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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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The Wonderland of Etsy


January 25, 2012

For as much as I buy from the world of Etsy, I wanted to blog about some of my absolute favorite vendors and shops I have stumbled across {and bought from} the past few years…here they are, in no particular order:

Fresh & Modern Artwork for Children and Home
Customized Wedding and Event Stationery
Blankets, Bibs, and Burp Cloths

Design + Letterpress

Gifts and Stationery
Chic and Whimsical Handmade Jewelry 
Not going to lie, Etsy is a site I routinely get sucked into…browsing through stores for anything and everything. Plus, I just love supporting small businesses! 
What are some of your favorite Etsy shops?
  1. meghan says:

    Thanks for sharing! Those Thank You cards are adorable!

    megs [at] Shine On

  2. I get sucked into Etsy as well! Love browsing the site…

  3. Rachel says:

    I love love love that you posted this–I seriously spent like 3 hours last night browsing Etsy, spending a little too much money through PayPal (totally use it as if it's Monopoly money)…On my post today, I actually asked readers their favorite Etsy shops! Can't wait to check these out…good thing I'm off work today 🙂 Happy Wednesday, sweet girl!

  4. I love Etsy – I think I bought out half a dozen stores for my wedding. Anything letterpress gets my money!

  5. So many cute things!! Thanks for sharing friend…must check out soon!

  6. Caroline says:

    Oh how I love etsy.

  7. Allyson says:

    The invitations are incredible! Thanks for sharing!


  8. Julie says:

    I love etsy too! All of your finds are great. Check out taylor crafts engraved and tinatarnoff. Thanks for posting these great finds 🙂

  9. jayme says:

    i just bought a super cute address stamper thingamajig from an etsy store and i'm basically obsessed with everything i see on there!! xo

  10. I love browsing Etsy, but I get sucked in! Love the necklace and the Search Ponder Pray sign. I am going to check out some of these shops!

  11. Etsy is addicting! There are some seriously talented people on there. I envy them, I do not have a crafty bone in my body! lol

  12. CMae says:

    it's so much more of a shopping experience knowing you are supporting local businesses rather than main chain ones. Love Etsy for that.

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