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What’s in a Name? The Big Reveal!


November 8, 2011

Youโ€™ve been waiting patiently for this post, havenโ€™t you? ๐Ÿ˜‰
The talk of names began weeks and weeks months ago, when we first discovered we were pregnantโ€ฆ Jeff and I throwing out potential ideas and searching websites for baby names, but then I got completely overwhelmed and had to take a step back. Mom suggested buying one of those โ€œcomprehensiveโ€ baby name books, but I just couldnโ€™t do itโ€”they were absolutely too much to take in and I had a feeling we would come to it on our own  time.

We had picked out the potential boy name pretty quickly, which meant with certainty we would have a girl, as I had been up in the air between a few names and didnโ€™t have โ€œthe oneโ€ {to which I have to admit that sadly I wonโ€™t be sharing the boys nameโ€ฆmaybe someday when/if we have a boy}.
So then came the easy partโ€ฆremoving potentials that didnโ€™t work with our last nameโ€”Stoneking is quite a difficult one to match when youโ€™re trying to think of traditional, southern names let me tell you {and yes, I am saying this as even Jeff admits this is true}. Funny enough, my favorite name combination wouldโ€™ve make her monogram ASS, to which I ruled out ever-so-quickly. As a southerner, you know we personalize everything, and I couldnโ€™t torment my child from the day she was born.
With that, we started thinking of possible family names to use, to which I came back to one I had always lovedโ€ฆmy Grandmotherโ€™s name is Carol, my middle name is Carol after her, so I knew I wanted to do something similar to honor a woman who has been so instrumental to my lifeโ€”with that came the first nameโ€ฆcan you figure it out yet?
As for the middle name, we wanted something traditional and short. Our little one will eventually have to learn how to spell her name and I didnโ€™t want her having to add something like Elizabeth to the mix. We decided on a one syllable, very traditional name, but changed it up a bit with a semi-different first letter for funโ€ฆwith that, debuting in March will be our little one:

Caroline Cate Stoneking: CSC

And yes, I am well aware her monogram is going to look perfectly symmetricalโ€ฆyou should know we thought about this a VERY long time!
Whatโ€™s interesting is that for people that know me, they say they thought I never wouldโ€™ve gone with such a traditional nameโ€ฆto which I find odd. From my perspective, I grew up with a name I love, but one that most can never pronounce correctly at first {itโ€™s not Na-TOSH-a, itโ€™s Na-TASH-aโ€”like cash} and I know firsthand how frustrating it can be to have to correct people.
Once we told some of our family and friends, we both agreed it was perfect and just fitsโ€ฆJeff is so sweet in the mornings when he rubs my tummy and tells her “I love you Caroline!”. And yes, I am aware there are people out there that think it’s OK to voice their opinions on your baby’s chosen name–everyone has their own opinions, that’s for sure! But we stuck with our initial thoughts and couldn’t be happier. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Now let the monogramming begin!

  1. Hailey says:

    So cute and southern!!! I love it ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Carolyn says:

    I love the name! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Cait says:

    omg i love it girl ๐Ÿ™‚ so adorable! its a great pic for your little one!

  4. melissa says:

    A beautiful name for a sure to be beautiful girl! I love it!

  5. Heather says:

    I love the name you chose!

  6. Emily says:

    Caroline is my 21 months old's middle name! If we ever have another girl…they will share the same initials and her middle name will be Cate with a C, too! Great taste:)

  7. Mateya says:

    Timeless and beautiful! Great choice ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. LOVE IT!!! Will she go by caroline or cate? Such a sweet timeless name -Sarah

  9. Ashley says:

    Caroline is such a good southern name! I never expected you to do anything other than a traditional, southern name!

  10. Love the name! So traditional and beautiful! Hope you are feeling well!
    -Beth Slatery

  11. So cute!!!

    I giggled at the monogram of one of the choices. Bless her heart, that'd been awful!

  12. Liz says:

    SUCH an adorable name! Love it – it's perfect!

  13. Shari says:

    Love the name. A perfect pick. ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. Vicky says:

    Yay! Love the name choice. Wow you even thought about the monogram. Totally wouldn't have thought about it… BUT now that you mention it I will keep that in consideration. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  15. amanda says:

    I love her name. And good thinking on what it would be in a monogram!

  16. Miss V says:

    Beautiful name!! I think you did a wonderful job picking it and I LOVE Cate with a C I think it's just so sweet. Caroline Cate. Adorable!! So happy for the both of you!!

  17. Megan says:

    I absolutely adore this name. So perfectly southern. And with a symmetrical monogram, little Caroline Cate is a lucky girl!!

  18. I love it and I can so relate to having to correct people when they dont say your name correct. Congrats again!

  19. Laura says:

    Such a sweet name! Doesn't having an actual name make it seem so real?!

  20. WHAT A BEAUTIFUL NAME!!!! And why yes, that's pretty perfect w/ the symetrical monogram! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Gahhh… love all of this…it just keeps getting better! So exciting!

  21. Britt says:

    Caroline is one of my favorite names, it always has been. Uber southern, I love it!

