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Christmas Budgeting…A Helpful and Necessary Tool


November 27, 2013

It’s the week of Thanksgiving…I know people are bombarding you with endless posts of recipes to make, sales to take advantage of, etc, but I felt that I needed to share this helpful tool as we all embark on this season of shopping and buying gifts for our loved ones. 
First of all, if you’re like me, when you start making a Christmas list, you draft a budget. Jeff and I usually sit down together and throw out preliminary numbers, then hone in on what we really need to spend, and what we need to give/donate. It’s not one of the most fun conversations by any means, but it helps keep us on track with our holiday spending and it’s a necessary thing to do so you (and by you I mean me) don’t go overboard with all the toys and goodies for everyone on your list. Today I’m talking about a free and easy resource from my favorite financial guru, Dave Ramsey.

It’s called My Christmas Budget and it’s an online tool that helps to create a Christmas budget so you don’t overspend during the holidays. After accessing the budget and entering your gift recipients names, you can save your personalized link to your computer or phone, print it out, and keep track of your expenses while you shop.

And if you’re like me and love to win, the Dave Ramsey team has their annual “Win Big, Give Big” contest that just started again. There are tons of weekly prizes and opportunities to win, so venture to their site to learn more and enter!
P.S. this is legit…one of my best friends won $1,000 a few years ago…maybe you could too!

  1. Sara says:

    Love this! Thanks for sharing!
    Life with Baby Sophia

  2. AH! I love Dave Ramsey!! I had no idea they had this but, I will definitely be checking it out!! A lot of my shopping is already done because we celebrate with family we won't see at Thanksgiving buuut, this could still help & is great to know of for future years! Thank you SO much for sharing!!

  3. Tracy Lyons says:

    Such a good idea! Thanks for sharing!

  4. BLovedBoston says:

    My husband and I have the same conversation every year!! This time of year gets expensive – thanks for the tip!! Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. Chandler says:

    How cool! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  6. Sara says:

    Cool app. I'll have to check it out. And then of course totally ignore it when it tells me I've blown my budget, which will inevitably happen as soon as I start shopping. I'm doomed.

  7. This is great, I'm going to check it out!

  8. Kori says:

    Thank you for this honey!!!! Wow, just what I needed and so welcome in the midst of all the spending money Black Friday posts! Have a great Thanksgiving darling!

    Oh, by the way, I'm hosting an amazing giveaway, where you can win one free pair of boots every month for an entire year through Country Outiftter! They have all styles! Head over and enter! Good luck! http://blondeepisodes.com/2013/11/omg-its-a-cowboy-boot-giveaway-win-up-to-one-pair-of-boots-for-a-year.html

    Kori xoxo

  9. Kelly-Belly says:

    Yeah! Thank you for sharing. I went on the Dave Ramsey program years ago because I really needed to get my financial act together. I'm so glad I did, and now I get to stay home with the baby….a priceless reward! Happy Thanksgiving

  10. Ashley says:

    This is awesome! Thanks for sharing!

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