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Rosemary Beach…Family Vacation Recap


May 22, 2013

I think we need to start turning our one week beach vacations into a two week adventure…by the time we get good and settled and start working on a nice tan, it’s time to leave, and this time was oh so bittersweet. We had one heck of a time in one of our favorite beach towns and were sad to say goodbye, but here is a little look back at our fun-filled trip!
Saturday we packed up the car and left at the crack of dawn to have plenty of time for road tripping, and arrived in Rosemary for a late lunch at Wild Olives/Bistro 104. Of course we all had to start off with seafood and fresh blackened cobia sandwiches hit the spot! Afterwards, we checked in to the house we rented…can I say unbelievable? It was the PERFECT location, with incredible views and plenty of space-I’m hoping we can rent this beauty again because we loved it that much! After unpacking, Mom, Dad, and I headed to the grocery store to stock up on all the essentials we would need for the week. That night, we headed over to Seagrove to Angelina’s for pizza and pasta, which is ALWAYS a hit, and a first-night tradition we hold near and dear.

Caroline inspecting her new digs for the week
 Gorgeous views all around

 Me and the mini 
 Daddy Jeff doing some relaxing

Sunday, we got up early (thanks to Caroline who doesn’t believe in sleeping in, even on vacation) and saw it was going to be a bit of a chilly day (that means 70 and windy for beach speak). We still headed down to the beach with all our gear, set up shop, and made the best of it. No water action that day, but we still had plenty of sunshine! That night, Jeff and Dad grilled grouper for us while us girls indulged in some fun beverages…P.S. yes, I FINALLY found the non-alcoholic wine/champagne everyone has been telling me about and HOLY MOLY it is amazing! Tastes just like the real deal which I was shocked by, and at a mere $8 a bottle, you cannot go wrong. This momma most certainly had her fair share of “fimosas” (fake mimosas) all week. After dinner, we walked over to the yummy Sugar Shak for some much needed ice cream and candy!

The view from our room’s patio
 Gosh how I love my sweet girl
 Hanging out on the lawn with Mimi while we play bocce
 This girl has giggles for days!
 Family picture time!!

On Monday, we spent the entire day at the beach..from pictures, you might be able to tell that Caroline wasn’t the biggest fan of the sand, as she would draw her little feet up like a hermit crab any time we attempted to set her down in, but she sure enjoyed playing with her sandcastle toys with Jeff. She was perched in her beach tent pretty much all day, and then would walk to her beach chair for some sippy cup action. That night, we went to another favorite, Great Southern, so the boys could have fresh oysters and I could have shrimp and grits, AND key lime pie. We came back home and had game night, with a round of Ticket to Ride, our favorite thinking/strategy game.

Testing out the sand

 Mimi and her sweet girl…sun bathing beauties!
 Caroline and Miss Alex
 CC’s little lawn setup…complete with chair, hut, towel, and bucket! She is set 😉

Tuesday brought warmer temperatures, so some of the extended family came over for a visit. We spent time at the beach in the morning, and then hung out on the lawns that afternoon so Caroline could walk while we played games. That evening, we kept it simple and stayed at the house and cooked out hot dogs and hamburgers…all american I tell you!

 My favorite place in the world!!!
 Miss CC loves my mason jar sippy cup, too 😉
 Pre-nap meltdown
 Playing ball with her Papa
 A girl that loves her gadgets
 Watching the evening sunset! 

By mid-week, the winds had died down and the perfect, 80 degree weather was just what the doctor ordered…Caroline finally got to use her new swim float, which I HIGHLY RECOMMEND, and she loved every minute of it. We spent nearly all day getting some sun, reading, and entertaining Jeff with beach and pool games. Jeff and I got all dressed up and went on a solo date night to V Seagrove for dinner, since I had been wanting to eat there.

Testing out the baby pool 
 Pool float action…water baby in the making
 Caroline loves to float with her noodles!
 This makes a girl’s heart happy 😉 Nothing like some daddy/daughter time
 I could squeeze those chubby legs ALL THE TIME

Thursday brought more fun in the sun action, as I went over to Watercolor to spend some time with one of my favorite bloggers, Samma from Spice and Sass, and her adorable Dell Harper. I was so glad we finally got to meet since we know a lot of the same people from Knoxville and our girls definitely had fun taking over the beach club kiddie pool. That night, we went to eat dinner at another one of our local faves, The Red Bar. It’s so funny taking Caroline to loud restaurants, because that is where she thrives… girl loves her some music and lots of people watching! She was in prime form that evening, entertaining table after table with her antics. After another night of games back at the house, we hit the sack so we could be all rested for our last day.