  22. Sarah says:

    It's beautiful! Love Cate for a middle name too, especially the spelling. ๐Ÿ™‚

  23. i absolutely LOVE it!! you know i love cate ๐Ÿ™‚ and caroline was going to be gray's name, if he had been a girl! ๐Ÿ™‚

  24. Lauren says:

    What a great name. That's actually one of our girl picks as well. We're temporarily living in South Carolina for 5 years and thought it would be a perfect fit. Great job and I can't wait to see little picks of this one. Thanks for sharing!

  25. Caroline says:

    Personally, I love it! ๐Ÿ™‚ She will be called Carolyn which will drive her crazy, but I love my name. I almost wish my name wasn't Caroline so I could have a Caroline.

  26. Savannah says:

    I LOVE your daughter's name! Caroline, Charlotte and Cate are my top three girl names, so I totally think you have good taste. ๐Ÿ™‚ A monogram is SO important and I LOVE the symmetry …. And the alliteration with her first and middle names. I just love it! Congrats on completing one more milestone on the way to meeting your precious daughter.

  27. Lauren says:

    I love your blog and the name is beautiful! I don't know you well… only from reading for the past few months but I think the name suits perfectly!

  28. Chelsea says:

    What a beautiful name! I love it ๐Ÿ™‚

  29. Keri says:

    Just perfect!

  30. Kayln says:

    SUCH a cute name! So classic, sweet, girly and just perfect! And coming from someone who also has a name that no one can pronounce, she will appreciate an easy-to-say name!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  31. p.V.e says:

    What an adorable name! I love how classic it is! Can't wait to see her in the spring!

  32. p.V.e says:

    What an adorable name! I love how classic it is! Can't wait to see her in the spring!

  33. Lauren says:

    I love her name! It is so beautiful! And I'll bet one day she will be glad you didn't choose whatever name would have been in the original monogram! I can't wait to see pictures of her ! Congratulations to you both!!


  34. Tricia says:

    Love it! Classy and beautiful. Great choice.

  35. Beautiful classic name and awesome monogram! ASS wouldn't have worked at all. What was that name?

  36. Kristen says:

    I love classic, timeless names like this! Ours is up the same alley ๐Ÿ™‚

  37. Rachel says:

    What a perfect, precious name! It already fits her wonderfully! That little one is going to be so loved ๐Ÿ™‚

  38. Beautiful! We considered Caroline as well.

  39. I love you blog, and the name is adorable! Quite the dainty name!

  40. Love it!! And the monogram…perfect ๐Ÿ™‚ Your hubby is so sweet to be whispering to her already…

  41. Kimberly says:

    How has no one mentioned that she will even have her own song.. Sweet Caroline!!! Maybe it's a northern thing, or a Boston thing ๐Ÿ™‚ Congratulations to you and your little family!

  42. Marian says:

    Love the name!! Perfect pick for the soon-to-be perfect little bundle of joy!

  43. Love the name Caroline Cate! So beautiful and the monogram is super cute:)

  44. Nicole-Lynn says:

    Beautiful name! Love the symmetrical monogram too! ๐Ÿ™‚
    I know a little girl with the name Caroline… and she is as sweet as can be! Her momma is southern, grew up in GA and now they live in FL.

  45. Rachael Lamb says:

    love it!

    that's my number one choice if i ever have a girl!


  46. How Precious & How Southern! Love the name, its just perfect.

  47. Heather says:

    Love her name! Congratulations on such a big milestone ๐Ÿ™‚ happy monogramming!!

  48. I love the name Caroline–good work!

  49. LOVE:) Of course, I am a little biased!! I would have never guessed your name was pronounced the way it is, you learn something new every day!

  50. Hailey says:

    by the way, dying to know what the aSs name was going to be:)

  51. L.Caroline says:

    Love it! It will be my first baby girl's name, too, as my middle name is Caroline. And I also like the symmetrical monogram. ๐Ÿ™‚

  52. Megan says:

    the name is perfect and I'm So excited for you and Jeff!

  53. Carroll says:

    Such a precious name! I love it!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  54. Karah says:

    Love the name. I am such a fan of old family traditional names. ๐Ÿ™‚

  55. BeckyJo606 says:

    Such a perfect name! I love that you thought about her monogram!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  56. Girlfriend! I love it! Now you know I'm going to have to find something and get her monogram on it!!! Beautiful name!!

  57. R says:

    I love that you picked a nice normal name. Nothing majes me more crazy than going into school and having to try and read a roster with names that look like parents just picked letters out of a Scrabble bag. Beautiful name choice!

  58. Cynthia says:

    I am so excited for you! My best friend's name is Carolina, but we all call her "Caro." (The "r" is rolled because she's Cuban.) So pretty!

    Btw-I loved the Cate with a "c." I love alternate spellings :).

  59. Samma says:

    I love it! Classic and stylish. Side note, one of my best friend's monogram became ASS after she got married. Her monogrammed towels are hilarious!

  60. Sunny says:

    Ooooh….I know I am biased, but I absolutely love the name you chose. My first-born daughter's name is Caroline. My husband and I agreed on it immediately. It is a simply elegant name. My Caroline's middle name is Hope. It is very appropriate for her. I looooovee Cate. Great choice. I have another daughter by the name of Katherine, but we call her Katie or Kate! So happy for you.

  61. Jamie says:

    Love it ๐Ÿ™‚ One of my best friends is having a little girl and is naming her Caroline too ๐Ÿ™‚ Such a pretty name!

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