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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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25 Weeks…BIG Milestone!


December 8, 2011


 can you tell hubby was making me giggle?

How Far Along? 25 weeks, 5 days…ONLY 100 DAYS TO GO! {please tell me that sounds like it is quickly approaching and I am not losing my mind}
Size of Sweet Caroline? 13.5 inches long and she weighs about 1.5 pounds…some websites say she is the size of a rutabaga, while others point to an eggplant–either way, she is growing like a weed.
Maternity Clothes? I am obsessed with maternity jeans…I used to gawk at the idea of wearing something so “mommish”, yet they are comfortable and still fashionable. Gap has the best and I’ve invested in multiple pairs of the Sexy Boot and the Long and Lean styles. It’s fun having a growing bump in the winter with all the fun sweaters and tunics, too!
Weight Gain? Drumroll please–19 pounds…when I look at my scale I can’t believe I’ve gained that much, though I know I needed to. My doctor said I was underweight before I got pregnant so she is glad to see I am doing better, though I think most of it has gone to the “ladies” up top–haha. I’ll just keep telling myself that “plump” babies are much cuter anyways πŸ˜‰
Stretch Marks? Nope, but I am itching all the time.
Gender? Sugar and spice and everything nice…that is what little girls are made of.
Movement? Little wee one is active morning, noon, and night these days and has taken a significant liking to resting right on my ribs=painful, but a small sacrifice in the gran scheme of everything.
Sleep? Doing better this week, probably because I have literally worn myself to the point of exhaustion with events, exercising, and work.
Food Cravings? Apple cider–I simply can’t get enough. I’m also back on the fruit train…bananas, pomegranates, and blackberries.
What I Miss? Being able to snuggle with Jeff on the couch..he knows I need “my space” these days.
Symptoms? Itchiness, Braxton Hicks, and the fun retaining water phenomenon I’ve heard so much about.
Best Moment of the Week? Ordering the perfect chair for the nursery, stocking up more of the wee one’s closet, and we’re meeting with a potential pediatrician tonight–fingers crossed!

  1. Sarah says:

    You look so cute!! Where did you get that red dress?

  2. Tess says:

    Ohhh you look just darling! It sounds like pregnancy is treating you very well. Don't you worry about the number on the scale because once you have sweet Caroline running your halls, it will probably melt off!

  3. Caitlin says:

    You are just glowing! Can't wait for the appearance of the little one! πŸ™‚

  4. Samantha says:

    You're looking absolutely adorable, Natasha! These last 100 days are going to FLY by and then your sweet little girl will be here πŸ™‚ so exciting!

  5. You look so cute! I love that red dress on you!

  6. Savannah says:

    You are SO adorable!I love all of your pregnancy updates and look forward to seeing Miss Caroline. Have a great day!

  7. Nicole says:

    You are the cutest preggo lady ever! You have the glow!
    Love your blog!

  8. Erin says:

    You look fantastic! Glad to hear you're still doing well πŸ™‚ Looking forward to meeting your lil' Princess!!

  9. Wow! Only 100 days to go! Getting close…and looking great! I can't wait to see which chair your chose for the nursery!

  10. Sarah says:

    You are too cute! πŸ™‚ Can't wait to see your nursery finds!

  11. 100 days left – WOW! That is a milestone indeed – tomorrow you venture into the land of the double digit countdown. AND, you couldn't look an ounce more precious! πŸ™‚

  12. Laura says:

    I remember getting to that 100 day point and it suddenly seemed SO close! You look great! I'm sorry you are having the rib pain. Grayson sat SO high and my ribs hurt so bad for the last 3 months. It's worth it! πŸ™‚

  13. You are the most adorable mom-to-be you are beaming with happiness and you look gorgeous!!

  14. Lauren says:

    You are so cute pregnant! I hope I look like you when I have a baby! πŸ™‚

  15. Shari says:

    You look great! So adorable. πŸ™‚

  16. Mateya says:

    100 days! Yay! Love the red sweater dress! I need to find some maternity pants, I am not loving the bella band πŸ™

  17. little b says:

    If you hadn't said 19 lbs I would have guessed not even 9 lbs…honestly it doesn't look like you've gained anything at all!

  18. Caitlin says:

    I really think that you are the cutest pregnant woman ever! Don't sweat those 19 pounds because you look fabulous! Love these weekly updates, and yes 100 days sounds so soon!

  19. Kate says:

    Now that you have said that your doc felt you were underweight and that you've gained 19 lbs… it all makes sense BECAUSE giiiiiirl, it hardly looks like you've even gained 5 lbs. Honestly. I'm sure you feel and see the gain, but as a follower of yours, you still look super tiny. Your lucky that the weight hasn't gone to your hips or arms — that's my fear. Boobs and belly is a-okay with me, but please Lord… do not expand my hips/thighs. Haha!

    I'm loving your red dress too – how very festive!

    And yes, 100 days left totally seems like a milestone. I mean, tomorrow you'll be in double digits. It's just like counting down for a wedding. Kinda πŸ˜‰

  20. Keri says:

    You are the cutest!

  21. Amy says:

    You are too cute for words!!! So glad to hear everything is going well and according to plan!!!

  22. Kit says:

    You look great!!! I have been freaking out about the poundage as well, but I keep telling myself that it will all come off!!!

  23. Nicole-Lynn says:

    You look adorable! Loving the red sweater dress! You have no idea how hard it is to find one.. I just settled for a grey one for a christmas party! πŸ™

    Only 100 days to go! I agree with Kate– kinda like counting down for a wedding! ha! πŸ™‚

  24. Wow! I can't believe you're already 25 weeks along! You are still stunning and radiant–the baby bump becomes you, hehe!

  25. You look fantastic – not to mention glowing with excitement!

  26. Raquel says:

    You look AMAZING! So gorgeous, as always πŸ™‚

  27. Petchie says:

    Still looking great! Love the dress!


  28. Tou look great . The time will go by fast.

  29. Rachel says:

    You look so amazing! She is going to be so very cute, and even better, healthy! Many congrats!! πŸ™‚

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