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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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{Wishful Wednesday… Entrepreneur}


January 13, 2010

Another Wednesday means another installment of Kelsey’s now infamous
Wishful Wednesday…what a fun topic this week!
‘I wish’ …. I had the startup funds to build that company I have always dreamt about, and it would be an
Invitation, Stationery, and Custom Gift Boutique!
I’ve said it repeatedly I’m sure, but this is my passion- I’m obsessed with all things paper which is why I started doing calligraphy. I stalk invitation websites on a weekly basis for topics on my other blog, Southern Paperie. I agree with Caroline about the excitement I get when I check the mail and get to open cute invitations and personalized notes {indeed a little goes a long way}. Maybe one day I will be able to pursue my dream, own a Gocco of my very own, and get to put my soon-to-be-office in the new house to work, but until then, I’ll have my head in the clouds in La La Land…

  1. Jenna says:

    That is my kind of place!! Lovely wish, lovely blog! Your are adorable btw!!

  2. great idea! you should go for it!

  3. Amber says:

    I love stores like the one you describe. I could spend a fortune in them! Hopefully one day your dream will come true!

  4. I love stationery as well! LOVE! Dream BIG Girl!

  5. LawGirl says:

    You're so lucky to be talented at something you love! I hope you get to one day pursue it!

  6. KJ says:

    Just stumbled on to our blog- its adorable! I'm a new follower.
    I love stationary too- it just makes me happy! 🙂

  7. Kyle says:

    Love this post idea! Keep working towards it!

  8. Teresa says:

    Going to have to check out Gocco!
    I adore invitations and all things paper too!
    You would be precious with a little shop like this!
    Pop over Sweetie…
    I am having a PINK WEEK Giveaway!

  9. Sarah Mina says:

    I love paper and stationary as well! and yes, there is nothing better than getting a nice card in the mail–definitely beats all the bills that come!

  10. I adore paper too and think it's so fun to be creative and express through writing!!!

  11. Elizabeth says:

    I like your wishful wednesday!
    I have a similar dream!

    I hope you are having a wonderful Friday!
    Your blog is so cute and I always enjoy reading what you have to say!

    I also have a little surprise for you!
    Check my blog to see:

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