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Bridal Bootcamp


June 15, 2010

No, I haven’t jumped off the deep-end {yet} and signed up to torture myself in the hopes to be in tip-top shape for the wedding–however I am vowing that over these next 12 months–I am going to challenge myself to do my body good so that I won’t have to worry about my weight come 6/11/2011. I have been researching small things I can do to keep myself on-track and I thought it’d be fun to share these to my readers: 1) to keep me accountable, and 2) for others that need help, too!

The Do’s and Don’ts of Diet and Exercise via Bride and Bloom
The Do’s
Do eat five small meals a day
Do drink eight glasses of water a day {think like a camel}

Do take a vitamin supplement
Do exercise at least three to four times a week {yeah, yeah, yeah}
Do find a workout buddy to keep you motivated
Do practice portion control
Do eat fiber rich foods to keep you fuller longer
Do carry plenty of healthy snacks with you at all times {discard the cookies in the cabinet}
Do plan physical activities to do with your fiancÊ
Do try to buy all organic foods {I can’t afford that!!}
Do get plenty of sleep at night
Do switch up your exercise routine so you don’t get bored
Do eat stress busting foods like leafy greens, whole grains, and beans
The Don’ts
Don’t eat out too often {sorry Local Taco–we need to part ways for a bit =(}
Don’t buy falsely advertised diet pills
Don’t overexert yourself beyond what your body can handle
Don’t consume too much alcohol – it has empty calories {hasta la vista vino}
Don’t forget to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables
Don’t drink sugary sodas that are loaded with calories
Don’t eat low-energy, processed foods that don’t fill you up
Don’t be tempted by fast food restaurants or bakeries {let’s not even comment on this one}
Don’t eat for emotional comfort {as long as Jeff doesn’t make me mad we’ll be OK}
Don’t starve yourself – it will only slow down your metabolism
Don’t skip meals and then binge eat
Don’t go on a quick fix diet

And from a new blog site I found {and L O V E}, here are six ways to cut calories, easily!
1. Eat Your Fruit:

Many people are mistaken in thinking that drinking a cup of orange juice is the equivalent of eating an orange. Even if you drink 100% pure orange juice, it still contains natural sugars that are high in calories. Eating an orange provides the vitamins you need as well as fiber, which is necessary for a healthy diet and aids in weight loss. Fruit should be eaten as a part of your daily diet whether you’re trying to lose weight or not, simply for the health benefits. And a medium orange has around 60 calories, while a cup of orange juice can contain 120 calories. Bear in mind that if the package does not say 100 percent fruit juice, it most likely contains added sugar. As a good rule of thumb for dropping a few pounds, when it comes to fruit, eat it, don’t drink it.
2. Keep It Simple:
Natural food tastes good. We’re constantly surrounded by sweeteners, syrups, flavors and more. Why not stick to the original? When you get your coffee every morning, consider drinking it black. When having your morning yogurt, stick to plain, and if you like, add fresh fruit. Flavored yogurts have many disguised calories. At lunchtime, there’s no problem loading up your delicious salad with fruits, vegetables and nuts. But when it comes to dressing, stick to the basics. Your ingredients already have plenty of flavors to spice up that bed of lettuce, so try vinegar with a splash of oil if you need some dressing.
3. Replacements:
It’s nice to have a recipe to guide you through a home-cooked meal. However, you won’t go to recipe-jail if you veer off the guidelines a little bit. Instead of using margarine or butter to coat a skillet, use Pam, which has less than three calories in a one-second spray. Need to add some flavor to that chicken? Spices are virtually calorie-free and add a zest you just can’t get with a marinade. If your sweet tooth is kicking in, you don’t have to deprive yourself. Have some raisins or any other dried fruit — they’re sweet with the added benefit of being high in fiber. And instead of using flour for that cookie recipe, use canned pumpkin (without additives) or replace the oil with applesauce.
4. Cut Out Soda:

