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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Hello! I Am Here


June 25, 2012

Random things occupying my mind these days…
It seems I have been taking a short break on the blog posting a bit lately…honestly, I was getting burned out and feel like I need to take a step back for a bit. I promise to post, but I’ve got to tackle other things, too so I don’t get too stressed out {total type A personality trait rearing its ugly head}.

Oh no…I’ve started shopping online for dresses again and I am going to be poor. I just scored this fun new find last week from Modcloth and I am officially obsessed!

I finally got the OK from the hubby to get a membership to a warehouse…you know what I am talking about-Costco or Sams! Apparently based on my tweet the other day to friends {and thank you to those who responded}, Costco looks like the big winner so I am going to have to stock our house up soon! Anything I need to look out for that is a must buy??

I’m officially obsessed with the fake JCrew necklaces you can purchase from ebay. I bought the coral one first, and then ordered 2 more when I saw how good the quality was…amazing I tell you!

Is anyone watching the new Dallas? Jeff and I tuned in for the premiere and I am already hooked. I used to watch it when I was growing up, and I can remember watching it when I would stay with Gran and Papa…something about those Ewings and their Southfork Ranch. Now, there is TONS of eye candy on the show so of course I am watching the drama unfold.

Speaking of eye candy, tell me there are others of you out there anxiously waiting Magic Mike to come out in theaters this Friday. I love me some Channing Tatum and this calls for a girls movie night for sure.

And finally, our latest discovery…the HBO series Classical Baby! We got this for a baby shower gift and absolutely love it. There are 3 different shows: Art, Music, and Dance and Caroline loves all of them…perfect for TV time!

That’s all I got for today my friends…stay tuned for tomorrow, as I am going to list our favorite 3 month baby necessities!! Have a great Monday 😉

  1. Courtney says:

    Yes–I admit I can't wait to see Magic Mike (I'm a Matt Bomer fan though:) Love that dress and love your blog!

  2. We LOVE Costco!!! We get tons of stuff there:) It gets my vote over Sam's.

    And, I LOVEEEEEEE those bubble necklaces. I get mine off eBay too. I have the coral, pink quartz color, and turquoise. I'm wanting every color now!!!!!

  3. CMae says:

    I've heard many good things about the new Dallas! I am going to have to play catch up and watch it on Hulu! Right now I am so hooked on Lost, I have to finish that first!

  4. That dress is too cute!

    I have DVR'd the new Dallas but haven't had a chance to watch yet. I've been hearing good reviews and can't wait to see it. It has surprised me talking with people our age how many of us remember the show.

  5. Jenny says:

    Love the jcrew necklaces!! And looking forward to the baby post!

  6. Hey lady! Enjoy Costco. Crazy enough, their workout tops and capris are the best! I love them. They are super cheap but so well made. The tanks are longer, which I love. Snatch up several when you see them. They don't have them all the time. 🙂

  7. Kate says:

    Girl! I bought a bauble necklace off of ebay and I thought it was real!!!! Is it seriously el fake-o? Say it isn't so! I thought I got the most smokin' deal ever!! Haha… guess not 😉 Woops!

  8. Lauren Aiken says:

    Hi! I've been following your blog for a little while now but just realized you live in Nashville! My husband and I are also expecting our first baby in October (we will be married for 1 year in August), and we just moved to Nashville a few weeks ago! You look amazing for having a baby just a couple months ago!!! Caroline is so sweet. We are having a baby girl too. Would love to meet up sometime!

  9. Just loving the coral necklace with the mint shorts!! SOO very cute!

  10. Erin says:

    Oh yes, I can't wait for Magic Mike! I will stop my DVR fast forwarding just to watch the commercial every time I see it pass by. And I love my knock off J.Crew too!

  11. Getting ready to buy our tickets for Magic Mike!! I'm a Matt Bomer lover so Im quite excited to see him in all his glory! Although Im sure Channing and Matthew wont disappoint either!!! 🙂

  12. Emily says:

    I was just gchatting with someone about Magic Mike…or as I so aptly put it–you know, that stripper movie. Love the chevron on your dress…and LOVE costco–their gas is so cheap, and their soft serve fro yo is so good (and cheap)!!! Happy Monday 🙂

  13. I just won a bubble necklace and I cannot wait to get it:) that dress is adorable and Costco is so amazing I'm excited for you!

  14. Jessica says:

    which seller did u buy your bubble necklace from on ebay?

  15. Kristi says:

    Oh yes, I am loving Dallas and am so going to see Magic Mike as soon as it is out. Love your necklace. What ebay seller did you buy it from?

  16. Taylor B. says:

    What buyer did you use to get the j.crew necklace? I want one, but I want to make sure that the quality is good!

  17. Tiffany says:

    I cannot wait to get my butt to the theater and see Magic Mike!

  18. Nat says:

    I have that necklace from ebay in turquoise and I wear it all the time! I'm LOVING the new Dallas too- so much good drama! My girlfriends and I can't wait for Magic Mike to come out- even if it's cheesy the eye candy will be worth it 🙂

  19. I LOVE THAT DRESS!!! I have been on dress buying spree too, F21, Express and UO have so many cute inexpensive dresses!

    I need to check out that dvd! Liv is very into baby einstein but a mama can only watch/listen to so much haha

  20. I love your necklace! Where on Ebay did you purchase?

    We LOVE Costco!

    I like buying the pre-made spinach salads there for a quick weeknight dinner.

    We also love the organic frozen peaches/pineapples/mangos for sangria (recipe on my blog) and smoothies.

    The produce is pretty great quality and prices so we buy a lot of ours there.

    Hmm… I think that's all I've got for you now! Careful thought–it is so easy to spend there!

  21. I love that dress…and the necklace!

  22. Alexa says:

    Ooooh I"m obsessed with that dress! Good score!

  23. I already told you on Twitter but that dress is just too cute! And love the necklace too!!

  24. Angie says:

    My daughter is wanting to watch that movie but informed me today it's Rated R. She's 13 so I'm not sure about that. Guess I'm going to have to google it and watch the previews to see if it's acceptable!!!

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