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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Fell in Love with a Boy


June 10, 2011

**Have no fear friends, I am not actually blogging on rehearsal day, I thought ahead and scheduled this post…hope you enjoy! 😉
I have to be honest, I’ve had mini freak-out moments lately…I mentioned this to friends, family, and of course Jeff, so it’s no surprise that I started getting a teeny bit nervous at the thought that not only am I going to be a Mrs, but I am going to be 1/2 of a 2 person team.
Now hear me out, I have ALWAYS been an extremely independent person…this could be due to the fact that my parents and grandparents enstilled that I shouldn’t wrap my happiness up in anything or anyone, but that if I wanted something, I had to get it/do it/earn it for myself. With that being said, I know that I couldn’t be happier to marry my best friend. After I talked through my fears and overall anxiousness, Jeff just put me at ease and reassured me we are in for a lifetime of fun, which made me realize just how easy it was to fall in love with him, and how excited I am to walk down the aisle to the rest of my life…oh sappy pathetic love fool I know 😉
This is the perfect opportunity for a little reminder of who I am marrying. I’m marrying someone…
Who lets me be me…
Who wants to protect me each and everyday… 
Who loves nothing more than watching TV to relax and unwind…
 Who loves to experiment in the kitchen…
And loves to eat everything I put in front of him…
 Who loves to get dressed up for a fun date night on the town…
 And who will be the first to fall asleep in the car once he’s had too much fun…  
 Who is FOREVER on the phone doing business…
 But isn’t afraid to drink with his pinky finger raised… 😉
 Who loves to be the navigator…
 Who enjoys traveling on vacation getaways with his partner-in-crime…
 And will pose like a total tourist because I ask him nicely…
 Who hates having his picture taken all the time…but knows I’ll do it anyway
 Who likes to act out in public with all my friends…AKA the bear scare!
 Who will do the cheesy holiday stuff, like pick pumpkins,
because he knows it’s one of my favorite activities…
Who will participate with my Dad in dressing up in funny hats for pictures…
Who asked for permission and got the blessing before popping the question…
 Who will carry a cheesy sign made by my Mom when I ran my first 1/2 marathon…
Who has one mighty big appetite…
 Who loves being at the beach, though doesn’t enjoy the relxation part of it… haha
 Who will sit and talk with hours about anything computer/finance/technology related…
And who makes me want to be a better person…
Thank you for making my life one filled with happiness, love, and laughter.
Love is passion, obsession, someone you can’t live without. I say, fall head over heels. Find someone you can love like crazy and who will love you the same way back. How do you find him? Well, you forget your head, and you listen to your heart. And I’m not hearing any heart. Cause the truth is, honey, there’s no sense living your life without this. To make the journey and not fall deeply in love, well, you haven’t lived a life at all. But you have to try, cause if you haven’t tried, you haven’t lived.
  1. Saying I do says:

    that is so freaking adorable. Congratulations, I'm so happy for you…have the BEST day tomorrow!

  2. B says:

    Happy wedding EVE! I cannot wait to see all the pictures and just know you are going to be a beautiful bride. Congratulations to you and your (almost) hubby 🙂

  3. Raquel says:

    Awwww so happy for you!! I can't wait to see wedding pictures 🙂

  4. SUCH a sweet post. Hope you have an absolutely wonderful wedding weekend and honeymoon:)

  5. hope you have the most amazing wedding wknd ever! can't wait to see the pics!

  6. Yay, congratulations! Have an incredible wedding!

  7. What a sweet post! Congrats to you both!

  8. stylemefab says:

    What a precious blog entry! Loved it! Congrats on your big day, I know it's going to be fabulous!

  9. Neely says:

    Happy wedding weekend!

  10. Ashley says:

    Such a cute post! Happy Wedding Weekend! Stummbled upon your blog and wanted to say hello..have a great weekend!

  11. CHH says:

    Dear Natasha,

    Loved your post.

    Who doesn't love a gentleman?

    Sounds like a keeper.

    Enjoy your Big Day and honeymoon!


    Coastal Blue Ocean

  12. Jenny says:

    yayyy You two are such a cute, soon to be, MARRIED couple! Congrats!!! Have so much fun on the Honeymoon!

