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Top 2 Tuesday and Tips to Improve Running Speed!


August 31, 2010

Yay! Taylor used one of my ideas for her infamous Top 2 Tuesday post today…
Top 2 Favorite Cities
1. Now it’s no secret that I have a love affair with the end-all of everything metropolitan… AKA New York City/The Big Apple/The City That Never Sleeps!
If Jeff was to come home one day and magically snap his fingers and say we’re moving to NYC, I’d have my bags packed in mere minutes–there is something so elegant and refined about NYC, yet it’s still playful and fun and the best place to take in sites and sounds, a melting pot of cultures, the endless shopping and amazing restraurant scene, not to mention Times Square, Broadway plays, my lovely little Brooklyn, and the list goes on and on… I’ll be visiting soon again I hope {next Christmas season ladies!! we PROMISED} and my heart will be 100% again…
2. Leaving the fast-paced city life, my 2nd favorite City has to be Napa… talk about serene with incredible landscape and rolling hills, and the most gorgeous vineyards, it’s hard to top! Jeff and I enjoyed our 1st trip there last year and can’t wait to revisit to venture to some places that we missed out on during our first go-around–if you love all things wine and want a romantic fun getaway weekend for you and your love OR a girl’s weekend, Napa Valley is the place to go! Take in some sights, drive through San Fran and Sausalito–ahmazing I tell you!
Other close contenders would be: Seaside, Denver, Barcelona, Las Vegas, San Diego, and Dallas. Make sure to visit Taylor’s blog to tell her your favorite places =)
And just because I saw a fantastic article this morning via Runner’s World, I just wanted to share this with those of you exercisers out there… I’m constantly trying to increase my speed and sometimes you win, sometimes you lose–they say this is the no fail method and I’ve been working on my time using these tips and I’ve seen a GREAT improvement in my times lately…
Secrets Of Speed
By Michelle Hamilton
Intervals and tempo miles matter. But they’re not the only tools a runner can use to get quicker. Heed the advice below and watch your PR get a little lower.

1. Lose Weight : A 5-pound weight loss can take more than two minutes off your half-marathon time. Plus, weight loss can reduce your injury risk and improve your biomechanics.
2. Wear Less: Don’t wear things that will slow you down. That means no fuel belt, no headphones, no iPhone, no long-sleeve shirt around your waist, and no heavy shoes.
3. Sleep More: Research from Stanford University indicates that athletes who get more sleep during training have better reaction time and speed. Even if you can’t get 10 hours of sleep like the study subjects, the researchers say that just a 20-minute nap can help performance.
4. Drink Caffeine: Not only is caffeine credited with improved alertness and increased focus, newer research suggests it can improve pain tolerance and help you fatigue less quickly. To get the most out of caffeine, down a cup of plain tea or coffee (not a mocha frappuccino) 30 to 60 minutes before a race or hard workout.
5. Limit the Junk Food: Sugar can actually trigger hunger, which can lead to weight gain. Plus, you’ll get more out of your mileage with long-lasting staples like whole-grain rice and pasta than with sugary foods that can cause sluggishness—not what you want if you’re pushing for speed.

So, what helps kick your botty into high gear?? Fast music, running outside, or having a partner to keep you moving?? I’m interested to hear your success stories!!
  1. Candice Lynn says:

    I am going to NYC….I don't care if I am all by myself =( I will just pretend I am the group's photographer for the trip. hahaha

  2. amy anne says:

    I just went to San Francisco and how did I miss Napa?! Guess it's time to start planning the return trip!

  3. Jennifer says:

    I have always wanted to go to Napa…maybe we will go one year for your anniversary! And I, of course, love New York….it is the place I call home right now!!


  4. Caroline says:

    Beautiful choices!!! Both are great cities!!!

  5. jacquelyn says:

    Napa sounds so delightful. we're planning to do our 5 year anniversary trip there, with my parents for their 35th anniversary!!!

  6. Jessica says:

    I heart NYC as well – def my favorite city!!! I've never been to Napa but I've wanted to go ever since seeing the SATC episode where Carrie says "You take a nap-a, you don't MOVE to Napa!" lol

  7. Kerbi says:

    Love your picks! I would love to go to Napa!

  8. Julia says:

    Great advice on the speed-work! I haven't been getting much sleep the past week+ and have noticed my times are being affected. Makes me nervous because most people sleep poorly the night before a big race!

  9. I want to visit both places so bad!

  10. tina says:

    Love your Top 2 US city picks! I love Napa and am lucky enough to live less than an hour away!! And I can't wait to visit NYC!!

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