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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Fashionable Friday…Bright White


April 8, 2011

OK, so all of you were quick to come to the rescue and ease my fears about talking about all the white-what-not-to-wear, so I thought it would be a perfect Friday post to showcase anything and everything WHITE on the horizon this season…I think we should all wear this color as much as possible for all other events because it’s such a feminine and clean happy shade.

P.S. please tell me some of you saw Real Housewives of New York City last night. Did you notice how both Ramona and Alex wore white/ivory dresses to their friend’s wedding and how Jill and her gossip gals were quick to discuss?? CLASSIC–I was rolling in laughter, and yes, that would be me and my friends if we saw that as well 😉
{And for those of you wondering all about the “you can’t wear white pants/dresses/skirts before Easter and/or Memorial Day rule”…this is MY advice: if its above 75 degrees in April which constitutes as spring, put your favorite pieces on and sport them!}

Here are some of my favorites:
Source of Inspiration Dress via ModCloth
Ruffle Neck Blouse via Loft
Buttermilk Sky Taupe and Ivory Dress via Lulus
Deco Adoration Blouse via Anthropologie
Cloud 9 Top via Francesca’s
Calvin Klein “Alex” Sandal via Piperlime
 Summer Dream Strapless Dress via ShopRuche

Canvas Cargo Tote via JCrew
Remember to look out for all those sales, online coupons, and free shipping codes when shopping online…I think I am getting pretty good at racking up the savings as I shop!
That’s it for this week lovelies… tonight I’ll be FINISHING the rest of the invitations {BIG WAHOO!}, and then getting up bright and early tomorrow so Jeff and I can head to Knoxville for the rest of the weekend…can’t wait to spend it with some of my favorites, and put on a festive party dress for our shower, too. 😉 Have a wonderful weekend!!
  1. LC says:

    I am loving those white shoes!!

  2. Cait says:

    love white- so crisp clean and wonderful 🙂

  3. I love that first dress!

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend 🙂

  4. That last dress is adorable, and well-priced, too! White is such a classic color, I wear it all the time, especially my go-to for hanging around the house, the white t-shirt with jeans!

  5. Morgan says:

    Love the Modcloth dress!

  6. I just ordered that shirt from loft the other day! Great minds think alike!

  7. Miss Chelsea says:

    Ummmm I love ALL your picks! I just need a tan before I dawn too much white haha. Have fun in Knoxville!

  8. melissa says:

    So many pretty white pieces! I ignore the rule about white too. When you live in Florida and it can be 80 degrees on any given day of the week, I say white is almost always appropriate.

  9. Just found your blog… I am loving it! You have so many great ideas 😉

  10. Jenn says:

    I'm loving this! Can you do a post on what to wear for Easter coming up??

  11. Kori says:

    Great post honey! This post would be perfect for our link up today for Fashion Fridays. If you want to link up, check it out! Kori xoxo


  12. Jesica says:

    I am in LOVE with white this spring. Found a fabulous Tory Burch purse in white and am dying for a pair of J. Crew white jeans I saw on the Today Show yesterday morning, SO NOT MY STYLE, but for whatever reason this spring they will be!

  13. MJ says:

    I totally thought of you when I saw Real Housewives of NY and they showed up to the wedding in white!! So taboo!

    Loving some of these white pieces you've found!

  14. ooh, i might have to head over to loft and by that ruffled blouse now!

  15. Love your blog! So adorable 🙂 I COULD NOT BELIEVE the whiteness worn to wedding last night on RHNY!

  16. I love that LuLus dress! Perfection! Great choices 🙂

    Have a great weekend!

  17. Love love love the ruffles!

  18. Sara says:

    I love white…and white on white! So crisp and fun. I went searching for the BEST white jeans and feel successful in my search- Mainline, by Lilly

  19. It is that time of year again crisp whites and blues ahhh love it

  20. Kelly says:

    I love that Ruche dress. Well, I love most Ruche dresses, so that's not helpful. Good finds!

  21. Oh so lovely with the white spring touch!!

  22. I am loving your dress picks! They're stunning. You have a fabulous blog and I am your newest follower.


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