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Yummy Thanksgiving Recipe and a Cookbook Giveaway!


November 11, 2013

Hello!! I’m back this week with another fun giveaway…I know, it’s the season for giving so I am hosting all sorts of fun giveaways as of late-hope you don’t mind :).
This is brought to you by my kind friends at Southern Living…my go-to destination for finding turkey day worthy recipes to drool over. Their new cookbook, No Taste Like Home, has to be one of my favorites…you all know my love affair with the south, and this book breaks down dishes by the regions from which they hail…it’s a win, a great gift to give, and the pages are filled with fun facts about southern cities.

This year, we are attending Thanksgiving festivities at my Aunt Denise’s house and I am responsible for a few dishes…sweet potato casserole, bread, and pie. When it comes to pie, there are the tried and true goodies…apple, pumpkin, and pecan, but this one is a step up and one that will make the hungry crowd go gaga.

Pecan Pie

Makes 8 servings   
Hands-On Time 10 min.   
Total Time 1 hour, 10 min.
1⁄2 (14.1-oz.) package refrigerated piecrusts
1 1⁄2 cups chopped pecans
1 cup (6 oz.) semisweet chocolate morsels
1 cup dark corn syrup
1⁄2 cup granulated sugar
1⁄2 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1⁄4 cup bourbon or water
4 large eggs
1⁄4 cup butter, melted
2 tsp. cornmeal
2 tsp. vanilla extract
1⁄2 tsp. table salt
1. Preheat oven to 325°. Fit piecrust
into a 9-inch deep-dish pie plate according to package directions; fold edges
under, and crimp.
2. Sprinkle pecans and chocolate evenly onto bottom of
piecrust; set aside.
3. Combine corn syrup and next 3 ingredients in a large
saucepan, and bring to a boil over medium heat. Cook, stirring constantly,  3 minutes. Remove from heat.
4. Whisk together eggs and next 4 ingredients. Gradually
whisk about one-fourth hot mixture into egg mixture; add to remaining  hot mixture, whisking constantly. Pour
filling into prepared piecrust.
5. Bake at 325° for 55 minutes or until set; cool on wire

And now for a chance to win the No Taste Like Home Cookbook, see the giveaway details below! Giveaway starts today and runs through Thursday…best of luck my dear friends.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
  1. Maureen says:

    Love Southern Living Magazine & would love the book. Thanks!

  2. Jodi says:

    That pie looks like a winner!

  3. Sarah says:

    I heart Southern Living!! 🙂

  4. Jen says:

    I love sweet potato casserole! So yummy

  5. This sounds like a great cookbook! That pie recipe.. wow, looks amazing!

  6. Kelly says:

    That pie looks delicious!

  7. Dawn says:

    Southern Living is my favorite!! My favorite southern recipe would have to be some good macaroni and cheese topped with ritz crackers!

  8. I love SL! My favorite dish would be my mother's mashed potatoes. I could eat them by the pot. Actually, that goes for all food. 😛

  9. Laura says:

    That pie!!! WOW. Love Southern Living.

  10. kate says:

    Southern Living is my favorite!

  11. This pie sounds divine!! Love Southern Living!! My go-to place for all things… well, southern! 🙂

  12. Maggie says:

    Another great giveaway! This cookbook would make an awesome holiday gift. One of my favorite southern dishes is shrimp and grits 🙂

  13. Grace says:

    Sweet potato casserole is my favorite. I wasn't introduced to it until I got married!

  14. Ooh I would love to get my hands on a southern cookbook!

  15. I love all things Southern Living! 🙂

  16. kmiddleton says:

    A southern living cookbook would be a great addition to my collection!!

  17. jamie vespa says:

    My fiance would loveee me cooking some of these recipes! Yumm!!

    Jamie @
    The Growing Up Diaries

  18. gotta love anything sweet potato!!

  19. Annette says:

    My favorite southern dish is seafood gumbo.

  20. So, I've only ever been to North Carolina and DisneyWorld, so I don't know much about Southern food, but I always LOVE reading Southern Living when it arrives in my mail box. I think BBQ would be my fave kind of Southern food.

  21. Sarah says:

    I think the only southern food I know of is green bean casserole. Haha! Whenever I mention it here, people give me some crazy looks!!

  22. Jamie Pruitt says:

    I love making cream corn cassarole for thanksgiving and Christmas!!! Love reading your blog!!

  23. Looks really yummy.
    We like Chicken Pot Pie with Bacon-and-Cheddar Biscuits

  24. Katy says:

    YUM! I'm always given dessert duty and feel like the classics get boring and predictable. I may have to try this!

  25. I love finding new cookbooks, that chocolate bourbon pie looks pretty amazing!

  26. Any southern dish sounds yummy to me!

  27. Any southern dish sounds yummy to me!

  28. Callie P says:

    I would love love this cookbook! This is the first year that I will be responsible for Thanksgiving dinner all by myself because we can't make it to my grandmother's. This would be a major help!!

