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A Wonderful Weekend Indeed


April 16, 2012

dare i say that i actually feel rested after this weekend? it seems like i am in a weird dream, yet it is true my friends…i am like a new person.
friday night was perfect to cookout, and of course, i had just happened to pick up my favs for dinner during my weekly grocery store run…HOT DOGS! yall seriously-i have an addiction. as soon as it’s time to grill at our house, i always want a hot dog…random i know. the rest of the night was spent catching up on TV shows, me working on a little craft project, and doing my nightly “exercise routine” of walking around the house in the hopes to get little bit to fall asleep.
saturday we were up early to head back to lowe’s to stock up on flowers for the yard, ferns for the porch, and the rest of the necessities for jeff to finish his fire pit in the backyard. here is the {almost} finished product…we still need to get some adirondack chairs and then we’ll call this complete!

that afternoon, we got ready, loaded up the car, and headed to mimi and pappy’s house so we could have our first official date night. seeing the look on their faces as we pulled up, with cameras in tow nonetheless, was too cute for words. they were in absolute heaven! mom and dad have quite the little setup at their house so when caroline goes to visit everything she needs is there-her own pack n play, bouncy seat, clothes, toys, and anything you could possibly need. can you tell how much they love their grandbaby? 😉

once they kicked us out, we went to the movies to catch an afternoon matinee for the hunger games…i felt like we were the last people on the planet to see the movie, but it was worth the wait! for someone that read the book, i love how the storyline followed it almost verbatim. i’ve started catching fire and am hooked yet again, so i cannot wait for the next movie!

afterwards, we headed to dinner at one of our favorite little places, boxwood bistro. i indulged {and by that i mean totally ruined my caloric intake for the day} in a gin and tonic, shrimp and grits, and blueberry whiskey bread pudding…heaven on a plate i tell you! it was amazing to be out with my hubby, dressed up, and having adult conversations with just the two of us. although, truth be told, we did have our phones out comparing pictures of just how adorable our baby is and talking about just how much she is changing everyday.
and icing on the cake for a fabulous night? a 4-week old who slept for 6 hours straight… i was so impressed with caroline that i woke her up sunday morning with rounds and rounds of kisses to say thank you for a nice little night of interrupted sleep. now if we could only make that a frequent nightly ritual-haha.

sunday was spent being lazy, taking a walk around the neighborhood for some fresh air, and doing some shopping…it was a successful day, complete with purchasing 2 new bathing suits and a casual sundress!
cheers to the beginning of another week-lots going on!

  1. You look SO much like Mimi it is crazy! What a great weekend, complete with SLEEP!

    PS – Y'all should have a hotdog party once your fire pit is all finished and roast hotdogs campfire style. 🙂

  2. Amanda says:

    I, too, have an unhealthy addiction to hotdogs. Its a weekly staple in our house, along with mexican as well!

  3. Melissa says:

    You guys look like you had a great date night 🙂 And your Mom looks like she was ready to get her hands on that baby…lol p.s. you and your mom look exactly alike.

  4. Emily Marie says:

    Looks like everything is going great for you and your new lil family! I also love hot dogs so I thought I would share my new favorite addiction, I found them at Costco. They are Causal Gourmet Roasted Red Pepper & Spinach Chicken Sausage… so good, nice change up to a plain hot dog:)

  5. Your weekend sounded like pure perfection! So glad Caroline was able to sleep and you and the hubster got a date night!! Yay! 🙂

  6. Krista Dial says:

    I've been following your blog for several months now and am so happy for you and the new addition to your family! We also love Boxwood Bistro! 🙂 One of our favorite places. Glad you two got to enjoy a date night!

  7. I'm sure you're parents LOVED having Caroline all to themselves that night. Can't wait to see the final fire pit pics! xoxo

  8. P*P*P says:

    Sounds like a fabulous weekend! 🙂

  9. Meredith says:

    looks like a great weekend, yay for first dates after baby C, I want to see the Hunger Games. I'm sure your parents loved spoiling Caroline.

  10. Liz says:

    sounds so perfect!! I have to admit I am sooo fascinated by these "life with a new baby" posts. I daydream about what it will be like when my hubby and I have a little one of our own – and catching up on your updates is so fun!

  11. Sounds like date night was a hit!!! Yay 🙂 Enjoy your Monday!!!

  12. Caroline says:

    You have me in a food coma after this post. Yum! And so glad you had some time to enjoy the two of you. 🙂

  13. You are brave to be buying swimsuits already!!!

  14. Seriously – your parents….best ever! How great that they have everything Caroline needs at their house. I love that and might be slightly jealous (okay, jealous isn't the right word…our parents are 12 hours away, so that sounds divine!).

    AND way to go sweet Caroline — 6 hours at 4 weeks is great!!! It'll just keep getting better too!

    And lastly, you look GREAT little momma!!! Hugs to you! Wish we were closer for playdates [and happy hours….sometimes those are needed too!]. 🙂

  15. Angie says:

    Yay for Date Nights! They are far and few between around here but are so appreciated when we do get them. Glad you all got some alone time. Everyone needs a break!!!!

    Love the pic of you two 🙂

  16. Brown Girl says:

    Glad your little gold nugget gave you the opportunity to catch some much needed sleep!!

  17. Nicole says:

    Your parents must be having so much fun… your Mom looks SO happy! Ha! What sweet grandparents CC has! Such a blessing!

  18. Tiffany says:

    Good for y'all…date night and 6 hours of sleep. Amazing I.m sure!

  19. What a fun weekend! I looove shrimp and grits. I loved the movie too (I flew through all the books in less than a week, and now I'm just waiting around for the movies!)


  20. I love the fire pit you're making! The grass between the tiles is super pretty!

  21. sounds like a pretty perfect weekend! so glad you got some rest 🙂

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