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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Adventure Time


June 7, 2010

Back to Monday, back to reality… boo hoo, the weekends never seem to last long enough. On the other hand, this was one of the best 2 days I have had in quite a few months, and that’s all because I got to enjoy every moment with just Jeff and me.
Friday night, we grilled seafood for dinner {crabcakes and grilled shrimp to be exact; and recipe to follow on another post} and then decided to rent the movie Crazy Heart to round our relaxing stay-at-home night. From all the nominations this movie received, I had been wanting to watch it, and though it was slow at points, all in all it was a good entertaining pick.
Saturday morning, we got up early and headed to Nashville’s Farmers Market. And let me preface this by saying: if you live in Nashville and haven’t checked this out yet, you MUST DO SO! I am all about trying to support small local businesses and this is one way to do it. Perusing the buildings of fresh meat and produce, and then on to all things landscaping, you can find lots of necessities at the Farmer’s Market–for a fraction of the price at shopping at your local grocery or the nurseries around town. We stocked up on fresh peaches, watermelon, and homemade apple butter and we’re going to make a point to visit every few weeks to keep healthy foods in our fridge. 
Afterwards, we headed to grab a quick bite to eat downtown for lunch and look what we saw–we’re getting a Jimmy Buffet’s Margaritaville on Broadway!!! And yes, this is going to be fun!!
On Saturday afternoon–though hot and humid–we headed to the Nashville Zoo! Jeff had never been before {how sad is that!} so we rounded out our afternoon checking out all the wildlife and cute animals. Luckily, we got to see most of them before their afternoon naps and Jeff was so excited… he kept looking at the map and navigating us to the exhibits to make sure we saw everything =)
My Favorite–the Zebras!!
My Safari Man–haha!!
That evening, we changed plans and decided to stay close to our neighborhood and try out Cafe Nonna… we have been wanting to try this authentic Italian bistro ever since we moved to Sylvan Park and it turned out to be the PERFECT night–we sat outside on the patio and enjoyed a few glasses of wine, and a romantic dinner for two =)  
P.S. I HIGHLY recommend the build-your-own pasta dishes… the spicy Amatriciana sauce is to die for!!
Sunday morning, I got up and made Jeff a special breakfast…fruit salad and homemade biscuits with apple butter, and then we headed off to church… so great to finally be back in worship since we’ve been out of town for the past few weekends. Then, we came back home to do some major cleaning at the house, following by loads and loads of laundry, and then stained the deck. I made one of our favorite meals for dinner–Chicken Poppyseed Casserole–which can be found here, and then finally called it a night by watching the MTV movie awards!

  1. leigh ashley says:

    aww… i love the zoo! that's one of me and my man's fave day dates!!

  2. Keri says:

    Sounds like a fab weekend 🙂

  3. Caroline says:

    We watched "Crazy Heart" on the way home from Puerto Rico. Very interesting, but I see why he won the Oscar. Sounds like a great weekend.

  4. Brittany says:

    I love going to the zoo! I haven't been since last year though 🙁 Sounds like a fun weekend you had though!

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