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Five on Friday


May 31, 2013

Back for another installment of Five on Friday (round 2 to be exact), with my gorgeous ladies…April, Christina, and Darci! Here we go for this Friday’s random nonsense and things occupying my mind:

1. A lot of you pregnant ladies have asked about my non-alcoholic wine/champagne loving beverages and I wanted to share… I found a website called Non Alcoholic Wines Online (creative name, huh?) where you can stock up on these lovely bottles and have them shipped to your door! I have only tried the Fre variety (chardonnay and champagne), but this site allows you to order all different varieties/brands. AMAZING and inexpensive…dang it, I should’ve been a paid spokesperson!!

2. In the past few days, I have ordered more than $30 worth of sippy cups, as we have been weaning Caroline from the bottle for the past 2 weeks and it has been less than successful…needless to say, I have about every type/brand of cup on the market, yet my child refuses to drink milk from them…she is headstrong, I’ll give her that. I bought the Thinkbaby Straw Cup everyone raves about, as well as the Mam Trainer Cup and if one of these doesn’t work I might lose it!

3. I had my 35 week checkup on Wednesday and was shocked to find out I am already 2cm dilated (maybe a bit TMI), but it made me freak out a bit at the thought that Carson could come a lot sooner than we expected… basically, our bags are packed and we have our tentative “game plan” all figured out in case she decides to come early. Can’t say I wouldn’t mind, as the heat is taking its toll on me and I am waddling around like a duck. However, no, for those that have asked, the nursery is not complete…funny how relaxed I am this time around-my how things change!

4. Does this summertime, festive ice idea not look incredibly tasty and refreshing?? I wish I had these creative (and yet oh-so-simple) ideas without having to constantly venture to Pinterest to figure this out…talk about a way to jazz up your water!!

5. And last, BUT CERTAINLY NOT LEAST, I wanted to share a little bit about a non-profit that hits really close to home. It’s not very often when I talk about the scary stuff, but this is something I am passionate about supporting…
If you have read my blog, you see me talk about my BFF Meg all the time. Well, what you may not know is that her husband Aaron battled an extremely aggressive form of testicular cancer back in 2004.   He fought for his life, but the treatments left him weak, frail, and beat down. When he entered the “remission” stage of his fight, he was overweight, out of shape, and knew that if he were to really win the war against cancer, he would have to improve his physical health to reclaim his mental health.
Medical teams provide supporting during treatment, but then they are left to figure it out for themselves once treatment is complete. What foods are the best? What workouts are appropriate?

In an effort to fill this void, Aaron established Survivor Fitness Foundation, a nonprofit to help cancer survivors regain both their physical health and well-being. He has partnered with a local gym in Nashville to design a program called “101 Days Back to Life”, which provides personal training and nutritional support specifically designed for cancer survivors. Even more incredible is that they realize most people have experienced financial challenges in dealing with their illness, so they are providing this support without charge.
Back in February, their first survivor began her journey to restoring her health. Cheryl Wilkinson battled breast cancer last year, and Survivor Fitness has enabled her to reclaim the active lifestyle of a healthy and engaged wife and mom. Survivor Fitness is in the beginning stages, dealing with the significant costs of filing for a nonprofit status and developing their marketing platform, including a website and materials; but even at this early stage, they still want to support others like Cheryl.

Beginning this afternoon, Survivor Fitness is holding their very first fundraiser, The Survivor’s Walk. Aaron and the managing partner of the gym he’s working will be walking 24 CONSECUTIVE hours to raise awareness and funds for the Survivor Fitness Foundation.If you would like to pledge your support, please go to http://survivorfitness.org/pledge/. For continued updates on the walk and Survivor Fitness, please join the Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/survivorfitnessfoundation.

Aaron, we are SO PROUD of your accomplishments and cannot wait to come support you tomorrow as you take on this challenge…you’ve not only been a wonderful friend to both Jeff and I, but you’re an incredible godfather and the best husband my BFF could’ve ever asked for. I am honored to know you and am thankful you have contributed so much to our lives!! OXOX

  1. P!nky says:

    I love making berry ice cubes, so delicious!

  2. Kimberly says:

    For the milk from sippy cups, I have been struggling too. I finally found that if I removed the spil proof valves from her cups, the milk came out quicker and she was much more willing to drink it. Milk is thick and getting it through the valve can be hard!

  3. Katie says:

    We're still hanging on to the bedtime bottle right now, and we really need to let it go! It's kind of a sad transition though 🙁 Hope CC likes one of those cups!!

    You look ADORABLE! Can't believe how soon you'll have two little ladies!

