1. FINALLY…we got our Maclaren Triumph stroller the other day! I am still trying to figure it out..how to adjust the straps and whatnot, but I am not sure if it’s going to be a winner for us. Jeff doesn’t seem to be a fan because everything is difficult to figure out (and the instruction manual has no words, ONLY pictures), and when we put Caroline in it the other day it looked like she was major uncomfortable. This puppy might be going back to Amazon in exchange for the Uppababy G-Lite. Any other moms out there had issues with either of these strollers?
2. Gap got some new lovelies in the other day that I just couldn’t say no to…hello mint jeans for this maternity mama and an ADORABLE polka dot romper for Miss CC. They need a frequent shopper card for racking up reward points or something…or maybe I should just buy stock.
3. I’ve been horrible about taking pictures lately…I need to step up my game and capture all the cuteness going on! Caroline trying to take steps, me working like a crazy person on all her birthday party crafts, some of the yummy dinners I’ve been cooking (I say yummy because they’ve been approved by Jeff to add to the lineup of options for weekly menu planning), and the random stuff that I somehow seem to document. I’m working on our family photobook for 2012 and I am SO.OVER.IT. I love doing stuff like that, but it’s so tedious and I want to be done with it and move on to something else.
4. I made pineapple hummingbird cupcakes the other day and they were AWESOME. Funny enough, my Mom cut out the recipe from a Sunday newspaper circular because she knew it was something I’d love to bake…she was right and they were simple, too. (i.e. started from a yellow cake mix!)
You can find the recipe here
5. For any of you out there needing to buy baby gifts for yourself, friends, or loved ones…make sure to visit Target this week! They are having major sales on everything. Dr. Browns bottles (otherwise known as the greatest bottles in the world) are buy 1, get 1 50% off and these things are never on sale so we stocked up. Random, but necessary note.
That’s it for today folks… P.S. have I mentioned this weekend cannot come soon enough? Meg is throwing a massive shindig for Aaron (AKA The World’s Best Godfather) Saturday night to mark his status as 30 and officially old 😉 and I cannot wait!! Happy (one day late) Birthday Aaron…we sure do love you!!!
We have the Maclaren as well- Landon is only 5 months and its in the dead of winter right now so we havent been able to use it…hopefully we can figure it out I'll be curious to hear which you decide on going with
Love the uppa baby gluxe super easy!!
Natasha, do you not use the Britax B Ready for Caroline anymore? We are considering registering for it…wondering how long it's "useful" for…thx 🙂
LOVE that little polka dot romper! 🙂 Sooo cute!
my son hates the triumph also, we are selling it and I am looking into the Uppababy as well. Hoping to hear/see is anyone else has had luck with something else! Good luck!
ps the polka dot romper is to die for! so cute!
xoxo Katie
LOVE those mint maternity jeans…why didn't they have those when I was preggers? And I love the little bathing suit for C!!
we LOVE our Uppa Baby G Luxe….no complaints so far (although i do wish the storage space underneath was larger but i guess thats the purpose of an umbrella stroller is to be more compact)
Check out the Chicco Liteway. We LOVE ours! Really easy and quick set up, and I like that it has a 5-point harness for safety. Love that pic of Malc, Aaron and CC. 🙂 Also, I swear they did not have that cute of maternity stuff 2.5 years ago! 🙂
I'm interested to see what you think of either stroller if you do exchange them! We've always had the BOB, but are thinking about getting another one that's less bulky.
Get the GAP card…you get $10 for every $200 you spend!!! I am always racking up free coupons. 🙂 And they have additional discounts when you use your card!
We have a Maclaren and I LOVE it!! Only I got the white and that was a huge mistake because it looks like such a mess.
Ramblings of a Suburban Mom
Hi Natasha, can you tell us which company you are making your 2012 photobook with? My daughter is almost 9 months and i haven't started making any yet. Yikes!! I would love to know where you are making yours. Also, can't wait to see something birthday party planning details. 🙂
Wait…do you not have the Gap/Banana Republic credit card?!!? You need to get it.I always receive coupons for $20-50 off.
Those Gap finds are TOO cute!!! There is so much cute maternity-wear on the market now! You are stylin' no doubt!
Ditto what the other girls said about the Gap/Banana card. I buy tons of clothes at Baby Gap (I'm in love with the new navy, green & pink line with stripes & polka dots!) and am always getting rewards certificates. Plus, if you reach luxe status, you get free shipping on all orders and various other perks. It does make it a little too easy to pull the trigger on cute new baby clothes but hey – they can't go naked! 🙂
I want those jeans!! Great, now I'm going to have to get pregnant again. 🙂 Thanks!
Keep us updated on the strollers. I know we'll be needing one sooner than we think.
We have the triumph and don't love it.
i know a couple people mentioned it already, but you need to get an old navy/gap/banana card! i held out for awhile, but now i wish i had done it sooner! this month, if i use it outside their stores (it's a regular visa) only 4 times, i get $20 in rewards!! so worth it!!!
We have the uppa baby gluxe and love it. Got it in black and wish I had gotten it earlier. Also have a GAP card and unlike other stores where you seem to never rack up points, they pay out very well. Just ordered some stuff with the rewards I got from Xmas shopping.
Those maternity jeans are SO cute! Also, I would love if you would do a quick post on your weekday "go to" recipes! I am trying to get into menu planning and am very burnt out on my old tricks so I need some new to spice up my life! 😉
What happened to the original stroller you had bought Caroline? Too bulky??
Cute jeans!
Don't you need a second seat in that stroller?!?
GAP is killing it lately. That romper is adorable and those mint jeans definitely belong in your closet!
I am buying those same mint jeans! You have got to go to The new Essex Bargain hunt in Franklin and check out all those strollers. Since you are having a new one soon you may wanna check out the Baby Jogger City Select but if you want an umbrella stroller they have tons and are about 1/2 price of the ones on amazon. They def have a few maclaren models and the G-lite. Baby Gizmo.com said that the Joovy Groove was the best umbrella stroller out there so I may get that one soon.
Ugh- I'm working on a photo book, too, and it takes forever! It is fun but so time consuming!
I ended up hating our stroller too!! We got a jogging stroller assuming it would be the perfect fit for us – rough terrain, in the dirt, etc but I HATE it! It doesn't fit in the car(umm useless) and C looks uncomfortable in it.
I think I need to order more bottles if they're on sale!
Aw, I'm sorry Caroline doesn't seem to like the stroller.
We love ours, but it definitely doesn't have all the bells and whistles our BOB does, but that's just because it's a "light weight" stroller.
Hope you find one that works better for you guys!
love your blog!
we have the uppa G luxe! it is SOOOO easy and it reclines so he can nap! super easy to use and light weight!! check it out!! worth the extra $20!
Why aren't you considering a double stroller..you are definitely going to need one!
We have twins and have the Twin Maclaren and we really loved it for ease of use and getting in and out of stores, dr offices, etc. For long walks however we got the Valco Baby Tri Mode Twin Stroller – Pistachio it is expensive but well worth it – you may want to return your single stroller and get a double since you'll have two young children close in age
Dying over the adorable new stuff at gap – you're such a fashionable mama!!
I have an UppaBaby G-Luxe and LOVE it. Easy to use, folds compactly, has a footrest so it stands on its own (instead of leaning against car) and has a carrying strap. I bought mine at Essex Bargain Hunt for around $100.