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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Five on Friday…Five Favorites


March 28, 2014

This week, I’m doing a little posting about five of my current favorite things…just maybe they will turn into some of your favs, too!

One. Sugarboo Designs Collection for Target
I was in Target the other day stocking up on baby essentials (diapers, formula, pouches, and whatnot) and then wandered over to the home section when I discovered a rack of gorgeous frames and wall art from the fabulous Sugarboo Designs. We have a few pieces of theirs in our house and I love them!! Even better, the collection is Target is priced extremely well so it’s easier to stock up on a few items and not break the bank…you can find the collection online here.

Two. Pic Monkey
For people that love editing photos, making collages, and doing other graphic fixes to pictures, Pic Monkey is my go-to website to do all of the above…and it’s free.All you do is simply upload your picture(s), edit away, add them to a collage, insert graphics, and then save and you’re good to post them online or keep them for a fun photo project. Try it and you might like it, too!!

Three. This Workout
I’ll be the first one to admit I’m not able to make it to the gym everyday, so finding fast workouts I can do at home helps me get back on track and not feel like a total loaf. I found this Sexy Leg Workout on Pinterest and pinned it immediately so I could make sure to have it handy when I need it most. Trust me, do this and you will feel the burn!

Four. Free Printables
This is one of the things I love about social media…being able to find creative people who offer free goodies for friends and readers. It’s a great way to add personal touches to your home and refresh old frames with new inspiration for the low low price of $0. This just happens to be a new one I found the other day and wanted to share…Love the Journey! Amen to that my dears.

Five. Weekend Wear
I’m going to turn into one of those moms who always wears shorts…now I get it, now I get it. I used to prance around in my short little sundresses with no notion whatsoever, and now I find myself on the floor, wrangling two monkeys, and I need to find some good shorts, that still look cute. All of these options totally fit the bill, and I love the simple ways these ladies show off these looks. Now only 24 days to go before I can shop again!! 
Happy Friday to all of you!! Tonight is the big Music City Masquerade ball and I’m so excited for a night out with the husband and our friends…we’ll all be dressed in our best (tuxedos and gowns and all) and I promise to take pictures to share next week. I LOVE my dress and can’t wait to tell you all about it, too…nerd alert! Until next week…
  1. This post is great all the way down to weekend wear! (which is so springy!) I wish we had a Target closer to us and let me just say that I am pinning that workout now! haha Happy Weekend!

  2. Love those shorts! I feel like now I either find them too short or too long. I may have to check those out! Thanks!

  3. Lauren says:

    Oh I am so excited to check out PicMonkey – thanks for sharing!! Love the printable too!

  4. I lived in shorts the past few summers. I swore I never would but there is no excuse not to right now with my babes all over the place. I think I might get to wear a dress some this year but I've grown to love my shorts outfits alot.

  5. Love those shorts and those pictures from Target are SO beautiful! I pinned that picture and are going to look for them when I go to Target 🙂 Have a great weekend!

  6. BLovedBoston says:

    Those green shorts are so pretty!! I always love the workouts I find on Pinterest – tagging yours for future use!! Hope you have a great weekend!

  7. Mrs Gable says:

    Loving the weekend looks!

  8. I live in the J Crew 3 inch chino shorts! They come in so many fun colors, they make wearing shorts a lot more exciting 🙂 Happy Friday!

  9. I live in the J Crew 3 inch chino shorts! They come in so many fun colors, they make wearing shorts a lot more exciting 🙂 Happy Friday!

  10. I totally hear ya on the shorts thing! Pre-kids, I don't think I even owned a pair of shorts. Only sun dresses for me. But now they are so impractical with picking up kids and being able to get on their level and play. Shorts & maxi dresses it is now! I just found the most comfortable pair of Paige jean shorts at Nordstrom last week. Most comfortable shorts I have ever worn!

  11. Tammy says:

    I love Target and shop there a lot for my home furnishings. I also love PicMonkey, it is the greatest 🙂

  12. Running to Target now for the Sugarboo goodies. Thanks for sharing!

  13. Samma says:

    OOh, so exciting about Sugar Boo! Can't wait to hear about your ball- so fun!I need that leg workout- I swear my legs have gotten bigger since I gave birth. Maybe it's fat stores for breast feeding, but I don't like it!

  14. Bri says:

    Oh my goodness, I cannot wait to go to Target now! I was planning to go tonight anyways so will have to "wander" into the home goods section too. Thanks for posting. -Bri @ Simple Delights

  15. Ooooohhhh MY!! Thank YOU so much for this post! First of all: my honey and I tell each other we "adore" you – we don't often use the "L" word as we know what adore means. So I raced to Target (online) and scooped up the "I adore You" print!!! Second: LOVE those printables!!!!!!! This totally made my Friday!!!!!

  16. Such cute shorts! I'm going to have to give that exercise plan a (modified) try! Love how easy PicMonkey is to use. Happy Friday! xo

  17. Love it all!! Pic Monkey is such a great tool for pictures!! Happy Friday!!

  18. A sexy leg workout combined with new shorts…excellent combo right there! I love picmonkey, so nice to have something like that for free. Happy Friday!

  19. Nicole-Lynn says:

    I JUST saw those Sugarboo Designs pieces at Target today, too! They are so cute!

  20. Love Pic Monkey! I use it for all my editing and pin making as well!

  21. I need to use pic monkey! And I love shorts. I don't have the best legs for them but J.Crew makes the absolute best. they go on sale quite often and I get the 3" or get the 5" if they are cheap and have them hemmed. I can put my phone and keys in pocket and be free! xo

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