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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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The Day My Forever Changed…Caroline’s Birth Story


April 3, 2012

It was Friday, March 16th, and I was getting restless. I had been out to lunch with my aunt and cousin that afternoon just talking about how I was trying to keep myself entertained so I wouldn’t sit at home β€œwaiting” for Caroline to make her way into the world.
As soon as Jeff got home from work that night, he took me out to dinner to get my mind off of everything at The Cheesecake Factory since I had been hinting for weeks that I was dying to go. We sat outside, enjoyed the gorgeous weather on the patio as I sipped a virgin mojito, and spent time catching up, just the two of us.
During dinner, I started having weird β€œpains”, and poor Jeff kept telling me I was making these funny faces, to which of course he got concerned. I told him I’m sure they were simply more rounds of Braxton-Hicks contractions and told him I wasn’t leaving until I had my fair share of cheesecake ;).
Afterwards, I felt a little bit better so we stopped by Meg and Aaron’s house to see them since they were home for the evening, but of course the β€œpains” started coming back shortly thereafter so we started monitoring how frequently they were occurring. After an hour or so of entertaining ourselves with me doing squats, and us laughing uncontrollably, Jeff decided it was time to go home. On the drive, we called the moms for advice, to which they said ever-so-kindly β€œcall the doctor”.
Once we got home, I called the on-call service and informed her of my symptoms and my contraction patterns, and she recommended we head to the hospital so they could have a little look-see about my β€œprogress”.
That was it…we gathered our hospital bags and drove there within 20 minutes, got checked in around 10PM, and then we were taken to triage for them to hook up the contraction monitors. Unfortunately, I was still 3cm dilated, but had steady contractions, so the on-call doctor and nurses decided they wanted me to stay for an hour to see what, if anything, changed. As soon as we were given this news, I asked Mom to pray with Jeff and me because I was adamant I was not going home that night.
Funny how prayer works, because as soon as that hour was over, my contractions were getting more intense and the on-call doctor said she was heading in from her house, and they were to go ahead and admit us! So right about midnight, we were ushered into the labor and delivery room where we would spend our time until Caroline was born.

The next few hours all seem to be a big blur to me… we sat there, surrounded with my parents and Meg and Aaron, and kept asking the nurses when the β€œshow” would get going-she assured us it wouldn’t happen for at least another 12 hours, so everyone except Mom and Jeff went home to get some sleep. Around 4:30AM, I decided to give in and get my epidural. I was getting uncomfortable by this point as I was 5cm dilated and wanted some relief. For everyone in fear of this stage of the game, I am here to tell you that my experience with the epidural was wonderful-a bit of a painful pinch, but not unbearable, as I knew I would feel better soon. Afterwards, they broke my water and then the real fun started.
Early Saturday morning, our friends and family started arriving at the hospital, all decked out in green might I add since CC was coming on a very special holiday indeed! It was so reassuring to see each of them, there supporting us and so over the moon to finally meet Caroline.
Lucky for me, I progressed fairly quickly…after the epidural, I went from 6 to 8 within an hour and then went from 8cm to fully dilated in 2 hours. By 10:30AM, it was go time. We ushered all the friends and family out of the room except for Mom and Jeff as the nurses and doctor came in for the pushing. In all honesty, this is where I struggled… I pushed for a solid 1.5 hours with just a small amount of progress down the birth canal-not to mention I had to wear an oxygen mask which was annoying to say the least. Everyone kept telling me they could see her head, but that she wasn’t descending as much as they would like. So with that, my doctor made the call to let me rest for 30 minutes…looking back, I know this was my saving grace. I asked God to help get me through and give me the strength to push just a few more times. When they came back in, I pushed 4 more times and then I heard the sweetest sound in the world-I heard my baby’s very first cry.

The next few minutes were spent with my doc and nurses doing the β€œnecessary” deeds to get me on the mend, and then I was able to hold her. I remember looking at Mom and Jeff and seeing them both smile with such pride and admiration. They were both such calming factors throughout my labor and I could not have done it without them. They both watched her come into this world first-hand and they said it was absolutely incredible to watch that new life arriving.
Once we had a few minutes to ouselves, we were able to usher in our families in so they could meet Caroline…everyone just going on and on about how beautiful she was, how perfect she was with 10 tiny fingers and toes, and trying to figure out if she is a spitting image of Jeff or a mini version of me.

This was without a doubt the day my life forever changed…this was the day the word “mom” became real. I got to hear that sweet cry, I got to kiss those fluffy cheeks, and I was finally able to hold my baby. God is too good!! 

