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Five on Friday…Link -Up Party!!


June 7, 2013

Under Construction
1. Given the fact I have had some graphical difficulties pop-up here on the blog as of late (don’t you just LOVE IT when that happens?), I decided that it was the perfect time for a little blog spruce-up. I am working with Aubrey at Kinch Designs and I cannot wait to see the finished look…so please forgive me in advance for all the craziness while we make some adjustments. Bring on the brand new look!

Operation Spoil Miss Caroline

2. It’s upon us my friends…this weekend, Jeff and I want to do anything and everything we can with babe #1 because we know these next few weeks are going to be mighty hectic. The weather is supposed to be gorgeous, which calls for a trip to the Farmer’s Market, cooking out, taking walks outside, loads of ice cream, and pool time, too! (P.S. naked babies are the cutest)

Moms on Call
3. I was talking about this lifesaver the other day on Instagram, showing off my new summertime book read, when I realized SO many of you out there haven’t heard about these incredible (no, that’s not an understatement) women! Two pediatric nurses-who also happen to be moms-started this program to help teach others how to sleep train their babes. They do in-home consultations and such, and now their products and services are offered online via books and online videos/tutorials as well. Moms on Call was my go-to resource for sleep training Caroline, and we will be incorporating their lessons with Carson from the get go! (P.S. I am not being compensated in any way for raving about them…it’s my own personal experience, but I assure you IT WORKS!!) 

Nursery Sneak Peak
4. Is it complete? The simple answer is “no”, but it’s getting there and I’d say we’re about 90% of the way to marking this room finished. I just wanted to show and little sneak peak of the way it’s coming together, so you can see the colors and details…it’s fun and bright and I am so happy to bring our sweet girl home to this little space OH SO SOON!

Give Me Some Watermelon!
5. Am I the only person who thinks they could inhale an entire watermelon at one sitting? This is assuredly the most random thing I have to report today, but my craving for it has gone through the roof as of late…I’m always thinking about how much I want a slice (or five) because it’s one of those things that just feels like summer…not to mention it’s not as tasty when it’s not in season. And is this just a southern thing, or do people in other parts put salt on their watermelon, too?? Curious to see your answers, no doubt!

Friends, make sure to link up below to our little get together/party! Have a wonderful weekend!! Back next week with all sorts of fun…showing off some things you’ve yet to see.

  1. Jillian says:

    Oh my gosh, I craved watermelon my entire pregnancy! I often joked I was pretty sure I'd give birth to watermelon instead of a baby 😉 Love the nursery & especially that dresser! Happy Friday!

  2. Yay! for a new blog design!! I always love sprucing things up and getting an all new, revamped looked — I kind of feel like I too got a makeover. Ha! Can't wait to see it!!

    And yes, spoil miss CC like mad….she told me she's really looking forward to this! 😉

    The sneak peek of Carson's room!! Ahhh, I love it and that "blessed" quote. So precious! Can you come and design my master bedroom? You have plenty of time to get to Texas and back home before Carson arrives…. don't pretend you've got a lot on your plate. 😉 Ps – we have that Martha Stewart starburst mirror in our guest bedroom and I think it's my favorite find this year because it was such a steal and makes a big impact!

    And I'm right there with you on the watermelon addiction and I'm not even pregnant!! I have a friend who is also pregnant (37 weeks) and is eating 3 watermelons a week!! Haha! I love it!

    I sure hope you guys have a fabulous weekend as a family of three. I know you'll make the very most of these sweet days before Carson's arrival! Happy weekend, dear! Xo!

  3. Kaity says:

    I've been itching to re-do my blog for some time now, but have been waiting for new photos to incorporate (probably after our 1-year anniversary). Can't wait to see you're new space! 🙂

  4. Too funny you should mention your love for watermelon:) I love it too! Especially on a hot day and outside;) I was on a work trip through Southern GA this week and stumbled across a lil ole town named Cordele…ended up having signs in their historic area claiming it is the "watermelon capital of the world";) I got so excited and think I may have to look up their festival times!

    I am in love with the nursery! If I was having a baby girl, I think I would have gone with those bright colors and a touch of gold too:) It's adorable and I am sure Carson will love it!

    Happy Weekend!

  5. I know the nursery is going to be absolutely perfect! Enjoy your weekend with your sweet fam of 3 and go ahead and indulge in that watermelon! I kind of want one myself now!

  6. SO funny about the watermelon! At least it's a healthier craving! 🙂

    Okay, Miss Carson's nursery is looking AWESOME. I love how it's different than Caroline's, but still girly and adorable. 🙂

    Happy Friday!