  29. Tess says:

    Love this! I'm obsessed with pecan pie. We had some this weekend with a spiced rum ice cream – it was the perfect addition.

  30. Fried chicken is my favorite southern food!

  31. Whitney says:

    Anything with potatoes is my favorite! 🙂

  32. Katie says:

    Nothing beats my mama's cornbread dressing at Thanksgiving! And I just might have to add that pecan pie to my own rotation this year!

  33. Oh my that pie looks delish! Skillet cornbread is my favorite southern dish.

  34. Jackie says:

    I'd go with Pecan Pie

  35. Catie says:

    My favorite is cornbread stuffing. So yummy!

  36. Kimberly says:

    As a northern girl that's a southern wanna-be this book is a dream! And that pecan pie looks amazing!

  37. Too funny- that is the pie I'm signed up to take to Thanksgiving dinner!! Fingers crossed I can pull it off 🙂

  38. Ginnie says:

    I was in Barnes and Noble a few weeks ago and fell in love with this cookbook!! How funny!

  39. Andrea says:

    sweet potato casserole is my fave! 🙂

  40. Natasha says:

    I love bread pudding!

  41. I can't wait to taste the bourbon pecan pie

  42. love all southern living cookbooks! and love your blog! we are pregnant and i love reading all your mommy posts as a fellow soon-to be southern momma! 😉

  43. love all southern living cookbooks! and love your blog! we are pregnant and i love reading all your mommy posts as a fellow soon-to be southern momma! 😉

  44. Becca Black says:

    I love SL & their recipes. The pie looks wonderful!

  45. Susieutk84 says:

    Being a TN girl, I love Southern Living!!!

  46. Joan says:

    Since I'm southern I do love southern food and it would be hard to pick just one but green, fried chicken and cornbread are right up there.

  47. wahine0814 says:

    I love Southern Living and cookbooks (and bourbon and chocolate…that pie!). I'd love to add this one to my collection 🙂

  48. Sammy Skye says:

    that pie looks out of this world!!!

  49. Jenny says:

    My favorite southern dish is fried green tomatoes!

  50. I love Southern Living, especially after moving up north! It's my little reminder every month of back home.

  51. Meredith says:

    I made this last Thanksgiving and it was a ht!

  52. I love chicken and dumplings!

  53. Renee G says:

    I love sweet potato pie.

  54. Carroll says:

    My grandmother's cheese grits have to be one of my favorite southern dishes.

  55. Heather says:

    My favorite southern dish is anything with sweet potatoes

  56. Kristin says:

    Sweet potato casserole is my favorite dish.

  57. Caitlin Dade says:

    Yum – would love to make that pie as well! Great giveaway 🙂

  58. Katie says:

    I love some good fried green tomatoes or pimento cheese…or fried green tomatoes with pimento cheese 😉

  59. Nicole-Lynn says:

    My favorite southern meal is chicken pot pie!

  60. Sara says:

    Awesome giveaway! Fried green tomatoes or cheesy grits, with sweet tea of course.

  61. There are SO many to choose from but I think biscuits are one of my favorites. Thanks for hosting such an awesome giveaway!

  62. Lesa Walker says:

    Thanks for hosting the Southern Living give away!

  63. Hmmmm….Chocolate-Bourbon Pecan Pie sounds so delicious and crunchy. I always love to make pie and cakes and this is fantastic dish. I think to made it for my wife and give it with anniversary gifts next month. I am sure she love to see that handmade recipe and appreciate me for wonderful cooking.

  64. SEW-G says:

    I love this giveaway! I am a huge cook book fan and this would be perfect to add to my collection!

  65. Jessi Otey says:

    That pie sounds FAB! -as for a fav dish..I actually love a good green bean casserole! Simple I know but definitely a must! Thanks for the giveaway!

  66. Another fab cookbook by Southern Living!!

  67. meg1t says:

    i love fried green tomatoes!

  68. Kait says:

    What a fun giveaway! My favorite recipe is pecan pie!

  69. Liz says:

    Oh I love so many…pecan pie, fried chicken, and especially fried green tomatoes!

  70. I like Bananas Foster and fried chicken….and most everything else.
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  71. Jill Eldring says:

    I love all Southern Living recipes, especially their appetizers!

  72. Kristen O. says:

    Southern Living recipes do exactly what this book says… they bring me home! Whenever I have a rough day or a day of excitement – I always turn to a good home-made southern dish :o) Because food is the heart of the South! It brings everyone together around the table!

  73. Kristen O. says:

    Ohh and PS THANK YOU NATASHA for the giveaway – you're the best girlie :o)

  74. Jennifer says:

    Thanks for the giveaway! My favorite Thanksgiving recipe would be Pecan Pie!

  75. Oh now this makes my mouth just water. Thanks for sharing!

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