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Wedding Wednesday… The Bridal Party!


April 7, 2010

After this weekend, I was finally able to ask all my ladies to be in our wedding!! Each one of these women have played a special part in not only my life, but the life of Jeff and I as a couple, and I am so fortunate to have such outstanding women surrounding me–to life me up when I am down, to celebrate achievements with me, and to laugh uncontrollably whenever we’re together. I am so honored that each of them accepted my proposal.
And of course–you all want to know how I asked them, right??? Being one of the later girls in my social circle to get married, my sweet friends had great and very creative ways of asking us to be in their weddings, so I definitely didn’t want to disappoint.
{Speaking of, I know there are TONS of wedding sites out there, but hardly any that offer original ideas for how to ask your bridal party so I felt like I was all alone on this one! Luckily, after lots of pondering, I came up with the perfect idea!}
Working with Shannon from April Ink, I asked her to create custom wine labels that had our names and wedding date as well as a special verse I had seen long ago… and this is what she came up with!
How the labels look {I forgot to take a picture of my actual labels–oops!}
Then I teamed with Cat via Visual Chemist for personalized letterpress cards asking each of my ladies to be a bridesmaid… then I wrote out personal notes to each of them inside =)
 Here is the finished product waiting to be unwrapped!
And now introducing my special ladies…
Meg, Matron of Honor
If you read my blog, you know her and hopefully you can see why I love her… she is absolutely hands down the best friend a girl could ask for. She was my roommate for 3 years and wow have we grown up together–through boys, new careers, and all, we managed to stay strong and now we’re both getting married and embarking on new adventures in life. She is the person who has stood by me no matter what and I love her just like a sister.
Beverly May Miller, Bridesmaid
The other third of the 3 amigos, Bev and I became extremely close in college, specifically when we lived next door to each other in the sorority dorm at UT. Almost all of my college experiences involve her and she is an incredible friend–Kappa Sig parties, Cool Beans and Tap Room nights, sorority mixers, date parties, and formals–the list could go on and on. She is open, honest, and always someone you want in your corner… I am so lucky to have such a special bond with her, and even though we don’t get to see each other as much as we’d like, she is only a phone call away
Candice Tate, Bridesmaid
Candice and I pledged Delta Gamma together way back in 2001 {wow, we are getting old!}… we developed a close friendship while living on Massey, and have been inseparable ever since. Even though she moved to NC and then back to Memphis after college, I convinced her to call Nashville home–not to mention she brought her parents back, too! She is a remarkable friend–loyal and someone you can always rely on, not to mention a great photographer– and I am so happy to have her in my life.

Lauren Broadway, Bridesmaid
Though having been friends way back when in Knoxville, my friendship with Lauren grew tremendously once we both got settled in Nashville. We brought together friends with Bachelor nights and Hills drama and have become extremely close! She is a true friend that is one of the best listeners and advice-givers you could ever meet. Lauren is the one I call to keep Jeff in line and she has a genuine heart of gold. OXOX
Jenna Vaughn, Bridesmaid
Jenna and I met years ago thanks to her now hubby Matt. We became fast friends and have grown very close throughout our friendship… she is a true woman of God and helped me grow in my faith so very much, and has been there for me as I went through some difficult times in my adult life. She is also the one that made me realize Scarritt Bennett was EXACTLY the place I wanted to get married, as her wedding ceremony was held there, too! I was standing with her on her wedding day and I am so excited that now she gets to be there for me as well!
Lauren Laumeyer, Bridesmaid
Though I am an only child, my cousin Lauren is the closest thing I have to a little sister… from the moment she was born, she was my constant companion and friend–and my little doll that I always dressed up. We grew up side by side–as our family is extremely close–and have experienced a lot together…she is now at DG at UT {just as I was back in the day} and is a remarkable young woman!
Jennifer Stoneking Stewart, Bridesmaid
Jennifer is Jeff’s big sister, and has become a special person in my life as well. From the moment he and I started dating, she welcomed me with open arms and definitely made me feel like part of the family. She is a great person, both inside and out, fun to be around, and I’m so excited to have her with us on our wedding day!
Unfortunately, I don’t have pictures of all the groomsman, but that is a definite work-in-progress for our wedding website, which I am currently working on, so stay tuned! But here are Jeff’s wonderful friends and family he has asked to be in the wedding:

Tom Turner–Best Man
Kevin Tyner–Groomsman
Brian Stewart {Brother-in-Law}–Groomsman
Cary Tapscott–Groomsman
Jay Moneyhun–Groomsman
Sam Ruth–Groomsman
Eddie San–Groomsman

Now, where are we with planning?? Well, we had to reschedule our meeting from a few weeks ago so we’re off to visit with a local wedding favorite of mine this afternoon to talk all things cake and catering! Wish us luck!!

  1. What a cute and creative idea! Love it!

  2. Marian says:

    Oh yeah, that is a new way to ask your ladies to be a bridesmaid. I've never seen it done before…LOVE IT!!! It only came out beautifully.

    Good luck with your meetings today.


  3. Amanda says:

    I love this idea and being a part of your wedding planning. Best wishes.

  4. Amanda says:

    I love this idea and learning more as you plan your wedding.

  5. Sarah Mina says:

    This is such a cute idea, natasha! I knew you would have a fun and creative way of doing every, little thing for your wedding! 🙂 I might have to steal this idea from you when my time comes haha.

  6. Kristen says:

    very cute idea!

  7. I love this idea! Super cute!

  8. Candice Lynn says:

    I love you and can't wait to stand beside you on your special day! XOXO

  9. WestSacHoney says:

    I LOVE this idea such a cute one. And so sneaky too because of the idea of "hey want to have a bottle of wine". 🙂

  10. Christy says:

    What a great idea!

  11. Brittany says:

    I love the idea you used to invite your bridesmaids! What a sweet post too 🙂 I like how you gave a little description of your friendship with each girl!

  12. Rachel says:

    Cute! Can't wait until June 2011! 🙂

  13. Katie says:

    what an ADORABLE way to ask your bridesmaids! is it sad that i can't REMEMBER how i asked mine!?!? terrible!

    i love wedding planning, enjoy every minute of it! it goes by SO FAST!!!

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