The next 2 days were spent recuperating at the hospital and learning all about our newborn! Yes, I absolutely wish I could’ve taken one of those nurses home with us…they were incredible and helped us so much! Then on Monday afternoon, it was time to leave. We loaded up our stuff, made sure Caroline was all snuggled in her carseat, and then made our way back to home sweet home!

  1. SSM says:

    Hello Natasha,

    I loved reading your daughter Caroline's beautiful birth story.


    Enjoy every moment.

  2. Lauran says:

    Holy Moly girlfriend I am in tears at my desk!!! Beautiful story and family!!! Thankyou for sending me into a sobbing mess! πŸ™‚

  3. Awww…..Congrats again! She is so blessed to have you as her mommy!! She is beatiful!

  4. Wow – this is such an overwhelmingly happy birth story. I am so glad you wrote this, so you can go back and read it years from now and smile and reflect on the happiest day of your lives.

    What a huge blessing that the delivery went so smoothly.

    Gosh, CC is so beautiful, and Jeff looks like a glowing daddy!

  5. Liz says:

    Amazing!!! What a great story. Congrats on your little girl!

  6. Amanda says:

    What a sweet, sweet story! So glad you shared it with us πŸ™‚

  7. Tiffany says:

    Love it! I love that you were having cheesecake and laughing with friends right up until "go-time"! She is so gorgeous and I'm so thrilled for your new family of three!!

  8. jayme says:

    πŸ™‚ so incredibly happy for your beautiful family of three. go give that sweet girl a big kiss from her aunt jayme who will teach her it's okay to be a kentucky fan AND a tennessee fan… (but only until she's old enough to know which is better) πŸ˜‰

    you look wonderful natasha! XO

  9. Brooke says:

    What a sweet story!! Congrats again:)

  10. awwww lil girls are just the best! CONGRATS!

  11. Meredith says:

    So sweet!!! I'm scared to death of the epidural and really want to have Millie in July without it, but reading this helps ease my fears of it. She's adorable!!

  12. Erin says:

    What a beautiful story!!! Congrats again on your new addition- she is so perfect!! πŸ™‚

  13. This is so so sweet and amazing! SO happy for you guys….I loved reading your birth story – thanks for sharing Natasha! She is absolutely precious! Love your new blog design too!!

  14. What a beautiful story! I'm so happy she's here now for you to enjoy πŸ™‚

  15. Kayln says:

    Omg all those pictures are so sweet!!! Caroline is beautiful and you look amazing!!! I can't wait to read all about your first few weeks as a Mom :). I hope you're getting some sleep! xx

  16. Ashley Marie says:

    so sweet and what an amazing story! thank you for sharing your experience. The Husband and I are prepping to start a family in the VERY near future and I'm scared of all of it lol. it is SO daunting. y'all look so happy =) She is so amazing and so so cute!

  17. Nicole says:

    Such a sweet story. πŸ™‚ you looked beautiful as always!

  18. Aw cute! I love reading birth stories! So glad everything went well! πŸ™‚

  19. Kristin says:

    What a wonderful birth story! You and Jeff are so blessed!

  20. Pamela says:

    Aww, this makes me tear up!! SO sweet & amazing story!! Love it!! Thank you so much for sharing!

  21. Sarah says:

    First, I looooove your new blog design!! It is fabulous!! πŸ™‚

    Second, so glad you shared this…us momma-to-be's need all the insight we can get! She is absolutely precious and you have such a blessed little family. Congrats again!! πŸ™‚

  22. Tess says:

    eeekkkk how exciting is this?! I love the last pictures of the three of you by the car and door….you all look over the moon happy!

    Your story was so sweet and I know you'll be forever glad that you have it documented so well here!

  23. P*P*P says:

    So sweet!!!!! What a special memory!

  24. What a beautiful story! I am glad you were honest and didn't make yourself seem like a hero. All the birth stories I read seem to say "oh I pushed for only 10 minutes, or 30 minutes, etc.". My experience was a bit more like yours, where I struggled with the pushing, even though I was in pretty good shape and exercised throughout my pregnancy like you! I pushed for about 1.5-2 hours and they kept saying they could see her head full of hair but she just wasn't descending. I am glad someone else had a similar experience to me! It makes me feel more normal. I hope you are enjoying mommyhood as much as I do! Congratulations!

  25. A.M. says:

    Such a beautiful story and congrats Mama-she is one adorable lil thing! Loving the new look πŸ™‚

  26. Carolyn says:

    This is SO SWEET! I absolutely love birth stories! Such an adorable family!

  27. Oh I loved your birth story!! Amazing how smoothly it went and how great you look after! She really is beyond precious! Thanks so much for sharing…it gets me excited all over again!!

    PS…you new blog design is adorable!!

