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10 Day You Challenge..Day 1: Ten Secrets


August 22, 2011

I stumbled across this fun little blogging party over at Leggings are NOT Pants and thought this link-up was just too fun to not participate in…plus, I haven’t done one of these in quite some time so this should be interesting! {plus, I can do anything for 10 days–not something that is so long that I tend to get burnt out!}

1. I secretly sometimes wish Jeff and I would’ve moved to NYC. I miss the hustle and bustle of city life so much it seems like I missed out on something I really think I was meant to do.  
2. I have a phobia of white foods {sauces and condiments mostly}.
3. I want to be my own boss one day.
4. I want to combine all my family and friends’ recipes into a cookbook. I love homemade gifts.
5. I am sick of writing thank-you notes…with late gifts still coming, I am OVER IT.
6. I know every word to the Wicked soundtrack. {and yes, it is that good}
7. I don’t like to share. People closest to me know, but others do not. And yes, it drives Jeff nuts!
8. I doodle all the time…at my desk, in meetings, on conference calls.
9. If I could trade places with any person for a day, I would want to be Beyonce. Singing, dancing, and roaming around the world, I think that would be the life!
10. I am horrible at keeping secrets…it’s most certainly not my strongest trait.

  1. Day Old News says:

    BEYONCE IS FABULOUS!!! I am actually scared of LEAVING the city someday. Not that I have any plans to, but I can't imagine raising kids here.

  2. Nicole says:

    I know every word to the Wicked soundtrack, too! It will forever be my favorite play!

  3. Jamie says:

    I LOVE Wicked and all the songs 🙂

  4. I majorly, majorly feel ya on the thank you notes. I just did 8 today in the airport and on the plane. Blech.

  5. And by the way, I know that sounds ungrateful. I am totally TOTALLY thankful. It's just the process of writing them under a deadline that I don't love!

  6. CMae says:

    So we were in an office meeting and I leaned over to ask you to "borrow" a pen, you saying you would be hesitant to share a pen? BAHAHAHAH That's so meeeeeeee!

    You should "type" your basic thank you note out lol I know you are all about your really neat handwriting but i'm sure your hand needs a break! Heheh

  7. Brekke says:

    I LOVE the Wicked soundtrack. It's amazing and makes housework easier, well pretty much anything easier!

  8. Julia says:

    I'm not good at sharing either. Guess it just doesn't come naturally to some of us!

  9. Sarah Mina says:

    I might have to participate in this, too! I also wish we lived in a bigger city, Chicago would be amazing for a young couple with no kids 🙂


  10. Amy says:

    I understand about those thank you notes! I wrote thank you notes for hours every day after work for weeks. But take heart…they will end one day!!! 🙂

  11. Ashley says:

    yay! I am glad you participated! 🙂 I LOVE New York and would love to live there! Did you live there once before??

    I have family that lives there and love to visit!

  12. Kate says:

    You inspired me to do this challenge too. Thanks, Lady.

    I love the idea of a family recipe cookbook. so clever!


  13. I definitely don't share either!! Except I'm always wanting to share bites of my food with Kenny, he's not so into that though, lol!

  14. Nicole-Lynn says:

    I hear you on the wedding thank you's! We finally finished ours after almost 4 months of being married!

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