  4. Nat says:

    I've been drinking the FRE Champagne during my pregnancy- I love it! It's so nice to feel like I'm having a drink and I don't think it tastes that bad. You look great!

  5. I love the berry ice cubes. I need to make those very soon! Your baby bump is adorable. Love the name Carson for a girl. 🙂

  6. Paige says:

    You look so great!!!

  7. I hope I can look as good as you when I'm prego;)

  8. Jess Norden says:

    You look amazing!! I cannot believe Carson can come any day now!! You will have to report back on the sippy cup drama…we are going through the same thing and Cam is NOT figuring out the straw concept and still LOVES his bottle!!

  9. You look fabulous at 35 weeks pregnant!

    I love the fruit in ice. I cut up some oranges for this week.

  10. Amy says:

    You look great! Yay for being 2cm dilated already. I may have to try the fruit in the ice trick. It looks yummy. Have a great weekend.

  11. Wow, you're already 35 weeks! You look great!! I need to look into that non-alcoholic wine! Being pregnant too, I could really go for something other than water and sprite…

  12. Caitlin says:

    You are all bump and look beyond fabulous! This pregnancy really did fly by and I wish you all the luck in the next coming weeks! 🙂

  13. I definitely need a review on those sippy cups! And that wine….does it taste like wine? And you look AMAZING and that bump is so darn cute!

  14. Girlfriend you look amazing!!! I seriously hope I look as good as you when Im pregnant 🙂 🙂
    Ever think of doing a hair tutorial??? 😉 Im totally jealous of your hair. How do you get so much volume, the perfect curl, then length?!?! Is your hair naturally wavy/straight/curly? This girl needs help!! 😉
    Also, love a nonprofit org for a good cause. So awesome what a community does together and helps each other out 🙂 Will be joining their FB page for sure!

  15. Kate says:

    2cm? Yay!!!!!!! She'll be here soon… so exciting!

  16. Shannon says:

    Natasha, you are quite possibly the CUTEST pregnant lady ever!! So adorable! Can't wait to see all the adorable pictures of baby Carson 🙂

  17. You look just beautiful! I have a 7 month old and wish that I knew about that wine website when I was pregnant!

    The Grass Skirt

  18. emily says:

    What an awesome charity your friend's husband is doing. I will definitely keep it in mind for donations etc.

  19. You look amazing!! She'll be here before you know it! And I LOVED the FRE wines! Such a nice option for the pregger days!

  20. Caroline says:

    You look stunning. I am pinning that cup for E!

  21. jayme says:

    i had no idea aaron is a cancer survivor! (i don't know how i would know and now realize thats a weird sentence) but that is such an awesome nonprofit and very inspirational that he's taking advantage of such a wonderful opportunity to help other people! …also, you're lookin' hot, mama!! xo

  22. You might want to try Born Free soft sippy cups with handles. Preston, at almost 2 and a half, still doesn't really do straws well. I think they are harder. P and a few of his little friends have had success transitioning using the Born Free line. Good luck! 🙂

  23. You look fantastic Natasha! I wish I knew about the non-alcoholic wine when I was pregnant with Owen! I think I saw some at target near the skinny girl margaritas if anyone is searching for it!

  24. Chasity Munn says:

    Your bump is adorb!!
    Small world…I met Darci at a party last Christmas. 🙂

  25. CMae says:

    That picture of you in your black dress—AH MAZING!! 🙂 Your hair has gotten longer! Don't chop it! 🙂 Love love love it!

  26. Jacque Pinol says:

    what a great blog, just found it today! thanks fro sharing!


  27. Samma says:

    You look great! Can't wait for that baby to get here! xoxoxoxo

  28. I can not believe how AMAZING you look. You are beautiful, friend. Congrats on your soon to arrive little Carson! XOXO

  29. Heena says:

    I know how you feel about sippy cups, during the transition from bottle to sippy, I purchased about 6 cups, last one we used was the Nuby soft spout. We offered milk to him everyday, and he refused everyday. On the 13th day after dinner, he finally drank milk from the Nuby cup! Stubborn is an understatement.

  30. Heena says:

    I know how you feel about sippy cups, during the transition from bottle to sippy, I purchased about 6 cups, last one we used was the Nuby soft spout. We offered milk to him everyday, and he refused everyday. On the 13th day after dinner, he finally drank milk from the Nuby cup! Stubborn is an understatement.

  31. Jess says:

    I'm completely inspired by Aaron's non-profit. My husband also battled the same cancer and his treatments completely changed his mind/body/spirit. I wish I we had something like that where we live.

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