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Day 2 of 10 Day Challenge…Nine Loves {and Randomness!}


August 23, 2011

Back for installment #2 of the challenge…rolling along, aren’t we? Today’s topic–nine loves:
1. I love crawling into my bed with freshly washed sheets
2. I love getting sweet little gifts from friends for no reason at all
3. I love days where we don’t have an agenda and can do whatever we please
4. I love how my hubby may say he doesn’t enjoy reality TV, but he’ll be right there beside me watching it all and gossiping about it afterwards
5. I love how close my parents are with Jeff…a relationship I always dreamed my partner would have with them
6. I love all the blessings God gives to us…he is TOO good
7. I love writing in my planner with my colored markers–so organized I tell you!
8. I love spray tans…no more tanning beds for me, but I still get the “effect” of a tan
9. I love to write and read other blogs…really helps me air out feelings, and find out what others have going on–even better for inspiration for decor and recipes, too!
10. I love that fall is inching closer…I am ready for crock pot favorites, tailgating parties, seeing my BFF Bev almost every weekend, cheering for the VOLS, baking, Halloween and Thanksgiving, spending time with family, traveling, and going to as many falltime festivals and events as possible!

So, last night was my favorite night of television…brings happiness back to Mondays. Started out with Giuliana and Bill–gosh I love that show. She is just too funny for words! Then switching over to Bachelor Pad to watch in all that drama…it never gets old. Although I have to admit, I was secretly wishing Kasey would get the ax, but it seems as though beloved Jake {on the wings of love} is going to be the one saying hasta la vista instead–boo. Either Vienna or kasey has to go…I can’t stand seeing that hair of hers or hear his singing one more time.
Now for the finale of last night’s garbage fest, I have officially given into Bravo’s newest addiction Most Eligible Dallas…has anyone else seen this? WOW–these people have issues. But it’s another guilty pleasure and I am already hooked.

I feel like today is the first day of school or something…I have my first small group Junior League get together tonight and I have butterflies in my stomach–I never get nervous so this is a little strange for me…I’m just so excited!!

Have a great day friends 😉

  1. Number 4 made me laugh. My fiance is the same way. He pretends he hates it but then knows every character and who did what to who. It's hilarious.

  2. Catherine says:

    i cannot believe you are enjoying the dallas show! lol. i know the guy matt…curious to know what you think about him. dallas life is not like that at all. really. 🙂

  3. Kelli says:

    I am SO there with you and #7…I love them too! I can't wait for Fall either. Freshly washed sheets is THE best 🙂

  4. I completely love your list!! Love those loves 🙂

    And I'm watching the horrible trashy tv that is Dallas Single people too…can't stop watching!!

  5. I love this list and link up idea. Might be a good one for me to do while i'm stuck blogging from my iPad. Thanks!

  6. So get this, I know 3 of the 6 people on the show Most Eligible Dallas …. beyond crazy!!!! I of course watch for that reason 🙂 although it isn't my hometowns finest moments.

  7. I too watch Most Eligible Dallas, which I am slightly embarassed about. But, I will tell you I saw a picture that one of my friends took and it was a sign outside of a restaurant in Dallas that said "If you tried out for Most Eligible Dallas, you cannot eat here. Ever." Hilarious. – Alyssa

  8. Sarah Mina says:

    I am SO ready for Fall, too! Hopefully it will bring some cooler temperatures with it!


  9. Kristin says:

    Love this 10 day challenge idea! So fun! Look forward to getting to know you better through it…

  10. Pamela says:

    I love that Fall is soo close 🙂 Favorite time of the year!

  11. Jamie says:

    I just LOVE having clean, fresh sheets too!

  12. Mrs. SE says:

    Most eligible Dallas- count me in too!

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