are downtown. Any good places to go during the day or downtown? I'm probably going to get to Nashville early in the morning; so, I can spend have a whole day to do stuff.

  11. Elise says:

    well done you !

  12. WestSacHoney says:

    I envy you! I've been wanting to get out running but it's so cold. I left you something on my blog.

  13. Beach Belle says:

    I just stumbled upon your blog from Brittany over at "Tales of A Southern Belle and her Beau" and love it! So cute!

    Glad I saw this post, too! I just got back into running and am signed up for a 5K in March. I need all the tips I can get. 🙂 Great job on your training!!

  14. Mauri says:

    To you from Just Jenn 🙂
    Some people use "Gu," I'm a personal fan of Sports Beans. You should start adding nutrition after you've been running for more than an hour or after about 6 consecutive miles. The beans are TASTY! Before long runs, many people like to have a PB & J. You have carbs in the bread, protein and healthy fats in the peanut butter and sugar in the jelly! And, make sure you get some protein after your long runs. Your muscles need to rebuild what you've just torn down. Keep up the great work! You're going to LOVE the runner's high!

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