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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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R is for Random


September 29, 2011

It’s Thursday and my mind is a big lump of jello…blogging rut, perhaps? How that is possible–I have no idea, so don’t mind me while I babble on about nothing anything that pops into my brain.

I’m back to baking friends, ahhh it feels good to have enough energy to be back in the kitchen! Since we’re taking Amber food tonight to help her and Luke cope with the new bambino, I decided to take on the dessert component of the meal {surprise surprise}. My how I have missed cooking…I whipped up a batch of Oreo Cheesecakes and due to my official taste testing, they are REALLY good, and easy, too:
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup sugar
16 oz cream cheese, softened {(I used reduced fat}
2 eggs
7 Oreos {crushed into small pieces}
1 Oreo pie crust
Preheat oven to 350. Mix together vanilla, sugar, and cream cheese together with electric mixer on medium speed for 2 minutes until well combined. Add in eggs and mix until smooth consistency–then add in 1/2 of the crushed Oreos and spoon mixture into pie crust. Top with the other 1/2 of crushed Oreos and bake for 35-40 minutes until pie is almost set up. Then, allow to cool completely and refrigerate for 4+ hours until ready to serve!

The highs this weekend in Nashville are only going to be in the mid-60s…I am so excited I could burst. This means I can officially bring out the scarves, boots, leggings, and tunics–otherwise known as the most comfortable pieces to wear ever.
I have officially ventured over to the dark side…with regards to my nails. No more pinks, corals, and bright colored hues for this girl–the chilly temps are on their way, meaning I can experiment with my favorite fall colors, thanks to Essie, Sephora, and OPI.
That’s all I got for today friends…I forewarned you, mumbo jumbo at its best. I will leave you with some fun little inspirational quotes and I promise to be back tomorrow with a new Fashionable Friday!!

  1. Lauren says:

    I like the sweater that you posted. I'm trying to find one similar to that for fall but I can't seem to find one that I like! I know what I want in my head but I'm not finding it!


  2. Vicky says:

    I WISH the weather were cooling down here in Florida. Still hot and humid. UGH!!! The thought of wearing boots and scarves here, right now, is just ridiculous. So sad 🙁

  3. Mrs. Lovely says:

    Ha, I did a post about the dark side as well! Can't wait to try the oreo recipe, I'm thinking of adding orange food coloring in the cream cheese maybe???

  4. Kayln says:

    That oreo dessert looks amazing!!! I'm drooling from the pic! 😉

  5. Allison says:

    That cheesecake looks amazing! While I'm ready for the fall weather, I'm not looking forward to the football night game on Saturday I'm going to. Highs are going to be in the 50's! Eeekk! Time to pull out all my winter clothes!

  6. That cheesecake looks fantastic! I am so ready for cooler temperatures this weekend. My sweaters and scarves are begging to be worn!

  7. I just stocked up on some OPI fall colors!!! Super excited!!!

  8. Caroline says:

    Ice cream does equal happiness! 🙂

  9. Shari says:

    I love the randomness of this post, and I really want to make the oreo cheesecake. Yum!

  10. Catherine says:

    please come over & make that oreo cheesecake, omg.

  11. Awww, I bet they were so appreciative of the food, especially something for the sweet tooth!

    Those red flats are sooo cute. I am such a sucker for bright colors. Especially the cooler and grayer it gets out of doors…

  12. Target has great maternity leggings… Just so you know! 🙂

  13. Oh em gee you had me at Oreo cheesecake! 🙂

    I'm SO excited to be visiting Nashville in two weeks! It'll be my first time in the south and (sadly to say) my first time seeing fall foliage! We don't get much of a color change in LA…probably because we don't have many trees 🙁

  14. The Egg says:

    those boots are adorable! and that oreo cake….whoa!

    the egg out west.

  15. The Oreo pie looks so amazing! I love simple, sugary treats! I hope it cools down here too so we can start switching out our wardrobes 🙂

  16. Tiff says:

    I love the outfit! I'm not sure I am ready for the dip in temperatures planned for this weekend.. 82 was nice today! 🙂

  17. Jamie says:

    Fall outfits are the best 🙂

    The worry quote is one of my faves! I need to remind myself of that more often 🙂

  18. L.Caroline says:

    I'm all about the dark colored nails, too! And have never been in years past. You Don't Know Jacque but OPI is currently my favorite. 🙂

  19. love your blog. you always have the best recipes and inspire me to cook more!

  20. Shana says:

    yum! Must try that reciepe!

  21. Mommyblogger says:

    Yesterday I made Oreo Cheesecake Bites! I found it on pinterest. It was super good but super difficult & time consuming. Your recipe looks like basically the same thing just much much easier. Thanks for sharing. I'll definitely be giving this one a try 🙂

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