  7. Absolutely love your nursery!! So happy to have found your blog <3

  8. little b says:

    Salt? On a watermelon? Never heard of it, but if you say so…. 🙂

  9. Moms on Call definitely helped us in the first few months with Avery. I need to check out their Toddlers book because, as you've read, Avery is quite the handful these days. A fun handful, but I need some good strategies to use for our not so graceful moments.

    Can't wait to see your new blog design!

  10. I love love love that gold poof!! the nursery is going to be soo cute!


  11. kate says:

    I love Aubrey, she gave my blog a makeover just a few months ago. I can't wait to see your new look!

  12. Lesa Walker says:

    Thank you for the recommendation of Aubrey. I immediately went to her website and bookmarked it. Can't wait to see the new design!

  13. Tiffany says:

    awww, can't wait to see the new design and I love the nursery images!

  14. Jessica M says:

    Thanks for the book recommendations! We're in the process of sleep training and could use some additional help. OH, and it is ALL about salt with watermelon! Is there any other way to eat it?!

  15. Caitlin says:

    Can't wait to see the new design or the full nursery! It looks beautiful so far!!!! Have an amazing weekend with the babe and hubby! 🙂

  16. RLangley says:

    Hi- I'm new to your blog and love it. Moms on Call is the best! Our baby just turned 6 mos and she is so happy! People comment on it all the time. I think a lot of her happiness can be attributed to being on a schedule/routing & getting a full nights sleep. She started sleeping through the night at 6-7 weeks and that was a total game changer for me. I started to feel human again. So happy to see MOC being used by others. We think its a great guide – so much easier to follow than Baby Wise

  17. Ok, I am in LOVE with Carson's nursery!! Can I move in too??!! I can't wait to see the rest of it! Thank you so much for co-hosting this link-up…I'm so glad I found you through this and I can't wait to follow along with your absolutely adorable family!!

  18. Samma says:

    I can't believe that precious baby is almost here! I love salt on my watermelon too- my grandmother's favorite treat was salted watermelon. Moms on call is so great- I bet they will have a lot of advice for both girls!

  19. Lauren says:

    we LOVE MOC, I've passed on their advice and books to so many of my momma friends!

  20. My mom is from New York and she is the one who showed me long ago that putting salt on watermelon makes it sweeter! Whenever I do it people look at me so strange…but then they taste it and are hooked!! The best way to eat IMHO!

  21. The nursery looks adorable!! And I can't wait to see your new blog look! Happy Friday Natasha! xo

  22. OMG! Go you. The nursery looks amazing!!! I saw you on the Friday link up 😉


  23. Jennifer says:

    Yay! Spoil Caroline! I really liked MOC too but it was harder for me to stick to a routine with #2 because #1 needed to keep busy. I still used lots of their tips and it does work beautifully. Your girls are closer together so it might work better for you. Enjoy the gorgeous weather!

  24. Taylor says:

    Love the nursery! When I read you have been loving some watermelon lately I immediately thought of this recipe. I love it and it's super simple! http://jennysteffens.blogspot.com/2011/06/watermelon-blueberry-popsicles-4th-of.html

  25. Emily says:

    Agreed-naked babies ARE the cutest!! And I pretty much feel the exact same way about watermelon these days. Just bought a big one for the weekend!! Have a great weekend spoiling that sweet girl!

  26. Hannah says:

    Watermelon = summer. I love it. Also, thanks for mentioning those sleep training books! I will definitely be checking them out as that is something we are working on right now 🙂

  27. Amy says:

    That picture of Caroline is just too cute! I'm loving Carson's nursery. I can't wait to see it all finished. I live in Missouri and my dad eats salt on his watermelon. 🙂

  28. meghan says:

    The gold accents in Carson's nursery look beautiful! I've never heard of salt on watermelon, but now I'm curious to try it…I joined in the link up party. 🙂 Have fun as a family of three this weekend!

  29. Laura Graham says:

    I swear we are living parallel lives these days. I am eating SO MUCH WATERMELON and under a blog makeover! ha Hope you guys have a good weekend and this rain does not last!

  30. Angie says:

    Your right, naked babies are the cutest 🙂

  31. Mrs. T says:

    I salt my watermelon too! I'm from Oklahoma so that must be why. It's so yummy! The nursery looks precious. Congratulations!

  32. Meg says:

    My grandpa did the salt on watermelon. I thought it was because he was quirky. I love watermelon but don't love salt (except on fries, tots and pretzels) so I am not sure if salting a watermelon is something I will ever try.

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