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Gender Reveal!! Baby Stoneking #2 Is A…


January 25, 2013

I’ve made you wait long enough, haven’t I? My apologies for the long overdue post since we have known for  a week now, yet I had to wait for snail mail to be delivered to some very important people before proclaiming the good news.
I wanted to do something a bit different this go around rather than the traditional gender reveal party, which we did for Caroline. There are so many fun ideas floating around the internet that I eventually stumbled across an idea that was easier to accomplish so we could mail to friends and family who live out of town.
I found Lindsay at Inklings Paperie on Etsy and thought she had the cutest idea…scratch off cards for a gender reveal that said “What Will It Bee?”

I mailed these in envelopes with handwritten notes to those out of towners and then for loved ones in Nashville, I dropped them off in their mailboxes with shortbread cookies in the shape of bees from another fabulous Etsy shop, Stephanie J’s Creations.

And without further adieu (drumroll please), joining our family in June,
Baby Stoneking #2 is a….GIRL! 
(Look at the excitement on Caroline’s face! haha)
It was plain as day at the ultrasound that we are having another darling girl. Jeff said he knew it from the moment we started seeing her on the screen…her legs were crossed and she was WAY active, but as soon as she rolled over, it was clear that more pink, bows, dresses, and fun are in our future. We had the biggest smiles on our faces as we both know this is going to be an exciting adventure for not only us, but more importantly for Caroline. I hope they will be the best of friends and I cannot wait to see her with a little sister. I can’t lie, as much as I know Jeff would love to have a boy, I can’t help but get happy thinking about my 2 girls in matching outfits, playing tea party together, growing up so close in age, and all the other fun moments we have to look forward to.
From our family, thank you so very much for all your well wishes and prayers… we are happy for what’s to come and to we look forward to sharing this journey with you.

  1. I absolutely LOVE the scratch off idea! And those cookies!!!

    Congratulations on baby girl #2. I couldn't think of a more perfect addition for the Stonekings! So when do we find out the name?! 🙂

  2. haha Caroline's face is hilarious! The cookies are super cute. Thanks for making this out-of-towner part of the excitement 🙂 Congrats again!

  3. Melissa says:

    Congratulations! What a cute idea for sharing with friends and family!

  4. Kit says:

    So exciting! Caroline and baby sister are going to grow up being BEST of friends!!!!

  5. I Knew it!! Hooray for team pink:) What a blessing!! Congratulations to you all xxoo

  6. awww so fun!! sisters are the best. i have three! drama of course lol but so fun!! congrats lady!! 🙂

  7. Nicole-Lynn says:

    Awww! How precious Caroline will have a sister! Congratulations! Happy for y'all!

  8. Laura says:

    Congratulations on your little girl! My sister and I are 17 months apart and while we had our fights when we were younger it was great having a sister so close in age. Such a great, original reveal idea!

  9. Vicky says:


  10. Meredith says:

    YAY!!! I knew yall were destined for a house for of girls!! What a cute idea for the scratch off, love it!! Congrats!

  11. Caitlin says:

    YAY!!!! I can't wait to see them in matching outfits!! SO excited for you guys! 🙂

  12. rachel says:

    Congratulations! How precious! Love your reveal.

  13. Katherine says:

    oh i'd love to have 2 daughter some day! perfect little family! congrats!

  14. Heather says:

    Such a cute reveal! I am pregnant with our second little girl too. So exciting! Can't wait to see how things go for you guys. 🙂

  15. Kim says:

    Awesome! Having two girls so close in age is going to be SO MUCH FUN! Congratulations!!!

  16. Paige says:

    Congrats!! How fun!!

  17. melissa says:

    Congratulations Natasha! I'm so happy for you and for your girls who will be so lucky to have a sister close in age! My sister and I are 13 months apart and best friends. You're going to have so much fun!

  18. Amanda says:

    Congratulations! I know I enjoyed having a sister growing up and even more now 🙂 I also love the scratch off idea ! How original?!

  19. Kaity says:

    Hoooooray! Another beautiful, glorious baby girl! Congratulations, Mama!

  20. Rachel says:

    Those sweet little sisters are going to be the BEST dressed, cutest little girls on the block!!! I can't wait to see how precious they are together 🙂 Congrats!!!

  21. Jess Beer says:

    Congratulations! Little sisters are pretty awesome!

  22. Mariah says:

    Yay!!!! I've been stalking your blog (more than usual) for the gender!! Congrats!!

  23. Maggie says:

    Congrats! What a cute way to share your happy news 🙂

  24. Anna & Kirby says:

    Oh yay!! Congrats on #2 🙂 love your reveal idea

  25. Leesa says:

    Congrats! Looking forward to reading your journey! 🙂

  26. Congratulations on your next (pretty in pink!) blessing!

  27. Congratulations, love! I am thrilled for you and your precious family! xo

  28. Ahhhhh congrats Natasha!!! Love that your two girls will be so close in age and best friends! What a neat bond!! xo

  29. Sara Cate says:

    Congratulations! Another beautiful girl is such a blessing.

  30. Jo & Ant says:

    Congrats on another sweet girl! Anyone with a sister should agree- there is no greater gift! Lucky Caroline getting a best friend for life!

  31. jayme says:

    ohhh that facebook picture was such a tease!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 CONGRATS!!!! so excited for everything!!

  32. Andee Layne says:

    awww congrats hun! So happy for you guys and what a darling idea for the gender reveal! xoox

  33. Congrats!! You knew from the get go…I'm convinced our second (when that happens) will be another girl as well. At least there will be plenty of uses out of all those adorable clothes!! So fun:)

  34. P*P*P says:

    AMAZING!!!! So excited for you!