Again, whether you’re trying to lose weight or not, soda is bad news. Because there is no nutritional value in soda, it should not be going into your body. The sugar is high (if you’re not drinking diet), the chemicals are strong (and can lead to tooth decay) and the caffeine causes you to slump later on. If you replace soda with water or tea, you’ll drop pounds almost immediately. Additionally, soda actually leaves you dehydrated, causing you to drink in even more calories.
You don’t have to cut out your favorite foods to lose weight. Many people love chocolate after a meal. However, going as pure as possible is key. Chocolate is high in sugar and has many  ingredients in it besides the plant itself, which is called cacao. As a rule of thumb, going with dark chocolate with 60% cacao or more is a great way to satisfy that sweet tooth without raking in calories. Dark chocolate has other health benefits like anti-aging properties and antioxidants. Want to kill two birds with one stone? If you’ve missed your daily serving of fruit for the day, melt some dark chocolate in the microwave and dip some berries or melon in it. A fat-free chocolate pudding has only 60 calories, so feel free to indulge in a cup of that deliciousness as well.
5. Chocoholics Unite:

You don’t have to cut out your favorite foods in order to lose weight. Many people love some chocolate after a meal. However, going as pure as possible is key. Chocolate is high in sugar and has many other ingredients in it besides the plant itself, which is called cacao. As a rule of thumb, going with dark chocolate with 60 percent cacao or more is a great way to satisfy that sweet tooth without raking in the calories. Dark chocolate also has other health benefits like anti-aging properties and antioxidants. Want to kill two birds with one stone? If you’ve missed your daily serving of fruit for the day, melt some dark chocolate in the microwave and dip some berries or melon in it. A fat-free chocolate pudding has only 60 calories, so feel free to indulge in a cup of that deliciousness as well.
6. Stop When Finished:
If your guilty conscience has always been telling you to finish your plate because of the starving children, it’s time to squash that. Finishing your plate won’t solve global hunger, so if you’re full, here’s a tip: Stop eating. There’s no reason to eat after you feel satisfied; this can lead to bloating and nausea, not to mention, obviously, weight gain. Nobody likes to feel overstuffed, so turn that guilty-conscience voice into a healthy voice: Stop eating when you’re full. If you were extremely hungry before a meal and find yourself devouring your plate, take a break when you’re halfway done with the meal. Taking deep breaths and a few minutes to catch your brain up with your stomach will help your body send the right signals regarding when to stop eating.

  1. Brown Girl says:

    Psssh, your in great shape, you don't need bridal bootcamp!

  2. I love this post! I completely agree with everything you posted here… and as a fellow bride to be, I will use this do/don't list as well! 🙂 Thanks!!

  3. You are so cute… you definitely do not need to stress yourself out before the big day! 🙂 But you make some great points… especially about eating several times a day, they say its the best thing to keep your metabolism up!

  4. great tips…. ahhh soda how i love you!

  5. Beth says:

    Great post! I'm starting out an exercise and healthy eating routine too! You got me motivated.

  6. Kristin says:

    Great tips!!!

  7. OceanDreams says:

    Wonderful ideas and you can totally do it, be kind to yourself though and way to start eating healthy! I need to do this too. 🙂

  8. Great tips miss future bride! I totally agree on the orange juice compared to an orange. I love eating apples daily and have lots of frozen grapes they are delicious!

  9. Great tips! Ive got to cut out the soda but Im way too addicted!! and seriously who can afford to eat all organic food? I went to an organic restaurant the other day and my sandwich was $17 dollars..nuts!

  10. Mrs. S says:

    great tips! you are in great shape as is, but kudos for being on top of things!

  11. JayeMarie says:

    These are great tips. I need to work on incorporating all of these into my eating habits. Why are small changes so hard when it has to do with eating. I think the mere fact that it 97 degrees outside should mean the pounds just fall off…right?!

  12. Tiffany says:

    Well, you look amazing! But I definitely need to follow this advice! Thanks for posting. XOXO

  13. Tatum-LeTard says:

    Whew! Good luck to ya! I started that about 6 months ago – now with 4 months left until my wedding, have I done it? Some of it – yes! MOST of it – Nope! haha! But I am sure you will have way better will-power than me!

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