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Blog Everyday in May Challenge…Days 28, 29, and 30


May 30, 2013

Day 28: Only Pictures
(some of my favorite pictures…random in nature)

Day 29, Wednesday: Five Songs/Pieces of Music 
I am a music lover… something I take after from my Dad, who has the most extensive music collection I have ever seen-seriously, it’s THAT good. Anyways, back to the subject at hand. Picking just 5 songs that speak to me, have had an impact to me, and bring back memories from way back when. These all have a lot of meaning behind them and definitely show my diverse love of music, from rock to rap to country to classical, and everything in between.

Beyoncé: “I Was Here” (the lyrics are incredible and makes me think that we should all strive to leave the world better than we found it)

Incubus: Wish You Were Here (makes me think of college, vacations, and thinking life is GREAT)

Pearl Jam: Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town (my all-time favorite band, with the BEST lyrics I’ve ever heard…all about life and how you change without changing at all)

Thomas Newman: Whisper of a Thrill (from Meet Joe Black; one of the most incredible pieces of music…so peaceful and reminds me of all of God’s wonders)

Pachelbel: Canon in D (the song I walked down the aisle to on my wedding day; every time I am at a wedding and I hear this, I can’t help but think about June 11, 2011…the day I married my best friend)

Day 30: React to this Term: Letting Go

To me, the term “letting go” can have so many different meanings…letting go of the past, letting go in trying to always have things be “perfect”, letting go of your fears, etc. I think we are all having to learn how to grow and let go of the things that inhibit us living our best life possible. Lately, I have realized I have had to try to quit pleasing people…it used to consume my thoughts all the time, and now I have realized that my life is filled with good AND bad, but to let go of the things that hold me back and focus on the amazing things, rather than the few that can tend to get me down. We should all try to eliminate/let go of the negative!! It’s not worth our time (I promise). 
One more day to go…WOO HOO!!!
  1. Bri says:

    I walked down the aisle to that same song 🙂

  2. Chasity Munn says:

    You look so pretty! You always take great photos!


  3. Tess says:

    Yep, I'm working on letting go of the negative too – mainly negative thoughts. Thoughts become actions, and so on and so on…right 😉

    Also, I adore that picture of you and Jeff on the dance floor at your wedding. So cute and funny!!

  4. Jennifer says:

    We have the same anniversary. It's almost here!! We are going to try out Husk. Gorgeous pictures that you shared.

  5. Ashley says:

    LOVE Wish You Were Here, one of my favorite songs!

  6. lori says:

    you are the cutest!! that wedding picture is soooo stunning.

  7. Samma says:

    Love those pictures!

  8. Laura Graham says:

    I didn't know you like Pearl Jam! and that really surprises me for some reason! ha we LOVE them and have been to lots of PJ concerts!
    Hope you are feeling well! I am SO ready to have this baby and I am sure you are too! Its hard to chase a toddler this pregnant!

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