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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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A Big Thank You and Happy Anniversary!


April 23, 2010

I can’t believe it’s FINALLY here… it’s race weekend here in Nashville and I’ve already got butterflies {and knots} in my stomach from all the anticipation and excited nervousness! Last night after work, I headed over to the race expo to pick up my gear and necessities–wow! A tad bit overwhelming for a 1st-timer like me, but there were so many vendors there to help you and to swipe your Visa card for “essentials” =)
Picking up my race packet–corral #11!!
Stores with LOADS of race-day gear and plenty of snacks
{chomps, GU gels, sport beans}
It was like a Wal-Mart for runners
Some of my loot! Skinnyrunner would be proud =)
I got my friends and family signed up for the Competitor Wireless tracking that will send them texts with my stats, time, progress, etc… so excited for all of them to come out and see just what an exciting event this is!
And more importantly, I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to all of you who have been so tremendously supportive of me while I trained for a whopping 17 weeks! Your words of encouragement and tips & tricks have meant more to me than you could ever imagine and I dont think I could have done all of this without your love and support–big shout outs to my fellow runner Jenn and ATL running guru Ms. Lindsay Zink for all your sweetness! A few of my best friends are coming out tomorrow and of course my family will be attending the festivities, too! And of course, thanks to my fiance Jeff for putting up with me through all of this mental and physical stress to my body–he has been wonderful because he knows just how important accomplishing this run is for me… I love you baby!
P.S. for all who are aware, yes, the rain is an issue for the race tomorrow, but I think we’re all prepared to take on the storms and “weather” through it–hehe! I’ve got my waterproof running belt to take care of my beloved iPod {complete with my 1/2 marathon customized mix}, chaffing rub for the body {wow, runners’ gear is soooo weird} and all the Jelly Belly Sport Beans I could ever need!
I hope everyone has a great weekend and fabulous next week… I’ll be recuperating on the beach with my parents and Jeff taking in the relaxing sun, reading a few books, eating loads of seafood, and visiting my favorite beach outlets for some retail therapy! OXOX
And in other {very much important news}, I’ve got 2 sets of wonderful friends celebrating wedding anniversaries this weekend… best friend Bev and Christian will be celebrating 1 year of wedded bliss on Sunday and Leslie and Dusty will be celebrating their 2 year anniversary on Monday… congratulations you guys!! Love you all and am so grateful to have friends’ with such wonderful and blessed marraiges =)
Mr and Mrs Miller
Mr and Mrs Walker
  1. Lulu in D.C. says:

    The Jelly Belly Sport beans are GREAT! Good luck this weekend! You have worked so hard for this!

  2. YAY!! RACE DAY!! Good luck to you!! I hope the weather holds out. Looks like it going to be nasty here in Memphis too! 🙁 I'll be thinking about you! 🙂

  3. Marian says:

    Good luck pretty lady…YOU CAN DO IT!!! And then have a relaxing week…you totally deserve it.


  4. Amanda says:

    Best of Luck!

  5. Angela says:

    Good Luck this weekend! You have worked super hard for this! You will do great! I can't wait to hear about it. I am running the Rock and Roll half in VA Beach in Sept. The country music one is also on my radar for next year.

  6. LawGirl says:

    Good luck this weekend! Can't wait to hear all about it.

  7. Lindsay Zink says:

    Thanks for the shout out. You are going to do AWESOME. "Run like you stole something!"

  8. Good luck with your race! I'm sure you will perform fabulously – I'm always so impressed by all your running bloggers!!

  9. Sonja says:

    Ah! I can't believe it's here already!! Good Luck this weekend! You've worked so hard and I don't think anyone deserves this more than you! You're going to be awesome!

    You'll be in my thoughts & prayers tomorrow!!


    ps: awesome swag too by the way! haha!

  10. Nicole-Lynn says:

    Aw, have so much fun! Looking forward to hearing how it went!

  11. melissa says:

    Good Luck! You'll be great!

  12. Keri says:

    Good Luck! I have 3 friends also running this race. I hope the weather holds up for all of you 🙂 Can't wait to hear what you thought of the whole experience!

  13. good luck in the race Natasha!!! i love that you planned a little beach getaway following the race. what a perfect thing to do to recuperate and have to look forward to. love your swag too 😉

  14. Emma says:

    Good luck 🙂

  15. Heather says:

    I hope the weather cooperates! Good luck!

  16. Well heck, if I was a runner I would have loved the Walmart type environment, haha! Glad you got to go lady!

  17. d.a.r. says:

    was thinking about you this weekend–hope it went well!!!

  18. Hope it went well for you!! 🙂

  19. Awww THANK YOU for the anniversary wishes! 😀 I AM SO PROUD OF YOU! 🙂 Can't wait to hear all about it

  20. I just became a follower! My dad and sister just ran in the half last weekend too! Funny, I would have run but too prego. 🙁 Hope it went well!

  21. I love it, walmart for runners. haha. I can't wait to read how it went! I'm going to do a post race post and want to link to different people who did the CMM race so I'll be sure to check back so I can add yours 🙂

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