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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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The Birthday Boy!


March 14, 2011

my dearest jeffrey,
today is your 27th birthday and i couldn’t be happier than for you to finally join this club so for a few brief months you can’t say i’m a cougar with a much younger man-ha!
we have so much to look forward to this year…the wedding is just 3 short months away and i promise to return to my happy-go-lucky self and will quit being a crazy person once we are finally husband and wife. for as much as we have been through these past 2.5 years together, i wouldn’t change one single bit of it. you are my absolute best friend and not a day goes by where i don’t thank God for bringing me such an incredible partner, friend, and confidant. you are everything i wished for and am getting my happy ending with an incredible person who is loving, selfless, thoughtful, honest, funny, and kind.
no day is ever dull with you and some of my favorite moments are when we’re sitting on the couch together holding hands and watching TV..to some it may not seem like much, but to me it’s the little moments you fill in each of my days that lets me know this is true happiness and this life of ours will be filled with plenty of cherished moments.
so thank you from the bottom of my heart for being the one to sweep me off my feet…i still haven’t landed and i doubt i ever will. forever and always and the mostest babe. love you.

natasha 😉

i promise to recap the FANTASTIC birthday party celebration tomorrow friends! so many pictures upload and then i can show you the official play-by-play…until tomorrow, happy monday–i am still getting adjusted to the spring forward time {which totally messed up my sleep pattern} and getting ready for the finale of the bachelor tonight–team emily all the way!
  1. Amy says:

    I just started reading your blog and you are too cute! So happy you found the one that completes you. The two of you are precious together. It's the most amazing feeling to be in love and to be loved in return. So happy for you two and I'm sure the wedding will be nothing short of perfection!!!

  2. Nicole Marie says:

    too cute!! happy birthday to him!!

  3. What a sweet note, you guys are so cute! Happy birthday to him!

  4. Such a sweet note! Happy birthday to your soon-to-be-hubby! I hope his party was a ton of fun. Can't wait for the recap. 🙂

  5. jayme says:


    happy happy birthday jeff!!

  6. Caroline says:

    Happy Birthday!!! Such a sweet letter!

  7. I have been so behind on my blog reading, but this was the sweetest post, sister! I love that last line – can I steal that for my next love letter to my man, please? Can't believe your big day is only 3 months away – enjoy every minute of it, my dear!

  8. Neely says:

    You 2 are precious! Happy birthday to your Mr!

  9. Brown Girl says:

    So cute, happy birthday Jeff!

  10. Kelly says:

    Being married to your best friend in the BEST thing ever!!!
    Happy Birthday Jeff!

  11. Ashley says:

    awww!! love all the pictures!!! you guys are so sweet together — happy birthday jeff!

  12. You guys are the cutest! Happy Birthday to your future hubby 🙂

  13. Very sweet. 🙂 You two are a really cute couple.

    My hubby and I will never be in the same decade, much less year. Eek.

    He's about 17 yrs. older. We have QUITE a story. I was 17 when we met! And my daddy's a preacher [gasp!] Haha!

    Sophisticated Steps

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