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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Easter Celebrations


April 10, 2012

Happy belated Easter friends! Hope you had a great time celebrating…this weekend was wonderful, spent with our families celebrating God and all his many blessings.
Friday night, we had Mimi and Pappy over for dinner…the weather was too nice not to grill out, and we spent the evening catering to CC as she was quite fussy-Mimi to the rescue! Unfortunately, we think we may be venturing into the world no one dares mention…otherwise known as colic. However, we are hoping this is just a little spell of gas/irritability and will go away soon.

Saturday, I was up early to run some errands, and then treated myself to a little shopping adventure at the mall. Being able to wear my normal size in most everything I tried on made this momma feel good, and I stocked up on some fun new summertime essentials for our beach trip!
That afternoon, Jeff’s family got into town and we spent the rest of the day enjoying the sunshine, and letting them spend time with Caroline. We had a yummy dinner and then I called it an early night… I was SO thankful for Aunt Jennifer to watch the baby so I could have a few hours of uninterrupted sleep!

Sunday morning we were up and at it…a little sad we couldn’t go to Easter service, but we had tons of visitors that afternoon, who were just dying to see Caroline all dressed up in her Easter outfit {courtesy of Great Aunt Denise!}. Look at this camera ham 😉

our first Easter as a family of three 😉
And before I forget, thanks to everyone who participated in the Easter Honeybaked Ham giveaway…Ms. Positively Preppy in Pink is the winner!! Email me your mailing information lady and I’ll get you your gift certificate ASAP!

  1. jayme says:

    so sweet! …my nephew colton was colic. bless your heart and hang in there. i promise, even when you think it won't, it will get better. xxoo

  2. Brandi says:

    Shopping and being able to wear normal clothes so soon after pregnancy, you totally rock!!!

  3. Ya'll are precious! So glad you had a great Easter – and way to go on the clothes – I'm sure that is an awesome feeling to be back to your pre-pregnany self!

  4. What a sweet thing she is! That Easter gown is just beautiful. What a blessing to have loved ones who can step in and lend a hand. 🙂

  5. Awww – her Easter dress is precious! Also, you look FANTASTIC!

  6. CC looks so sweet in her little Easter dress. My daughter was really gassy at first and we pretty much gave her mylicon drops constantly and that seemed to help.

  7. Arielle says:

    Looks like CC had a great first Easter! 🙂

  8. Melissa says:

    What a sweet family Natasha! p.s. you look fabulous 😉

  9. You look as beautiful as ever!! What a precious family you all are. Caroline looks so sweet in her dress and also in her pink hat. Love it!!

  10. You look great! I'm glad you had a nice Easter and I'm sure Miss CC will be herself again soon 🙂

  11. Lindsay says:

    She's such a little peanut! And you look amazing – are you sure you just gave birth a few weeks ago?!

    That first picture of Caroline with your parents = LOVE.

  12. Samma says:

    Y'all are too cute! Dell Harper is finally getting out of her colicky phase, and it has been a bit of a test for sure! I wish I had found this book earlier- it's called The Wonder Weeks, and it totally explains fussiness!

  13. Kayln says:

    she is so cute!!!! you look great and i love your green dress!!!

  14. Pamela says:

    Love her headband! So cute!! You look great!

  15. Shari says:

    You look amazing! And she is too cute! Lovely photos.

  16. Adorable pictures!! Sounds like you had a great weekend with little Miss C! 🙂

  17. Caroline says:

    Beautiful Easter pics! She's such a doll! 🙂 And I love the new blog makeover.

  18. P*P*P says:

    You are the most fabulous family of three around – looking positively perfect in your photos! Caroline is just too precious.

    How sweet that I won your giveaway – I'm so excited! Emailing you in a bit! 🙂

  19. KRISTIN says:

    What a fun weekend! CC has already changed so much! That's just crazy. She look ADORABLE in her little Easter outfits. 🙂

  20. You do not look like you just had a baby! You look so great!! CC is too cute!

  21. Jenna says:

    She's too precious for words! You're looking great mama!

