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baby essentials…3-6 month edition


October 1, 2012

my my my…how times have changed. when i look back at our necessities from when caroline was 3 months old, it seems like that was AGES ago. sad to say our sweet girl has outgrown more of some of those “essentials”, but we’re back with another installment…i hope this helps at least one of you out there, as i know when i am researching products i always look to other mommy friends and bloggers for advice and their recommendations because they have been there and they know what works.
here we go…

aden + anais sleep sacks. we quit swaddling and switched to these supersoft sacks…they are superb and no complains from this momma. caroline loves them…they keep her warm, but are breathable so she doesn’t sweat, the patterns are adorable, and we can’t say enough good things about the transition to sleep sacks.

fisher price animal krackers exersaucer. there were TONS of these on the market, and we read loads of reviews, but then i just went with my gut and i am so glad i did. the design is cute, it has so many different things for caroline to experiment with (blocks, a flippable book, etc), and the music and songs are actually quite enjoyable (especially when you listen to them ALL. THE.TIME). this is a great occupier when you need to sit the wee one down for a bit and keep them entertained.

mamas and papas snug seat. i was SUPER glad i bought this when i heard about the bumbo issues. this seat already came with a tray so we were all set. at first, we used this as a tabletop highchair when CC was experiementing with food and it was great. easy to wipe down, easy to get her in and out, and wonderful for “helping” her learn to sit upright. we mostly use this for playtime now and take it with us when we travel as her own little seat. 

munchkin feeding spoons/bowls. i’ve bought a ton of different brands…from gerber to tommee tippee to oxo tot, and these are by far the best products when it comes to feeding. they are easy on the eyes, easy to wash clean, and hold up amazingly well when launched across the room. 😉

angelcare monitor. oh how i love you because you let us sleep peacefully each night, but when you go off it’s like a tornado is fast approaching. i love this monitor because i know all is well and caroline is safe, but it goes off a lot, especially as she is getting more mobile during sleeptime. but, you can never be too cautious and the angelcare is something i think every parent should think about purchasing, just for that extra peace of mind once they are sleeping in their nursery.

pacifiers. nuk and wubbanub varieties. we FINALLY found another pacifier that little bit will take, other than our beloved (and oh so pricey) wubbanub animals. the nuk brand (for 6+ month munchkins) is great because they are softer for her to bite down on, they have a clip for attaching, and the designs don’t have butterflies.

the toys. bright starts remote control, sassy stackable rings, and the list could go on and on. these two are most certainly her favorite. she loves phones so i bought the remote control in the hopes this would deter her from destroying my iphone. it seems to be working, and she loves all the sounds it makes, too. the stackable rings are reminiscent of my childhood years and an all around great item. she is sitting up and playing with these all the time now!

teethers. sassy butterfly teether, nuby icy bite keys, munchkins mesh food teether. now that we are in the teething stage, we are always on the hunt for something caroline can suck/bite to keep her calm, cool, and collected. we stick the keys or the butterfly in the fridge and the coolness keeps her happy! as for the mesh teether, we stick frozen fruit bites in and let her go…QUITE messy, but definitely great for instant meltdowns. bananas and apples work really well, too!

johnson and johnson’s face wipes. as i mentioned before, now that we are eating food, these face wipes work wonders and don’t irritate her sensitive skin. even better, they are travel friendly, so i can throw them in the diaper bag for when we’re out and about.

ella’s brand food pouches. organic fruit and veggies in a pouch? sign me up! we love the combinations offered with the ella’s brand and caroline has really taken a liking to these. even better, if we’re out eating somewhere, i can bring a spoon and a pouch and feed her SO much easier than with traditional jar baby food! these are a must. i hear plum and target brands are great as well.


oxo tot sprout highchair. when we looked at purchasing a highchair, i was all about the boon flair and i know multiple mommies out there who swore by them. i also loved the overall design and functionality of the sprout chair, and the size is what ultimately won me over. it’s more compact than a lot of highchairs on the market, it’s surfaces are WAY easy to wipe down when things get messy, the tray comes off with one hand, and it’s not horrid to look at either. i can go on and on about this chair and i would buy it again in a heartbeat!

that’s it for this edition my friends… i am always happy to answer any questions or offer advice based on our experiences, too! i think these next few months are going to be CRAZY since little miss has decided she is ready to start crawling. right now, we are rocking back and forth and she is making her move so babyproofing starts ASAP! we’ve also got our eyes on a new cart cover and a learn and play center, as if we didn’t have enough baby gear taking over our house 😉

  1. melissa says:

    Your baby girl is growing up so fast! Where does the time go?

    Great list of products! We liked many of those too.

  2. Love all of your fun picks! We have some of them. Sadly we can't use our AngelCare anymore because it was going off all of the time around 8 months or so. She moves SO much. The Munchkin bowls and spoons are amazing. And the Ella's kitchen squeezies are so fun 🙂

    Great list girl!

  3. Ashley says:

    I love this list! Thanks for posting about this! I want to purchase the angel care system, but don't know if I need it right away since she will be sleeping in our room for the first few months. What do you think? Did you buy yours right away or wait a couple of months until she was sleeping in the nursery?

  4. Jess says:

    I'm going to have to come back to this list in about 6 months. Sad that in such a short period of time I will have to be buying spoons and bowls. Can't they just stay babies forever?

  5. Julia says:

    Those pouches are great!!! My son loves them and now "drinks" them up in seconds–no spoon required, it's the perfect meal on the go! Our favorites are the Happy Baby pouches. The spinach mango has AMAZING iron content!

  6. BunBun says:

    Ooooo thanks for sharing the snug seat! Didn't know that option existed until now =) I've been looking for an alternative to the Bumbo and this certainly fits the bill!!

  7. Megan says:

    LOVE those ellas pouches!! We actually bought the attachable spoons that just screw on to the pouch. We don't use them anymore but they were GREAT before Olivia could use the pouches herself!!

  8. So many great suggestions! We have the sprout high chair so I'm glad you love it! Adding some of the toys and the exersaucer to our list too!

  9. Megan says:

    Did you change the sensitivity settings on the Angel Care monitor?

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