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Alright, come one come all…it’s an open discussion session here on Hello! Happiness today. In the effort to “jumpstart” my creative thinking and blog material for future posts, I wanted to venture out on a limb and let you, my readers and friends, take over.
It’s everyone’s favorite blog post topic. You know, the one where you ask me questions and I divulge all the answers. I’ve never done this before so I thought this would be a fun way for some of you new readers to get to know me better…or for long-time readers to ask me that burning question you’ve been dying to know. I’m pretty much an open book so let’s see what you got…
I’m all ears so take it away đ
Hi Natasha! Love your blog!! I have 2 questions – you are in such amazing shape and so cute – I was wondering what a typical day of meals and snacks looks like for you? Also, I am moving to Nashville next month – what are some of your favorite places to go – shopping, eating, drinks, fun weekend things? Thanks girl!
Here are a few silly/fun questions:
1] If you could vacay anywhere in the world [with kids or without] where would you go?
B] If you had the choice to eat ONE thing every day for a month or not eat it for a month, which would you choose?
3] What is the grossest thing you experience as a first time mom?
D] Do you have a secret/hidden talent?!!?
Have a great day!
I love the questions that Meghan asked above. Would love to see a day in the life post!
oh I love these kind of posts…i think i should do one too one of these days.
Lets see ….how did you and your hubby meet? Do you plan on getting "help" once you have your second baby? Thats something I'm anxious about now and were not even prego again yet. My hands are so full with miss Ava I get overwhelmed thinking on how I would juggle two?!
Hey Natashs! I love your blog! I'm about to be a first time mom and I was wondering what your opinions were on all the baby gear you registered for with Caroline. What was indispensable and what could you have lived without? Also, anything you wished you had known before becoming a mom that you didn't? Thanks!
Oops….Natasha. Sorry!
Great blog post. I'm just a curious reader who wants to see the other questions and read your answers. đ
This is so fun! Where are your favorite online shops? You wear the cutest dresses & I am always curious as to where they are from! đ
I want to know if you guys have a dog or not! I think I read you reference one in a post, but haven't seen anything since…its quite a mystery to me!
I am a long time reader… You are one of my daily/favorite reads!
I hope to stay-at-home we have our second baby….
What adjustments did y'all make for you to be able to stay-home?
Will you eventually return to work?
I am having a hard time thinking about giving up my job as a teacher (it obviously has MANY perks) Do you ever regret your decision to stay home?
When do you guys plan to build your dream home??
I think that's all for now!:)
What kind of relationship do you have with your in-laws?
Hi Natasha,
I'm a long time reader of your blog and i have lots of questions for you! Sorry if some of these are too nosey
1.) Caroline's first birthday! Plese tell us all the details, your plans, what you plan on putting on her wishlist for others to get her and what you plan on getting her. (my little one is 10 months and i am freaking out about the first bday!)
2.) Do you think you will ever go back to work when your children are older? How do you really feel about being a stay at home mom? Do you feel others judge you in any way?
3.) Tell us all about your plans for the new house.
4.) What are your hopes and dreams for littl Caroline and Carson?
5.)Can you tell us your current makeup looks? ( I have to tell you after your post on your hair i ran out and bought the Clear brand shampoo and conditioner and my hais has NEVER looked better. I was using an expensive brand and cannot believe the results on the Clear brand. I never would have tried it because i personally think the ads with Heidi Klum made her hair look greasy so i would have never tried it. Thanks so much for the tip!!)
6.) Current diet/exercise plan
7.) Could you do a current what your loving every now and then. Like current items you recently bought that you love?
8.) You have mentioned you like organization. Can you show us how you organize and your tips.
9.) How are you keeping memories of Caoline. Do you have a baby book? Do you make photo books? Which website do you use to do this? Do you scrapebook?
10) How do you guys budget with being on a single income now and doing things like a building a house. Do you follow a system to keep on track? Has it been harder or easier than you thought when you took the leap and started staying at home.
I'm sure I can think of many more questions and will post more! đ
Hi Natasha,
We're coming to Nahville next month, must do's that I we can do with a 8 month old, places to eat, etc. thanks!
Are y'all planning on more kids or stopping at two?
Oooh, this is fun!
My question would be:
What is your favorite room in your house, and why?
Haha, kidding I know you don't know the answer to that.
1) Which area of Nashville do you live in, do you like it and why? I am dying to move there.
2)What are some good brunch places in Nash-especially with mimosas?
3)When you were my age (26) did you think you would have what you do right now?: cute husband, baby & one on the way, great house. etc.
I love reading your blog as a fellow Nashvillian. đ My question is where do you do your shopping?? I love your clothes and so wish I had your help decorating my place. I would hire you if I could to decorate my condo haha
Hey Natasha!
I'd love to see a day in the life post too! I think they're so much fun!
Love this. Advice for SAHMs.
What is your favorite part of motherhood?
How many kids do y'all think you want to have?
More about how you and Jeff met and how you style rooms/your house. I LOVED Caroline's nursery and some of the previous room posts.
Runner up baby names..?
Can't wait to see your answers. Lots of good questions asked!
what is a typical day like in your house? I love to hear from other SAHMs!
I love your blog and would also love to see a post on your favorite shopping spots!
I would love to see a look at your work out routine, but also how you manage stress/tips for maintaining balance in one's life! Also, definitely runner-up baby names! And if you have time, what your reading or watching this week, as I love to read other people's guilty TV or reading pleasures!
Pretty sure this is a redundant question, but I'd love to know your thoughts on being a SAHM vs. a working Mama.
What are you most nervous about with having 2 babies, especially so close in age? My husband definitely wants another baby, but I'm not so sure.
WoW! I am impressed by everyone's questions above! I hope you get to answer them all and share them! I know several of the above questions I'd love to know how you'll answer them!
I'm not a mom (YET) haha it's a work in progress at the moment, but I'd like to know what was the one thing people didn't tell you that you wish they would of regarding birthing your first baby, and that first night home? đ
1. How often do you and Jeff fight?
2. I want to see a picture of you when you were a teenager or in college!
3. What's your definition of love?
Such a fun post! I think I need to do one soon! đ
I would love to learn more about your family dynamic with hubby and C and baby on the way!
Also, what logistics you figured out to be a SAHM.
And of course, like the other readers, more insight into the new house!!
Love you girl! xo
I would also love a day in the life post. Also, I know you've mentioned that you may be opening your own business…just wondering if you're still thinking about it and if so, what is it? Love reading your blog!
So many questions so far…just can't wait to see your answers.
I think I would want to see some of your inspiration for the new house. Being in the building stage myself it's so fun to see what others are doing.
Who are your "must read" blogs?
Do you have a bucket list? That would make a fun post!! đ
Hi! I would looove your tips on eating healthy during pregnancy while still indulging cravings…maybe a pregnancy day in the life of your food? I would also love to know what you eat to take off the pregnancy weight, and any exercises that helped you get your body back!
Hey, could you a link on your sidebar for your workouts? I remember reading about one a few months ago…
How old are you?
What does Jeff do for a living?
Are you going to try for a boy?