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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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this week…courtesy of instagram


October 12, 2012

Trader Joe’s has Pumpking Waffle and Pancake Mix right now…SCORE! Guess what I’ll be making for breakfast Saturday morning? At only $3.99 for a box, I’d say this is a great deal!

Caroline and I painted a polka dot pumpkin the other day-she was mesmerized the entire time. We might just have a little crafter on our hands!

I baked mini pumpkin cream cheese bread and it was incredible…recipe coming next week!

Tuesday night, I headed out to dinner with some of my former work ladies and had a BALL catching up with them…nights like that make me miss my corporate career, but I am thankful we’re able to keep in touch and still meet up from time to time. We went to Lockeland Table in East Nashville, a fantastic new restaurant I had been dying to try! AMAZING…if you’re local, you need to check it out.

Based on some receommendations from yall last week regarding fall nail color, I scooped up Essie’s Recessionista and love it! A bit darker than I usually go for, but I’m a big fan!

Meg and I hosted bunco night at my house last night-and yes, it was great to have the girls over for food, wine, and the crazy antics that always ensue when we are together. Such a fun time.
This weekend, we have ZERO set plans… yes, you read that correctly. I am excited to get outside and take Caroline to visit her very first pumpkin patch, start doing a little Christmas shopping (thank you Pottery Barn for the friends and family sale coupon), watch some football, and go to church. Hope yall have a fantastic weekend!!

  1. Jordan says:

    Oh my, I need that Recessionista asap! Gorgeous. Have a great weekend!

  2. Oh, love that polish! I'm also not usually a darker polish wearer, but that is really chic! Happy Friday to you and sweet little Caroline!

  3. A few things…..

    1.) Sweet baby Caroline, please come to Texas. I know a cute older man that would just love to meet you! 😉

    2.) That nail polish – I must have it asap.

    3.) I've nominated you for hottest mom of the year. I just don't know where to send the nomination???? Let me know if you see a contest similar to that and I swear, you'll win. [but really – little miss skinny and fashionable….teach me your ways!].


  4. OH! And, any update on your interest in the Blissdom conference in Dallas this March (I think it's March). I'm FOR SURE going and am super excited and mildly terrified all at the same time.

  5. Look at your future Martha Stewart! So cute!

    Spying on your above comment … I've always wanted to check out Blissdom! Maybe now is the time for me to take it seriously and look into it!

  6. Sarah Wyland says:

    Ooh! I'm going to Trader Joe's this evening. That pumpkin mix is now on my list!

    I'll have to venture into East Nashville and try another local restaurant – love The Pharmacy!

  7. Oh i love that polish!

  8. Sarah says:

    I keep seeing all of these delicious new things that Trader Joe's has! I am going to have to hit them up this weekend!

  9. Megan says:

    So jealous you have a TJ's!! I miss being close to one!!

    Weekends wo plans are great!! Have fun!! 🙂

  10. Brooke says:

    Love your pumpkin! I painted pumpkins a few weeks ago, can't wait until Sophia is old enough to appreciate those things – won't be long! 😉 That pumpkin bread looks amaze, looking forward to that recipe! Hope you have a great weekend!


  11. SO many thoughts after this post…1) I want to look like you period much less after I have a baby 2) adorable outfit and 3) I am going to have to make a trip to Walgreens today to get that Essie nail polish.

  12. Nimra Angle says:

    well great weekend and its post is really lovely and so many things are great and i will get it nail polish asap, and its all gorgeous.

  13. lori says:

    pumpkin cream cheese bread?! ohhh yum. that sounds amazing! love that little C watched you decorate the pumpkins 🙂

    and i have that polish color, too. love it!

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