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30 Weeks Down, 10 To Go…Nursery Updates


April 22, 2013

Seriously y’all  when people tell you your 2nd pregnancy flies by, LISTEN TO THEM. I have been in this “la dee dah” mode and I looked at my planner the other day and realized HOLY HELL things are approaching quickly so I better get a move on before Miss Carson makes her debut.
I had been beating myself up and was going to jump off the diving board into the deep part of the pool because I felt like I was getting nothing accomplished, but low and behold, I was finally able to tackle some items for the nursery this past week…here is where we’re at:
Crib and Dresser-Complete! I absolutely love them and think they are whimsy and feminine, while still being absolutely different than the pieces in Caroline’s room.

Bedding-Complete! I ordered the punch canvas collection bumper and crib skirt from Serena and Lily and love how simple it is…wanted to keep it a little more plain since her furniture has so many details. I then bought a few printed crib sheets from PBK to incorporate the navy details in the room.

Chair-Ordered! I thought I had found the perfect chair and even got the approval from my “team of experts”. Of course when I went to order it, it was being discontinued so that was a big epic fail. But, alas, the folks at PBK came out with a brand new option that I liked even more. It’s called the Bryant Glider and we ordered it in the white twill…should be here in just a few short weeks, too!
Rug-Complete! We ordered this navy trellis rug from Rugs USA and I cannot say enough great things about how it looks…I love the boldness, the fun pattern, and the quality can’t be beat…big pop of color and exactly the look I was looking for. 

Paint-In Process…I am usually pretty decisive when it comes to selecting paint colors, yet low and behold, this nursery has taken its toll on my record when it comes to selecting the right shade. We’re all quite aware that there are WAY too many shades of grey lurking out there, and 5 samples later, I think we have a winner. It’s Cement Grey by Benjamin Moore, but we’re getting 70% of the actual color so it will be a touch lighter than how it’s shown in the picture. Fingers crossed this works or else I’ll just have to live with it until we move.

Closet Design…In Process. I met with our contractor last week about how to repurpose the tricky closet in Carson’s nursery and we have a plan of attack to make the most out of the awkward space…it involves lots of shelving, baskets, and hanging rods and I am confident it’ll be a good fix!

Window Treatments…In Process. Just when I thought the coral pink from the crib bedding was going to be impossible to match, the amazing people at Land of Nod have come through and saved the day! I found these striped curtain panels online and had swatches sent to the house to make sure they were spot on, and low and behold, they are the perfect match…I think they are going to add some color to the walls, but still not deter from the overall inspiration for the nursery…love love love!! P.S. ours will be floor length panels with blackout to help combat the bright light that sneaks into the room.

Art/Decor…1/2 Way There. I have bought a few prints from some of my favorite Etsy shops, and have purchased some fun frames for the walls, but we still have quite a bit of decor to complete the space. I’ve got some ideas bookmarked and need to finish that part soon!

Here are a few snapshots I took of the room this weekend, as it currently stands:

As for the other odds and ends, I still need to find a pillow for the chair, buy a nightstand/chest, order a gold lamp, decide if I want to add a mobile above the crib, buy a bookcase to house miscellaneous toys, keepsakes, and books, and then we can finalize the room and reveal the finished product. So close, yet so far away! Can’t wait to share with yall soon!

  1. 10 weeks!?!?!? Oh my goodness! Everything looks amazing and props to you for finding a perfect grey, you are right there are a million to choose from it's overwhelming!

  2. It's really coming together so beautifully! Cannot WAIT to see the final nursery! Carson is one lucky little babe to come into a family as wonderful as yours!! xo

  3. Andee Layne says:

    Oh my gosh girl only 10 more weeks! Where does the time go?!!! I adore the crib and changing table!! Cant wait to see the finished product! xo

  4. Shari says:

    I love the furniture you picked out! So cute. 🙂 Can't wait to see the finished product.

  5. Anna says:

    Love your sweet room!! I'm new to the blogging world, but love finding blogs of other prego momma's 🙂 I'm 38 weeks with my first and hoping our little man comes soon!!! Good luck with your last few weeks!


  6. Ashley says:

    That crib is BEAUTIFUL!! Love that rug too.

  7. Jen Gordon says:

    what a gorgeous crib!!!!

  8. Kat says:

    It all looks like it's going to be gorgeous! Just one thing is bothering me though- are you aware that the American Academy of Pediatrics does not recommend the use of bumpers due to the risk of suffocation and the lack of any evidence that they prevent injury? You can read about it here if you want: http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/early/2011/10/12/peds.2011-2285.full.pdf?sid=a6d8cb46-f76d-4cb4-b6da-4227a2a2fc3c
    I know it's your decision and I am not trying to judge; I just wanted to give some friendly advice. Either way, I can't wait to see the end result!

  9. Holy hell is right!!!!!! Where have 30 weeks gone?! I felt like I was pregnant foreverrrr with Jackson, so I'm actually glad to hear once again that the 2nd pregnancy just zooms by! Ps – her crib and dresser are absolutely stunning! I love that you're making each room unique and so personalized. Lucky little ladies!!! If we have a girl down the road, I'm flying you to TX to work on a nursery! 😉 😉 It's all looking so good, little momma!!!

  10. Amanda Lee says:

    That crib!!!! Too cute, per usual Natasha!!

  11. Leesa says:

    Love it! I wish you could come and re-decorate my house. I LOVE you taste and style! Can't wait to see the final stage. 🙂

  12. It's coming together so perfectly!! 30 weeks snuck up fast! It seems like it was just yesterday you were holding up your chalkboard announcement! I love that Caroline and Carson's room are different yet fabulous! Bravo, friend!

  13. Looking great! The crib is beautiful! 30 weeks already? Whoa!!!

  14. rachel says:

    Miss Carson will be here so soon!!! Nursery is looking fabulous! Love that crib!

  15. Samma says:

    WHat a wonderful cozy space! I can't wait to see the finished product!

  16. Nat says:

    Love eveything you chose! Can't wait to see how it all comes together!

  17. Britni says:

    LOVE the nursery colors!!

  18. jayme says:

    it's looking fantastic, mama! great job and i can't wait to see it all together. i know it will be perfection, per usual! xoxo

  19. I die over the crib. So gorgeous!

  20. Kelly says:

    That is the most amazing crib I have ever seen! Swooooon!

  21. Laura Graham says:

    I LOVE her furniture. SO pretty. That crib is gorgeous!

  22. J and A says:

    LOVE her furniture, it's just the look we are going for. We are trying to decide on a grey for the wall right now! Beautiful start!!

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