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Food for Thought


June 7, 2011

Last night, I tried my hardest to escape reality for a bit and watch The Bachelorette, yet low and behold, poor Ashley is just not winning my attention…is anyone else out there having a hard time watching this season? The Bentley “situation” seems too cheesy and staged, the guys aren’t all that entertaining to watch, and I just don’t think she fits the category of the other bachelorettes from prios seasons…bless her heart, I think I have to move on to more intellectual shows like The Real HW of New Jersey {haha} and Million Dollar Decorators.
I found an article this morning about the 10 Signs You Need a Rest Day from Runner’s World and thought this way very much worth noting–we need to pay attention to our bodies and what they are telling us when we exercise and run a lot…
1. BODY MASS: You lost weight from yesterday
2. RESTING HEART RATE: Your resting heart rate is elevated
3. SLEEP: You didn’t sleep well or enough
4. HYDRATION: Your pee is dark yellow
5. ENERGY LEVEL: You’re run down
6. MOOD STATE: You’re cranky
7. WELLNESS: You’re sick
8. PAIN: You’re sore or nursing an injury
9. PERFORMANCE: Your workout went poorly
10. OXYGEN SATURATION: Your oxygen level has dipped
So I recently went to the store to stock up on reading material for the honeymoon and can’t wait to dive in to these new reads…and by all means, send me other recommendations for good and relaxing books–I love spending my days soaking up the sun AND reading!
Heart of the Matter by Emily Giffin
Heaven is for Real by Todd Burpo
Today is my last day at work before the big wedding and honeymoon vacation…as hard as I am trying to stay focused, sorry peeps at the office, I have officially checked out–mind, body, and spirit are now in crazy bride mode. I am happy to report that thanks to the lovely creators of Tylenol PM, I was able to sleep extremely well last night–ahhhhh! 
This afternoon, I’m heading to the salon to get my final hair cut and color and then it’s to the house to finish packing and loading up my car for my last few single girl nights at my parent’s house. Tonight, Jeff and I will spend our last night together cooking dinner and just hanging out–then it’s off to meet up with Mom tomorrow morning and let the fun commence. Out of town friends start arriving on Thursday and I couldn’t be more elated! Oh Happy Days
  1. Caroline says:

    Eeek! It's right around the corner. Enjoy your night in! 🙂

  2. Keri says:

    I just started reading "Vision in White" by Nora Roberts. It's book one of the Bridal Quartet series. Its an easy read so far. Similar to Emily Giffin's books. Early congrats on your marriage!

  3. have a wonderful wedding!

  4. Ashley says:

    HAPPY WEDDING WEEK! I'm sure everything will go perfectly as planned, so enjoy the next few days. 🙂

  5. Congrats for the thousandth time. Check out my new book club recommendation. I think it would be right up your alley. 🙂

  6. Tina says:

    oh my gosh the BIG day is so close!! i remember the last day at work was like a blur for me cos i had sooo much to do after it i couldnt concentrate… ive never watch ANY of the bachelors or bachelorettes. lol sucks you cant get into this one though!

  7. Oooooh how fun! I worked my wedding week thru Thursday at noon and everyone was like – "Why are you still here?!" So I think it's great that you are taking Wednesday off too. Have you read The Help? That was my honeymoon book of choice. Little Bee and Bel Canto are also faves. Have a BLAST tonight with your fiance and soak it up that it's the last low-key night together until you are husband and wife!

  8. CMae says:

    I feel terrible for Ashley on the show. I kinda agree with
    the bachelors wanting someone else as the bachelorette I think they picked a girl they know is not going to in the end, end up with anyone just simply due to her emotional instability!

  9. CMae says:

    I feel terrible for Ashley on the show. I kinda agree with
    the bachelors wanting someone else as the bachelorette I think they picked a girl they know is not going to in the end, end up with anyone just simply due to her emotional instability!

  10. Ashley says:

    ohmygosh..the book Heaven is for real is such a wonderful book! The whole time I read the book I was literally in tears! It was really good, inspiring and in some ways eye opening for me to live my life entirely for God. Hope you enjoy!

  11. Sarah says:

    Oh my gosh, it's wedding week!!!

    I am sure I am not the first and will not be the last, enjoy every second of it as it really does fly by! The week, the rehearsal, the day, the honeymoon….soak it all in, it truly is the most magical time of your life!

    And if you are anything like me, don't expect sleep. I, too, had to take Tylenol PM so I didn't lose my mind! 🙂

    So excited for you and cannot wait to see pics!! I know we are all dying to see all of your planning come together!

  12. Mrs. SE says:

    I'm so excited for you! I hope it's everything that you imagined!

  13. Leah says:

    I loved Heart of the Matter and feel exactly the same way about this season with Ashley. She's so needy, I cant stand watching it!

  14. I am sooo happy for you! Enjoy every minute of these days!!

  15. Caitlin says:

    Someone else already mentioned it but I'm also going to reccommend The Help. I just finished it and loved it! Congrats, again!

  16. Have SO much fun with everything – it goes by WAY too quickly!

  17. Lindsay says:

    I can't even imagine how excited you are right now – it's so CLOSE!!! Enjoy every minute of it, I've heard that it flies by!

    I just finished reading Heart of the Matter and I loved it. Perfect book for reading on the beach/by the pool! Another one of my favorites that I could seriously read over and over again is "Everyone Worth Knowing" by Lauren Weisberger (the woman who wrote "The Devil Wears Prada"). I highly recommend it!

  18. Yay for wedding week!! As anxious as you may be enjoy every minute of it and relax as much as possible. I will be married 5 yrs on 7/1 and I can remember everything about that day. Best wishes and have fun!

  19. Ashley annoys me so much! I didn't like her that much on the Bachelor so I knew I wouldn't love her as Bachelorette, but I'm still watching, haha!

  20. Sarah Mina says:

    I love Emily Giffin's books!

  21. LC says:

    so happy for ya & cant wait to see the pictures! Have fun!

  22. I'm not watching The Bachelorette either. I just don't like Ashley and I think it's getting too fake.

    So happy for you! I know you can't wait!!

  23. I am totally with you girlie — for some reason I just feel like she is trying too hard as the Bachelorette 🙁 I LOVE JP

  24. Heather KA says:

    you will LOVE Heaven is For Real…such a great read…happy wedding week, hope it's all great and you have an awesome honeymoon too!

  25. Nicole-Lynn says:

    Enjoy every minute!

    I went out and got the book, "I do, now what?" by Guiliana & Bill Rancic. Great honeymoon read! 🙂

  26. Amy says:

    YAY!!! Just a few more days before you're a Mrs. WOOHOO!!! Soak up every minute of it. It truly is one of the most exciting and beautiful moments in life!!!

  27. Jill says:

    I keep telling myself I'm not going to watch the new episodes – then I hear other people talking about them and always find myself watching it on Hulu. It's so addicting!! I don't know if you've read Sarah's Key but it was amazing.

  28. Great post! Glad i found your blog! Excited to read more:)

  29. Kristin says:

    Hope you have the best weekend and wedding!! I dont know if Heart of the matter is the best book to read right now, kinda depressing!!

  30. Melissa says:

    I am with you on the Bachelorette thing! Ashley is driving me up the walls! Also, congrats on your marriage! What an exciting time!:)

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