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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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I’m Ready for My Close Up!


April 25, 2012

She may be tiny, yet I do believe we have a little camera ham on our hands friends. Taken just 1 week after her arrival, my favorite photographer did it again…she managed to capture some absolutely gorgeous shots of our little one. Candice, I love them and thank you for ALWAYS being there to capture the most important details for us. Love you much.
Here is a little sampling of a few of my favorites from Caroline’s newborn picture session:

And because every little one needs their own arrival announcement, here is a little snapshot of the cards we sent to friends and family from my favorite stationery site Minted. They are exactly what I was looking for…simple, classic, and feminine!

  1. What a little doll!!!!! I love the bunny ears the most- in her easter bucket OMG! She is beautiful:) Wished we lived closer to have baby girl playdates:)

  2. Kate says:

    These pictures are amazing. Caroline is so adorable… I love the headbands, bows, and easter bunny ears. Congrats on your little girl!

  3. Love the announcements!! So cute!

  4. Nicole says:

    She is so beautiful!

  5. CMae says:

    What a precious little peanut you have!!! Adorable!

  6. Erin says:

    Absolutely BEAUTIFUL! I love all her outfits and accessories in the pictures 🙂 My favorite is that HUGE white bow– just makes her look like a lil' southern babe!!

  7. Amanda says:

    OMG! These are precious, and so is she! So adorable. I love the one where she is smirking…too cute! Congrats again on your little bundle of joy.

  8. Caitlin says:

    She is soooo precious!!! I love the bunny ears and the basket she is in. What a cutie pie! Your family is beautiful 🙂

  9. Apryl Kilgo says:

    Gorgeous pictures!

  10. I am adoring all of the bows and hats and headbands {oh my!}!! She she beyond beautiful!! Congratulations again!!! xoxo!

  11. Kayln says:

    She is beautiful!!!! And I love your cute announcements :).

  12. jayme says:

    ahh! she's so precious. is it too soon to assume she and colton will be besties and/or married someday!!! ahh

  13. Oh my gosh she is so adorable! I love the second photo where it looks like she's smiling!

  14. Shari says:

    Such sweet photos of little Caroline. And, I LOVE the announcement. So sweet.

  15. Sarah says:

    That 2nd pic with her smiling is too precious!! Love the announcement too!

  16. Arielle says:

    omgosh they are so cute, love em! 🙂

  17. Miss V says:

    Such a beauty!! Love the little bunny ears and the yellow hat!! Thank you for sharing I can't get enough! Ha! Hope you ladies are having a lovely week so far! xo.

  18. melissa says:

    precious girl! She's a beauty!

  19. The photos are beyond precious!! Love the ones of her in the basket! And the birth announcement is perfection!

  20. She is a doll! Those pictures are perfect!

  21. Kate says:

    Look at those lips. Oh my! Jeff is in trouble in about 15 years, haha!!! And is Caroline in a beanie in that one shot? If so, that is the sweetest idea. If not, what is she in b/c I LOVE IT!!!!!!

  22. This pictures are so sweet! I absolutely love them and her announcement is lovely! xoxo

  23. Tess says:

    Oh. My. Dear. How could I ever pick a favorite? I do love the one you chose for her announcement….but the one's in the basket…the bunny ears…they're all just too cute. You found a great photographer!

  24. Tiffany says:

    They are all so gorgeous! You must be having a fit trying to figure out which ones to frame! What a beauty she is. And I love her announcement!

  25. Emily Marie says:

    Too Cute!!! Love how simple and classic her announcement is… they look adorable!

  26. Caroline says:

    These are simply gorgeous. She is just so precious. I knew your's would be amazing, but these are incredible.

  27. Caroline's birth announcement is just too darling for words. She's already photogenic, that girl!

  28. P*P*P says:

    Adorable. Love all the photos! I've gotta say…I see a lot of your hubby in your beautiful little girl!

  29. Amanda says:

    Okayâ€ĻCaroline has got to be one of the cutest babies I’ve ever seen. I don’t think there was a picture that I didn’t gush over! Congrats again!!

  30. Jess says:

    She couldn't be more beautiful! Congrats again and I love love the pictures and announcement.

  31. Those lips and cheeks!!! Precious!

  32. lori says:

    she is such a little doll… and i love her announcements. so feminine and classic. perfect!

  33. lori says:

    she is such a little doll… and i love her announcements. so feminine and classic. perfect!

  34. These are so great!! She is adorable!! And I really love your birth anniubcement too!

  35. BeckyJo606 says:

    She is so precious! I love your birth announcements, as well! They are seriously so perfect! 🙂

  36. Kim says:

    that is quite possibly the cutest birth announcement card I have ever seen!

  37. Ashley says:

    too cute!! I love every picture! 🙂

  38. Ashley says:

    too cute!! I love every picture! 🙂

  39. Jenna says:

    Seriously, these are ADORABLE! You should get Caroline into baby modeling 🙂 Love the announcement!

  40. she couldn't be any cuter! I love her little yellow hat!

  41. Caroline is absolutely perfect. This is my first time I've been able to get on here and congratulate you. She is beyond adorable, congratulations!

  42. BELL HERE says:

    oh my! i'm only 15 litte weeks along and i can't wait to be able to share pictures like this! and you look pretty incredible five weeks post delivery! how much weight did you gain? i'm shooting for the 25 lb. mark. crossing my fingers!

    i'm having a little pottery barn giveaway over at my blog!


  43. These are all so precious – she is just beautiful!


  44. Caroline is just precious! Her photos look amazing and I love the announcement you chose!

  45. Lauren says:

    How sweet! Your photographer did a great job! It probably helps though, that Caroline is so adorable! Beautiful pictures! Congratulations!


  46. Lindsay says:

    Oh my! Caroline is just adorable! I love her pictures. Just so classic. Her announcement is beautiful too. Love Minted!

  47. Those announcements are absolutely precious!! I love her sweet little face!! How cute you got some pics in her easter basket! SO sweet!!

  48. Nicole-Lynn says:

    All of the pics are just precious! Love them! And the announcement is so sweet!

  49. harun says:

    She's looking so cute and adorable like a butterfly in cocoon,you should choose comfortable and non allergic baby clothing for your little angel as babies safety is first.

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