Picture time before heading to dinner
 Is there anything cuter than a baby in a romper dress?? 
 Sweet girls
 So glad Pappy asked me to capture the bump…me at 33 weeks
 Red Bar Time!! 

Aunt Meg arrived in town bright and early Friday morning so Jeff headed over to the airport to pick up our precious cargo. We spent the morning at the beach, dined at the Cowgirl Kitchen for lunch, and then spent the afternoon lounging on the lawn and taking a dip in the pool. That night, Meg’s dad Bob came over for an al fresco dinner with us and we had a ball…never a dull moment with my “other family”!

Coordinating swimwear is a must-haha
 Me and Aunt Meg/The BFF

It was a WONDERFUL trip, one that I can look back on fondly as our last little trip as a family of three. I know next year’s beach vacay will bring about non-stop craziness with two tiny ones to chase after…Lord I can’t wait!
Thanks for letting me spill all the details of our family “babymoon”!

  1. Amanda says:

    How do you look so awesome at 33 weeks!?!?! IN A BATHING SUIT!!?!? Looks like you had a great time! Caroline is adorable!!!!

  2. Emily says:

    I love Rosemary Beach!!! It is such a beautiful place and love all of your pictures, Caroline is so darling! You have the best maternity style! Do you mind sharing where your maternity swimsuits are from?! You look amazing!!!

  3. Mrs.HVK says:

    LOVE 30A going there in July, so this post makes me so happy:) Also where did you get your cute pink swimsuit?? I have to have it! You look great!

  4. Andrea says:

    Love your green dress! Where is it from? You look adorable!

  5. What a great trip…Rosemary Beach has been on my list for a long time, I am hoping to make it down there someday soon!

    Also – will you please share where you got your adorable maternity bathing suits from? I am going to need a few this summer, and the ones I've tried on are just DREADFUL! Thanks girl!

  6. Andee Layne says:

    hun you look just a beautiful this time around….and can we talk about this house?! Such a great rental…looks like the prefect vacay!

  7. We absolutely love 30A, and can't wait to go back this year. I'm going to have to try some of these restaurants that you've bragged about. Looks like a great trip!

  8. Carolyn says:

    Looks like a fabulous trip!! 🙂

  9. Caitlin says:

    Caroline is just a ham! I especially love the last picture! So precious!! 🙂 I'm so glad you guys had a great and relaxing trip. The family photos by the sunset came out great!

  10. Amanda says:

    Looks like you had a fabulous time! That house is AMAZING! How gorgeous. Love seeing all the pictures of you and precious Baby Caroline!

  11. What a fun trip! I'm glad y'all had such a great time!

  12. Katie says:

    That sweet white hat on Caroline is absolutely precious! Would you mind sharing where you found it? The niece and nephew are heading to OBX this summer and I'm on the lookout for cute little goodies to send for the beach! Looks like you had a wonderful time– you look great!

  13. Loved this post!!! Rosemary Beach is my neck of the woods!!!:) We are about an hour from there! Your family is just so precious and you are the cutest pregnant girl ever!!!

  14. Dawn says:

    Looks like you guys had a wonderful vacation-awesome pictures! 🙂 You look beautiful! 🙂

  15. Sara says:

    What an awesome vacation! We leave for the beach next week and this post has me all excited for oysters and baby beach time! I hope Mac likes the beach. CC is too adorable in her little sun bonnet! Great photos.

  16. Oh you stop it! Your family is too cute and you with your little belly in your summer suits and dresses!!! Looks like a gorgeous beach and wonderful vacation.

  17. Kelly-Belly says:

    You look great!

  18. Friend, so much to say!!! First of all, these photos make me miss it something fierce and I hope I don't regret booking a trip to Mexico instead. :/ The house y'all stayed at looks perfect — SO CLOSE to the beach!! And you look gorgeous as ever… love that bump!! Seriously, you look great and so happy! And CC – well, that could turn into a novel so I'll just sum it up with this: I can't handle it! So stinking sweet!