  22. Ok we had the same problem with Luke crying all the time around 3 weeks old. It was awful but my sister in law told me a little tip that helped reduce the gas pains significantly. Give CC Mylicon or Little Tummies gas drops 30 min before feeding her. If you do it early, it helps prevent whereas if you give it to her after, it has to have time to kick in. Also, here is my biggest life saver of all time……the HAIR DRYER! It is a magical tool that will calm almost any fussy baby. I lived with one in my hand for 4 months! No joke! I almost burnt my house down many of nights falling asleep with it on so make sure you get one with a cool switch. It will calm them and put them to sleep. Ive heard the vacuum cleaner works well too. Ask Bev for details, she has seen us use it with Luke hundreds of times. Hope those two things help! xoxo

  23. Amy says:

    Eli went through a mysterious fussy spell when he was a few weeks old as well. I read about something called the "six week peak" – for some reason many babies' crying peaks around six weeks and then it gets much better. It was very much the case for us! Once he hit 7 or 8 weeks he was like a totally different baby. Hope CC settles down for you soon. She is certainly an adorable girl 🙂

  24. Angie says:

    Good gracious, she is absolutely precious in her little Easter clothes 🙂

    I pray friend that she is not getting colic. My son had it & it was so tough.

  25. Happy Easter! She looks so precious, and you look incredible!


  26. lori says:

    baby caroline is so, so precious. i hope her gas and irritability gets better soon and very soon.

    and you are looking great, momma! congrats on being in your old size 😉 you should definitely treat yourself to some new clothes!

  27. Erin says:

    Her lil bunny feet are just TOO much. CC is so precious, and you are looking fantastic lady! Love the family pictures at the end- your family is just so sweet!

  28. Kate says:

    Natasha! You look so fantastic – I'm SO impressed with how your body whipped itself back into shape so naturally!! I guess all of that time in the gym while pregnant sure paid off – congrats! And girl, do not lose much more weight — you look so healthy and happy and fit. My my, how Caroline is just as darling as can be. I can tell how happy you are to be a mama!!

  29. Kim says:

    Someone else mentioned "Wonder Weeks" and I second the recommendation. It has a chart in there about when fussy spells happen and it has been true for both of my kids, and it explains why they happen which I find fascinating. CC is a doll, and you look amazing and so very happy! Motherhood suits you. 🙂

  30. happy first easter as a family!! you are all glowing with happiness- love it 🙂 hang in there with baby c- hope the fussiness gets better… thinking of you!

  31. Sheila Lynn says:

    She is super cute! I love her headband & outfits! 🙂

  32. What a great first Easter as a family of 3!! Love the family pics!! You look great! Good for you already fitting into your size! I'd love it if you would post an "after baby" workout!

  33. Megan says:

    Caroline is absolutely precious! I love the family photos! And you look great 🙂

  34. Colic-I've been there. You will get through it, promise. The crying was very hard for me and sometimes I just had to get out of the house. I'm thinking of you! Caroline is so precious. Just hold that sweet baby close. Praying for you!

  35. Katie says:

    Caroline is a darling! And you look great! Happy Easter!

  36. Kathy says:

    I haven't read all your comments,so I don't know if I'm repeating a recommendation. When my son was a newby he was a bit gassy didn't turn into colic, but I used ifant gas drops several times a day. Fortunately, that worked & I didn't need to do anything else. He'll be 5 next month so I don't remember the name of the drops, but I'm sure they're sold at every pharmacy [over the counter] Good luck with your precious baby & congrats on taking such good care of yourself that you have bounced back to prebaby size. Awesome!!

  37. Jess says:

    You look SO good for just having a baby! Here's hoping I bounce back just as quickly!

  38. Tiffany says:

    Y'all are adorable & you look amazing.

  39. Tara says:

    Precious family photos!

  40. You look great, friend!!! And look at Miss Caroline's little bunny sleeper…. melt my heart!

    I still can't believe she's here… a family of THREE! Hope you're getting some rest when you can. I assure that 2 months from now you'll feel like you truly have the hang of things [and she should be sleeping a whole lot more at night by then too!]. Or that felt like the turning point for J … around 3 – 3 1/2 months.

    Okay, hugs to you and your precious fam. 🙂

  41. She looks adorable!! What a fun little family holiday 🙂

  42. oh my goodness I have missed SO much since I left the blogging world! CONGRATULATIONS!!! She is so precious and you look amazing! xoxo

  43. Brittany says:

    I am 4 weeks pp and am having trouble finding dresses that work for me until I lose the rest of my baby weight. Any suggestions?

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