  35. Shana says:

    How wonderful! I have secretly dreaming of having another little girl ever since we found out we were having another little miss 🙂 Oh the matching outfits…I swoon!

    Congrats! Congrats! Congrats!

  36. Congratulations!

    I couldn't imagine life without my sister! Your girls will be the best of friends–even if it takes them until they are adults to realize it themselves.

    I really think there is no greater gift for your child than a sibling!

  37. Mrs.HVK says:

    Sisters are the BEST!! Congrats to your and your family!

  38. Dawn says:

    Congrats! Sweet sisters!:)

  39. Yay, I'm so happy for y'all! I had a feeling it was a girl. Love teh scratch off idea too, that's really sweet! Congrats 🙂

  40. Amanda says:

    Yay! Congrats! How exciting to be having another girl!!! I loved your idea for your last gender reveal (so much so that I even used it) but I think I love this one even more!

  41. Kristen says:

    How exciting! I love the look on Carolines face, it's like she's thinking…"I'm NOT sharing my headbands!"

  42. How exciting! I can see you with a house full of PINK!! Congratulations!!!!

    🙂 God Bless your growing family!

  43. Casey says:

    How very exciting! I'm a new follower, and can't wait to read more about your second addition as you progressin your pregnancy! Congrats!

  44. Laura says:

    Congrats!!! I was telling someone the other day that Nashville is on a baby girl boom! I know so many friends (and myself!) who are having girls between Feb and June! You're girls will be such good friends. And it doesn't hurt that you get to pass down clothes 🙂

    Love the scratch off idea!

  45. Kate says:

    I couldn't be more happy for you all! Such a cute way of telling those cloest to you!!!

  46. Erin says:

    Oh my goodness they are going to be the BEST of friends this is too exciting! And those reveals are pretty darn cute themselves.

  47. Kendyl says:

    Congrats!!! What a cute way to do the gender reveal! Hope you are feeling good!

  48. Katie says:

    Congratulations! another girl how exciting! nothing better than growing up with a best friend!

  49. Caroline says:

    I am so thrilled for you and the family. I can't wait to see these two beautiful girls growing up together!

  50. kellyhicks says:

    Congratulations!! They will be the best of friends! I love having sisters!

  51. Jess Norden says:

    Woohoo!!!!! SISTERS! How exciting 🙂 Congratulations!!!!

  52. Tess says:

    So exciting for your sweet family!

  53. Hailey says:

    I knewwwww it!!! YAY congrats to you 3. Don't leave us hanging for little girls name 😉

  54. Emily Marie says:

    Congrats, having two girls will be so much fun! You can never have enough pink, bows and ruffles around the house 😉

  55. Emily Marie says:

    Congrats, having two girls will be so much fun! You can never have enough pink, bows and ruffles around the house 😉

  56. I was so excited to hear, and a big YAAAAYYYYYY from Charlotte NC! Congratulations, Stonekings, and bring on the frilly bows!

  57. Kristin says:

    I love the scratch off card idea!

  58. ESB says:

    How exciting! I've never met you and I was still checking my reader every day to see if you posted it! Love the scratch off idea- especially as we did the cake for #1 and it is starting to feel overdone. Congrats!

  59. Kim says:

    YAY!!!! So excited for the Stoneking sisters 🙂 That will be really special with the girls growing up so close in age. Congratulations!!!

  60. Brandi says:

    I would NEVER have thought to do something like those scratch cards, what a wonderful idea!!! Congrats!

  61. What an adorable idea! Love that you did little scratch-offs! Many congrats to you and your lovely family!

  62. Lindsay says:

    Congratulations!!! We have two girls, and you're exactly right… They are the best of friends! (Even though one is too young to talk yet 😉 ) it is beyond touching to watch the way she already adores her big sister! CONGRATS again! I can't wait to follow your journey with two beautiful little girls!


  63. Lindsay says:

    Congratulations!!! We have two girls, and you're exactly right… They are the best of friends! (Even though one is too young to talk yet 😉 ) it is beyond touching to watch the way she already adores her big sister! CONGRATS again! I can't wait to follow your journey with two beautiful little girls!


  64. This is just darling! The bee cookies and scratch offs are perfect. Congrats on your second baby girl!!

  65. Jessica says:

    Congrats Natasha and family!!! Best wishes for a healthy pregnancy and baby!

  66. Shari says:

    Congratulations! Such a cute way to tell everyone! 🙂

  67. Day Old News says:

    I felt quite positive that was what you'd say and it is just perfect. You and your girls will be the best of friends!

  68. congrats, how exciting!! I just had my second baby girl, as in TODAY!, and my oldest daughter is not even two! I'll be excited to follow along with your adventure!

  69. I stumbled on your blog today. First off – CONGRATULATIONS! What a blessing! Your daughter is adorable and I can only imagine your second daughter will be just as adorable! Looooove the reveal scratch offs! Great idea! Best wishes on a healthy pregnancy! 🙂

  70. Katie says:

    Yay!!! Congratulations!!! 🙂

  71. Sara says:

    I knew it! Congrats congrats congrats! I read this post over the weekend on my phone, so I couldn't comment, but wanted to come back and make sure to give you guys some props on making this world a more beautiful place one gorgeous little lady at a time! CONGRATS!

  72. Nat says:

    Congrats!! So exciting!! Me and my sister are the very best of friends- I don't know what I would do without her! They will have so much fun growing up together


  74. Congrats on having a baby girl, so exciting!! We don't find out for a few more weeks and I can't wait!!!

    {love jenny xoxo}

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