Happy Thanksgiving friends!! In a world where we are constantly on the move, sometimes it’s hard to stop and smell the roses… well, it is for me at least. I do know, however, that God has blessed me and my family with so many blessings and I cannot ever begin to repay Him for just how much we all have… with Thanksgiving finally here, I wanted to highlight my list of important {and some not-so important} things I am thankful for are:
1. A house to call a home
2. A career that keeps me stimulated
3. A family that supports me unconditionally
4. True friends
5. My gym and iPod that helps me have my “me time”
6. The ability to help others
7. A fiance and best friend that is the most incredible man I could’ve ever wished for
8. Handwritten thank-you notes
9. A wonderful church family and my faith that has increased exponentially
10. A computer that helps me stay connected to friends and family
11. My health
12. An incredible coffee maker that is always happy to give me my morning fix
13. Clothes to keep me warm this season
The list goes on and on, but I hope you all can take a moment to reflect on just how lucky each of us is and know that all our blessings come from Him. God bless all of you on this day {as well as all others!} and remember to be thankful for the men and women who are serving our proud nation–keep them safe and bring them home soon!

And, as if I could forget, today we are also celebrating a big turkey’s birthday in my family… my Papa’s 70th birthday!! What a special birthday–I am one lucky girl to have such a close relationship with my grandfather–he’s always been there for me from the day I was born, and he is such a loyal husband, father, and gradnfather. They just don’t make them like that anymore I tell you. He retired last year and has taken up even more hobbies with his free time. He and my grandmother are constantly on the go and traveling whenever they can. Such remarkable role models who have changed the lives of so many in our family. He is selfless, honest, the ever-comedian, and loves to entertain. Papa, Happy Birthday!!! I am so happy we are celebrating today AND this weekend… love you!!!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Enjoy your holiday, Happy Thanksgiving 🙂
Great list! Happy Thanksgiving…
Hope you have a lovely holiday!
love it! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving! xoxo
Hope your thanksgiving was fab!