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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Trying to Beat the Heat


June 14, 2010

Is it just me or did we miss the introductory phase into summer and we’ve entered actual pergatory with regard to our temperatures?? Holy Moly it’s HOT… Tthis weekend we were in Ohio and it was humid, overcast, and hot hot hot–and yes, of course the wedding was outside. Thank the Lord they gave us fans to use to keep ourselves from glistening too much, but my poor stepbrother and his groomsmen were blazing in their 1/2 wool suits…bless their hearts!
Through the rain and the wedding festivities, Mom, Dad, Jeff, and I managed to get ourselves into trouble when I stumbled upon the mothership–Ikea! No, I have NEVER been to an Ikea before and 2) I think I am in love.
Rainy outside, but lots of good deals inside!!
Is this not an amazing armoire for only $300???
The plethora of pillows!!
Dad and I Checking out the Bedding Section
Though we only left with a bagful of goodies this round, Jeff and I are vowing to make some time to measure a few spaces in our house and get some actual furniture when we make a trip to the Atlanta Ikea store in a few weeks!
Once we got ready for the wedding, we were ahead of schedule and so we headed to Max and Erma’s restaurant to indulge in a few cocktails before the ceremony… and had a little photoshoot, too!
Can you say ewww to my humidity hairdo??? haha =)
My adorable (and matching) parents
My sweet family
Mommy and Me
After the ceremony, we ventured to Jess’ (my new stepsister-in-law) parents for the tented reception! Thankfully, they had plenty of fans to keep their guestes cool and we had an amazing dinner followed by a few drinks and dancing!! A great time was had by all!
This week, we have lots of items on the house agenda–today our carpet is FINALLY being installed {as we speak} downstairs so we can actually have our family living room back together and have an organized house again… and for me, tonight I will be starting to prime the upstairs guest bathroom to get it painted and decorated this week just in time for my weekend visitors–yippee!! Happy Monday Friends!

  1. Sole Matters says:

    i loooovvvve IKEA!!! Such amazing deals!!

  2. Carly says:

    I know what you mean about the humidity! Saturday in Charleston it was 94 – but with humidity 108! Crazy hot!

    I am obsessed with IKEA too! Random, but is that in West Chester, near Cincinnati? I used to live in KY right near Cincy, so I've frequented that Ikea. 😉

    Glad you had a great weekend!

  3. Amber says:

    Oh yeah – Ikea is amazing. I went for the first time in January and was blown away – as was my bank account. 🙂

  4. Barras' says:

    Love Ikea! I am a new follower as well!! [:

  5. wow never been to an ikea… fabulous cheap finds!

    love your pics!

  6. Kristin says:

    I love your cute little black and white dress! Every time I go to IKEA I get super overwhelmed and end up leaving empty handed…I need grow a pair and attack that store head one cuz I know it's filled with super cute stuff!!!

  7. OMG first time to an IKEA?! It's great I love it there is one within walking distance from my job it's great!

  8. LG says:

    So jels! I have never been to IKEA either! You know there is a company here in Nash that makes weekly runs in a big truck to transport furniture and things so that you can save money on shipping costs.

  9. You must have been in Cincinnati – We are moving there in August, and I can't wait to start decorating our new place, especially w ikea right down the street! I just moved back to Ohio from Arizona, and forgot how bad the humidity gets, really missing that dry heat right about now :)Hope the wedding was fun!

  10. The Holmes says:

    I'm so glad you stumbled upon ikea, I just love that store! (well everything not furniture related) I will warn you that some of there furniture sucks. You have to put it together and it falls apart easily. Good luck with your purchases!

  11. I love Ikea!!! I just did our whole guest bedroom from there for so cheap!

  12. Mrs. Hesson says:

    Good for you for trying out IKEA. That store is dangerous! I could spend hours and tons of money in there. And can I get an AMEN on the heat thing? It's so stinkin' humid and hot here I feel like i'm going to suffocate every time I step outside.

  13. Brittany says:

    I can't believe you've never been to Ikea! We have one like 15 minutes away from us. All of our furniture is from there. It's an awesome store 🙂 Glad you liked it!

    I know what you mean about the heat. In MD, we had a hot weekend, 94 yesterday.. Sunblock wasn't helping either!

    Hope you have a great week 🙂

  14. IKEA is the best! So glad that you got to go! Also love all of your pics!

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