  28. Emily Marie says:

    Thanks for sharing Caroline's birth story, It made me tear up a bit thinking I only have 6 week to go and this could be me! I hope it goes as smoothly too! Congrats, she is ADORABLE πŸ™‚

  29. Olga says:

    I love that you are smiling so big in all of these photos. You have a gorgeous smile and look so happy, even when it was difficult. I'm glad that God was there to help you through it all!

  30. Only you could look that stunning during labor and after giving birth!

    Love the story and congratulations again!

  31. What a sweet birth story! She is a beautiful baby girl!

  32. Rachel says:

    She.is.gorgeous. Congratulations!! πŸ™‚

  33. R says:

    Congrats hun. She is beautiful. I love all the hair!

  34. Ahh I love reading this Natasha, it's so awesome you'll be able to look back on this years later πŸ™‚ Caroline is precious and you looked totally gorge for being in labor btw! xoxo

    PS: I LOVE your new blog design, seriously, it looks great! πŸ™‚

  35. Keri says:

    She is so beautiful and you are going to make such a great mother!

  36. Jenny says:

    Loved reading your birth story! Sounds like everything went smoothly! You and your family look on top of the world in these pics- happiness is just shining through you! Congrats on your sweet baby girl- wow she's cute! Can't wait to read more about how the first few weeks are going! Seems like your handling everything wonderfully!

  37. Couldn't ask for a better delivery story than that! Surrounded by all the people who love you to bring your new bundle in the world!

    Congrats again! You look amazing too btw!

  38. Natalie says:

    What a happy day! Caroline is beautiful!

  39. maureen says:

    What a special story. Thanks for sharing it with us. She is gorgeous… as are you! Please keep sharing pics of her little self.

  40. Samantha says:

    yayayay!!! I love it and I love your new blog template!!! Very cute! XO

  41. AllyceR says:

    So, so sweet. Glad everything went so quick and smoothly for you!

    Love your new layout.

  42. What a blessing and such a happy birth story! You look so incredibly happy!

    P.S. Love the new blog design!

  43. Stephanie says:

    AWESOME story!! I LOVED reading this!! I'm nowhere near ready to be a mom but this made my heart feel all warm and excited for when my time comes. πŸ™‚ She's beautiful and you look TOO cute (as always) to just have had a baby!!

  44. Shari says:

    So sweet. I love the photos. Thanks for sharing your story! Welcome to the world Caroline!

  45. Allyson says:

    This is so sweet! Caroline is just adorable.


    Love the new design!

  46. Sarah Beth says:

    Congratulations! Your baby is gorgeous, and you looked AMAZING after spending that much time in delivery!

  47. Beautifully written Natasha, as always! What a sweet girl that is part of what is obviously such a loving and supportive family. I know you're soaking in every minute of this wonderfulness — keep sharing these great stories when you can!

  48. Mrs Xenos says:

    Beautiful story…beautiful baby…beautiful family!

    So glad I've become a Hello!Happiness follower.



  49. eri says:

    i recently stumbled upon your blog about a month or two ago.

    congratulations!!!:) such an exciting time, caroline is a lucky girl!

  50. What a beautiful birth story! So happy that labor was relatively easy for you and such a good experience! πŸ™‚

  51. Cait says:

    ahhh what a lovely and beautiful story hun!!! xo

  52. Kristen says:

    loved reading this! what a sweet little family you have πŸ™‚ congratulations again, she is perfect!

  53. lori says:

    this is absolutely beautiful!! you make me feel better about pregnancy and childbirth… i'll be honest, i'm terrified… but you handled it all with such ease and grace!!

  54. Jenn says:

    beautiful family!! and i like the blog makeover.


  55. awww! I got teary-eyed reading this!! YOu are right, what a miracle and life-changing day!! A day you will NEVER forget!! πŸ™‚

    The first pictures of you guys as a family are beautiful!! πŸ™‚

  56. CMae says:

    LOVED this! congrats again Natasha!!! πŸ™‚ so happy for you!

  57. This is amazing! She is beautiful and just perfect. Congratulations!

  58. thanks for sharing your sweet story natasha! i am so happy baby c made it into the safely, surrounded by the ones who love her most!! hope all is great at home πŸ™‚ XO

  59. Nicole-Lynn says:

    Oh my goodness, what a sweet birth story. Thanks for sharing! Love the last two pics of you three! So sweet!

  60. What a wonderful birth story! I wish I could remember all the details of mine. Great of you to write it all down!

  61. KRISTIN says:

    So incredible! Thank you for sharing! And you looked PRETTY DAMN GOOD for just giving birth. πŸ™‚

  62. I loved this story. So beautiful πŸ™‚

  63. Congratulations! She is so beautiful and I'm so very happy for you!

  64. Tiffany says:

    What a great story. Congratulations. She is just adorable.

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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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