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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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28 Weeks…Third-Trimester Bumpdate


April 8, 2013


How Far Along? 28 weeks, 3 days
Size of the Wee One? The size of a chinese cabbage…her length is estimated at 15 inches and Miss Carson weighs a little over 2 pounds
Maternity Clothes? Oh yes indeed. I found myself having to stock up on “late spring/early summer” maternity necessities because I had nothing that I was happy with. All my clothes from last summer were celebrating my “normal” body again so my dad and I had a fun date last weekend to stock up on some fun new spring attire! I got a few new dresses, shorts, tanks, bathing suits, and tees to get me through the next 2 months. Thanks Dad
Weight Gain? We are chugging right along in that department friends…I’m up 19 pounds. I obviously never have a hard time gaining weight during pregnancy 😉 I’m still working out 2-3 times a week which makes me feel so much better!
Stretch Marks? Nope…I still rub on my Vitamin E creme each and every day and can’t help but think it really does work wonders on my skin. I know, I know, genetics help a bit, too. Very thankful indeed.
Gender? Girl, girl, girl-more pink on the way!!
Name? Carson Elizabeth Stoneking
Sleep? I used to keep myself up all hours of the night, thinking of to-do lists and such, but with this pregnancy, I fall asleep as soon as I hit the pillow…likely due to Caroline keeping me on the move all day, every day. I have to wake up a few times to use the bathroom, but other than that it’s been smooth sailing in the sleep department-getting it in while I can!
Cravings? It’s funny that I crave the same stuff as I did when I was pregnant with CC…fruits, high sugar cereals, and mostly junk food-Jeff loves me being pregnant because he knows half of our pantry items would NEVER exist in our house otherwise (pop tarts, fruit snacks, cookies, endless amounts of ice cream, etc). This should be interesting as I have my glucose test this afternoon. Fingers crossed for  good results.
What I Miss? ALCOHOL…I sound like a lush, but it’s the truth. With summer fast approaching, I want sangria, and I want it now. I cannot wait to sip on some cold adult beverages, and I know our trip to the beach is going to be a tease seeing as there will be no margaritas for me during our stay. I might have to indulge in some mocktails and this non-alcoholic wine everyone keeps telling me about.
Symptoms? Braxton Hicks contractions, puffy ankles (ewww so not attractive), tiredness, major mood swings (sorry Jeff), breakouts, and I am hot all the time.
Belly Button? It’s definitely finding it’s way to an outie a lot sooner this time…is that normal?
Best Moment? Feeling her kick and move (that feeling NEVER gets old), working on the nursery (trying to finalize a paint color, getting quotes for the closet revamp, and we just ordered the rug), and realizing that we’re in the home stretch-only 12 more weeks as a family of three-yikes!

  1. Just darling! You look fantastic. Do tell me the secrets to your gorgeous hair … seems like pregnancy has been very good to you in that aspect!

  2. You look fabulous and so happy! Definitely try the non-alcoholic wine- Fre made me feel just a little better about missing my Chardonnay! And I loved mocktails too 🙂

  3. Loran Marie says:

    Where did you get your dress! cute!

  4. Andee Layne says:

    you look just a fabulous the second time around hun! Do you feel like this pregnancy is going by much faster? I swear I felt like I was pregnant for two years with Ava lol You look so great…one fit mama! xo

  5. You look great! I can't believe you are 28 weeks already!

  6. Lauren0109 says:

    Third trimester already?! I'm not sure if you would agree, but your pregnancy seems to be flying by! You look amazing, pregnancy suits you beautifully!

  7. Jessica says:

    Yes, you look GREAT!! I swear your pregnancy is flying by SO. FAST. How exciting!!
    BTW, do you drink sparkling water? That saved me when I craved alcohol when I was pregnant, especially in the summer! Being able to drink a few cans/bottles while everyone else is drinking beer seemed to do the trick! 🙂

  8. Samma says:

    You look just darling! You wear pregnancy so well!

  9. You look gorgeous! Your hair is perfect!!

  10. emily says:

    Love that dress!!
    You look great, as always!

  11. melissa says:

    You are gorgeous! Your hair is so long – I love it! I craved cereal and sweets when I was pregnant too. So much so that I don't touch cereal now. Not because I don't like it but because I associate it with gaining weight and am afraid to touch it! Ha! Totally irrational, I know.

    If you're going to try the non-alcoholic wine, I suggest a brand called Ariel. I tried a few (lush!) and I thought the Ariel tasted the most like wine. The other brands tasted like juice.

  12. Kelly says:

    You look amazing girlfriend!

    I totally felt the exact same way while pregnant – I never wanted a drink worse in my life! I can't believe your already in the third trimester, woo!

  13. Kaity says:

    You are the cutest thing ever!! And I love that dress! So looking forward to getting to "meet" Miss Carson 🙂

  14. I love the dress – you look so adorable! And I cannot wait for a glass of wine, I am starting to miss it more b/c it's close to being able to sip. Oh summertime w/a cool drink! Best wishes thru the rest of your pregnancy!

  15. Third trimester already?!?? I don't believe it! You look fabulous:) I love my prenatals for all the beauty benefits but I do have to get my highlights done a little more frequently since my hair grows so fast!

    The junk food I craved took over every cabinet! I had to have lucky charms daily- it got out of hand haha:) so glad you are doing well

  16. 1.) You are precious.
    2.) Your hair – seriously? Teach me your ways!
    3.) Your dad is a total rock star for taking you shopping. That is amazing!

  17. Ashley says:

    Your hair looks extra AMAZING lately!! I can't believe you only have 12 weeks left – time is flying!

  18. You look gorgeous as ever!

  19. Francis says:

    You look great. Congrats on your baby! First time visiting. 🙂

  20. Laura Graham says:

    Loved the update and I am with everyone else on your hair! LOve it long and curled like that. I need to post my 28 week update! Coming soon!

  21. Nat says:

    You look great!! I'm a week ahead of you so I hear you on the alcohol. I've been drinking the FRE brand of champagne or chardonnay- it makes me feel like I'm having the real thing. I'm having a boy but I can't stop eating sweats all the time- my husband is loving it too- so much junk food in our house right now.

  22. Sara says:

    You look amazing! So happy and just absolutely glowing! Does it feel like this pregnancy is moving any faster than the first? I felt like I was pregnant 75 months with Mac. I always wonder if the second will feel faster because I'm distracted.

  23. Lori Capel says:

    your hair looks Fab!!!!!


  24. Kate says:

    Can we just talk about how long your hair is getting!! Have you ever had it this long (while blogging)? Lord knows it'll be back in a ponytail all summer long 🙂

    And in the weight gain realm – As of yesterdat, I'm up 19 lbs also. I actually don't think that's that much and am happy with where I'm am. You look wonderful and can only see the weight in your belly… lucky you!!

    • i know…i feel like i'm turning into rapunzel–i need to get it cut soon!! i havent had it this long since junior year of college-CRAZY.

      yay, we're both chugging along!!! yes, you should be very happy with that number my friend. and P.S. you look fabulous 😉

  25. Lea says:

    Could you shop for me as well? It's next to impossible to find cute clothes here. You look adorable and comfortable!

  26. Jen Gordon says:

    you look GORGEOUS mama!! loving your long hair!!!

  27. Erica says:

    You look amazing! I am just a couple weeks behind you, so maybe I need to take some tips from you! PS…your daughters birthday party was the cutest thing ever! Such a cute blog that you have! 🙂



  28. You're hair looks fabulous!! Totally jealous 😉

  29. You look wonderful – so exciting to be expecting another little girl!


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