  13. Such a sweet post! I'm so happy for you! Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the honeymoon future Mrs.!

  14. Meredith says:

    Congrats again girl!!! Enjoy and can't wait to see pictures!

  15. Shalyn says:

    So happy for you girly! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 I can't wait to see pictures!

  16. Michelle says:

    So happy for you! Happy wedding weekend and a lifetime of happiness as Mr. & Mrs. 🙂

  17. Jocelyn says:

    Ahh, so excited to be apart of it tomorrow night… your post made me teary eyed! 🙂

  18. This is the BEST post yet! Congrats lady!!! 🙂

  19. LB says:

    SO sweet, love this. Congrats!

  20. Ashley says:

    awwww….this post made me tear up! geezzz…lol. congrats to you guys! hope your BIG is all you ever hoped for and more 🙂

  21. Hailey says:

    Cried reading this!

    Could not be more excited for you and Jeff! Congratulations and I wish y'all a lifetime full of happiness and love.

    Can't wait to see pictures , I know it is going to be beautiful. Enjoy your honeymoon…time for 100% relaxation.

  22. Kerr says:

    this is such a great post! Enjoy your wedding weekend. Congrats!

  23. Lindsay says:

    such a cute post. congrats to you and your soon to be hubs!!! cannot wait to see your wedding photos and hear all about it.
    enjoy each and every second 🙂

  24. Sydney says:

    Congrats Natasha! The two of you are going to have the most incredible life together I just know it!

  25. Kim and Josh says:

    Love it! Enjoy every minute of your big day… can't wait until you share it with all of is as I know it will be fabulous! Congratulations!

  26. Ashley says:

    what an amazingly sweet post!!!
    Have a wondeful time on your BIG DAY! You are going to be a stunning bride — I can't wait to hear all about it!

  27. Perfect post … perfectly in love. Have a BLAST, soak it all in, take a moment at the reception to stand in the middle of the room and look all around you. ENJOY.

  28. Lindsay says:

    This is such a sweet post! Have a blast this weekend!! 🙂

  29. Mrs. H says:

    Sooo sweet! Hope you are enjoying every second of this weekend!

  30. Karolyn says:

    I smiled big reading this – congrats on your wedding, marriage and new start of your lives together! That quote on the end is so true and I ask for this everyday! Congrats!

  31. Savanah says:

    Happy Wedding Weekend Natasha!

  32. Brittany says:

    I absolutely loved this post! I am so happy for you, I hope your wedding day is amazing!! 🙂

  33. That is the sweetest thing ever. I'm so happy for you! Congratulations and soak up every minute of your big day! Can't wait to see pictures!

  34. Jamie says:

    Such a sweet post!

    Enjoy your wedding day! I can't wait to see pictures…I know it will be beautiful!

  35. Blessings to you both! Cannot wait to see pics!!!!

  36. Congrats!!! Thought of you a couple times this weekend, how you probably are smiling ear to ear!! Enjoy you new normal!! 🙂

  37. congratulations!! you're married 🙂

    you're both so adorable!

    xo katie elizabeth

  38. Miss Chelsea says:

    I hope you guys are having a wonderful time on your honeymoon!!

  39. This is such an adorable post. I hope the day was PERFECT!!

  40. Brittany says:

    This is the sweetest post!! Very creative! Congrats!! Enjoy every single minute of it!!

  41. Britt+Whit says:

    wow this post is so feaking cute! I love it. Dont forget he is marrying a catch too! Congrats 🙂

    love from San Francisco,

  42. hey sweet girl – love this post and CANNOT wait to see photos and hear all about the big
    day and honeymoon!!

    so happy for you! i promise you, you will be amazed as each season / each year / etc. that passes how it truly is possible to fall more and more in love with someone. praying many blessings for you guys! happy honeymoon!


  43. oh congratulations! seems like I found your blog at a VERY important time!

  44. Cinfests! Happy wedding weekend!


  46. love this. so exciting. you look stunning. hope you had an amazing weekend. Stop by to see pictures from my weekend in Laguna Beach. xoxo


    Don't forget to follow on twitter for all the latest celebrity fashion news from an LA stylist.


  47. Kelly says:

    Woo Hoo! So excited for you two 🙂 Congratulations!

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