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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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get down and break a sweat…my arm workout


July 25, 2012

i had some blogging friends request the specific arm workout i complete 2 times each week at the gym, and funny enough, i came across the exact picture demonstration of those individual exercises on pinterest a few days ago…since we all want to eliminate that under arm jiggle, i wanted to share these tricks with yall. hope this helps!! trust me, if you’re sore after doing this a few times, it is working 😉

  1. love this! always looking for a new arm workout!

  2. Def trying this arm workout!!! 🙂

  3. Kel kel says:

    Looks challenging, but I'll give it a try. Thanks! : )

  4. Thanks for sharing! I definitely need to start working my arms…holding a baby isn't enough!:)

  5. Amanda says:

    Awesome! How many reps do you do of each?

  6. Nicole says:

    I pinned this the other day! My main goal is to have slammin' arms by the wedding. Here's to hoping! 😉

  7. Robin says:

    Thanks for sharing these arm workouts! I feel like sometimes I was just making up some funky arm exercise and had no idea what i was doing.
    Thanks for the tips!


  8. Thanks for the tips! I've been looking for perfect arm workouts for my wedding to get my arms dress ready. What size weights do you use?

  9. Liz says:

    thanks for sharing! i need a good workout for my arms!

  10. Kayln says:

    This is great – I'm so glad you posted this!!! You should do an entire post on your workout routines/weekly plan. I feel like you're such a pro at this kind of thing, I need to get a routine down!

    And I want to hear about this whole house situ… are you moving?!?!

  11. Shari says:

    Lately I've been all about the intense arm workouts and they definitely get me every time. I will have to add this one to my rotation. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  12. Some Great Exercises. Pinned on Pinterest. Thanks

  13. Chasity Munn says:

    Pinned this workout. Can you send a reminder to me in six months to GET TO IT??? 🙂

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