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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Happiness Is…


May 20, 2010

OK, so on my journey to work today {in between jamming to all my beloved get-up-and-get-your-day-going-music}, I couldn’t help but stop to think about the joy of happiness in life…do you ever just sit back and think, ‘wow, how lucky am i’? God has blessed me beyond measure and sometimes, I can’t help but think He has me thanking my lucky stars each and everyday for the talents, gifts, and people–it all really humbles me, to say the least. 
To Me, Happiness Is…  
Having that one person to come home to each and every night that makes life worth living
Having parents that have always gone above and beyond… the ones who were at every dance recital and softball game, the ones who showered me with love so I always knew I was #1, the ones who let me make my own decisions {and were there to pick me up when I fell}, and the ones that will love me no.matter.what.
Having best friends–and confidants–that I can share my deepest darkest secrets with and know they won’t think any less of me.. The ones I have grown up with and the ones that will be a part of my life forever
Conquering your fears and meeting your goals and never giving up
because you know you can do it

Having a home to come home to that you can’t stand to be away from…
decorating it in your style and making it all your very own

I know, a little deep philosophical post for today, right?? Sometimes I actually need to use my blog as a jounral and today, that is what it’s about for me…just a way to get out all the emotions I’m having. Complete and udder happy happy joy joy. So, what is happiness to you???

  1. Alee says:

    What a great, uplifting post! I'm a new follower and just wanted to say hello! I love your blog already!


  2. LG says:

    I totally agree! I have been catching up on my scrapbooking and thinking the whole time how blessed we are to have such a fun life!

  3. Jennifer says:

    I agree! And I try my best to live by that sentiment!

  4. Nicole-Lynn says:

    I agree! Great pics 🙂

  5. Mrs. Hesson says:

    Love it! I was actually just about to post about things I was loving today… and everyday. Very nicely put. 🙂

  6. Mrs. Hesson says:

    Oh and where do you find all your cute little quote/pictures?

  7. You always seem to be glowing and have such a great outlook on life! I swear we would be friends if we were in the same city …. Move to Seattle, hah jk!

  8. Love this!!! I am so obsessed with houses that have the double entry way like yours! I wish I would have thought of that when we built ours! I LOVE your house!

  9. Heather says:

    Great post.

    Happiness is the little baby growing inside me and having my husband to share it with!

  10. Candice Lynn says:

    Love you! 🙂

  11. Loved the post today. You're so right. And doesn't it hit you at the weirdest time possible. Sometimes I'll be driving in my car and am just humbled by how lucky I am. Great reminder!

  12. Kristen says:

    Great post!

    It is so awesome to sit back once in a while and think of all the great things in our lives!

  13. Brittany says:

    You really do have so many things to be happy about! I honestly love your upbeat and positive outlook on life.

    Happiness is just having people in your life who you know genuinely care about you.

  14. Dining Diva says:

    Loved this post. And I feel the same way as you. It's great to step back and realize how great life is so we don't look back years from now and say, "those were the days…"

  15. Juliana says:

    You are such an incredible person with a great attitude…the world needs more happy and grateful people!!!

  16. The Holmes says:

    Great post today! Sometimes it's nice to sit back and think how you are truly blessed.

  17. All of the above are just a positive for me too! Plus my puppies!

  18. Karah says:

    love this post. I am recent follower. Your house it too cute by the way 🙂

  19. suki says:

    what a great post on happiness! 🙂 and it sounds like you have a lot to be happy for.

  20. Caroline says:

    Great choices for happiness! I couldn't agree more! I needed this today!

  21. Kelsey–Come on back to TN and yes, we would be instant BFFs, I have NO doubt.

    As for Mrs. Hesson, they mostly come from http://www.weheartit.com... wonderful site for lots of inspiration!!

  22. Amanda says:

    I'm brand new to your blog and just love it – it's so cheery! 🙂

  23. PinkLouLou says:

    Lovely little blog! You have a new follower 🙂

  24. Love the postive-ness of this post! Very well said!

  25. love your post. all you really need in life are the simple things! 🙂

  26. Katie says:

    LOVED this post! so sweet 🙂

  27. Marian says:

    Happiness is snuggling with my pup, a warm shower after a good workout, bbq on a rooftop deck with good friends!!

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