    Glad y'all made some wonderful memories!! Here's to hoping that next year we book trips at the same time!!!

  19. Cassie says:

    Love the green dress! You have to tell us where it is from!

  20. What a beautiful vacation! You all look great and like you had the BEST time! You can tell in the smiles!

  21. You always look so put together and cute! Future preggo inspiration for sure!

  22. Nicole says:

    We usually don't stay in Rosemary, but we have a penthouse rented out in July and I can't WAIT! I am definitely going to have to take some of your restaurant recommendations! As always, you're a stunner!

  23. Your vacation looks amazing and you look absolutely stunning!!! I can't wait to see the photos from next year as a family of FOUR!! 🙂

    Where did y'all stay? I'm trying to plan a family vacation and wanting to get ideas and loved this area in your post!


  24. you look fantastic! the house you stayed at looks AMAZING. what a great location! im envious of your maternity suit collection! and where oh where did u get that maxi!
    so glad you got to enjoy this babymoon!

  25. tivelmo says:

    First of all- who's hair except you looks THAT amazing on the beach ?!?!?!!?!?!!? Looks like a model.

    Secondly, your mom is a hot little g-mom isn't she?

    Can you tell me where that awesome mason jar with the glass straw is from?

    • Haha…lucky me my coarse thick hair holds curl pretty well…thank you!

      And yes, Mimi definitely looks young-I'm glad I have her genes 😉

      The cup is from Target, but I have seem them at Paper Source, too!

  26. emily says:

    Yes, I'd love to know where the mason jar is from too!

    Y'all are the cutest! Glad you had fun!

  27. Kasey McCoy says:

    I live down the road from Rosemary Beach. It really is a beautiful place. When tourist season winds down, we all hop in the car and take a drive around there {or 30a as we call it}. It never gets old 🙂

  28. Rhiannon says:

    GIRL you look STUNNING. Absolutely glowing 🙂

  29. Looks like such a fabulous getaway and you really look amaaaazing!! Dang girl, I would do it all over again in a heartbeat if I carried it off like you do!! XO

  30. Ashley says:

    What a beautiful house you stayed in! Wow!! Glad you all got to get away for a beautiful trip before your next sweet girl arrives 🙂

  31. Tess says:

    Hi Cutie! Your trip away looks amazing! I read your post today, so I know you are ready for the "pregnant part" to be over, but girl – you wear it well! I love the green dress and statement necklace.

    Also, I LOVE ticket to ride! My only problem with it is that it takes so long to explain the rules, and strategy- so I always love finding people who are already pros!

  32. Tressa says:

    What kind of non-alcoholic wine/champagne did you buy and where did you find it? We are TTC and I know I'm going to miss my wine when I get pregnant!

  33. Sarah says:

    I just wanted to tell you that if I didn't know you were pregnant, I would barely be able to tell that you were (except for the 33 week picture;)). You look amazing!!

  34. mitzi.tsuk says:

    Looks like an amazing vacation! Where did you get Caroline's sun tent? We are headed to the beach next month with our 10 month old so I am on the lookout for one!

  35. Brittney says:

    What a great trip! We also love renting houses on vacation instead of staying at hotels, so much cozier! Can I just say, you must be the cutest pregnant lady in all the land! You make 33 weeks look fab!

  36. Sarah says:

    It looks you all had so much fun! We are headed down to 30a on Monday!! Where in the world did you find a mason jar cup? I NEED one!

  37. B says:

    we just got back from a week yesterday! and i agree, 2 weeks would be even better 🙂 i have tried to convince my husband that we should move there

  38. rachel says:

    Loving all these pics!!! We just got back from Rosemary too! So wishing we were back there now… 🙂 Dying over how fabulous you look! Absolutely love that green maxi! So glad you all enjoyed such sweet trip.

  39. Kelli says:

    Where did you find the non-alcoholic wine/champagne? How fun! I know it sounds so silly, but we talk about starting a family I wonder how hard it will be to give up alcohol. I am not a big drinker, but I do enjoy a good cocktail or two 🙂

  40. Love this! Do you know the name of the vacation home y'all rented?


  41. Love this! Do y'all know the name of the vacation home you rented?


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