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The Girls Favorite Summer Toys


July 14, 2014

Girls flavorites

Given the fact we already are swimming up to our necks in toys around the casa, we have been on a major clean-out/purge/donation drive…two children don’t need an endless amount and we are fortunate enough to be able to give to others, so teaching them early is a win win for all of us. 
I wanted to make sure to share some of our recent favorites, which have gotten us through some of the terrible two tantrums and a 1 year old who is in the peak of primetime separation anxiety from mama mode. 
1/ Hape Shape Sorter: we love our wooden toys and this just happens to be one both of our girls are obsessed with…helps identify colors, shapes, and hand/eye coordination to get the correct shapes fitted into the holder. It’s right at $20 so this makes a great gift to take to a birthday party, too! 
2/ My First Ariel Doll: We got this for CC as “Mermaid” is her favorite Disney princess by far…she talks (in English and Spanish…whatever your fancy), lights up, and sings! Trust me, this is a given for any tot that loves her some Disney and it will be a good “growing” toy she can play with for a few years. 
3/ Little Tikes Easy Store Picnic Table: Mimi and Pap got this for Carson for her birthday and we are getting loads of use out of this set during these hot summertime months. Perfect for afternoon popsicle snacktime, dinner when we’re grilling, and makes a good art table for outside fun, too. Even better, it folds for easy storing (hence the name I guess). 
4/ Ikea Mala Easel: Last time I was in ATL, I scooped this bad boy up as part of Caroline’s birthday presents when she turned two and it’s been a constant in the playroom ever since. We practice letters, draw pictures, use the paper roll to color, and have used it for several parties as well. Hands down, an amazing price at $15 and easy to paint as well. 
5/ Fisher Price Little People Farm: Carson loves her some Little People…we have the Princess Castle, the Home, the Bus, and now the Farm and they are a fan favorite-they are musical, come with little ones to assemble and tote around (as she likes to do), and it can keep her attention for at least a good five minutes…big win for me. 
6/ Ikea Beboelig Children’s Tent: Ikea never ceases to amaze me with all they offer…Little Bit received this as a birthday gift and it’s up in the playroom now next to the ball pit so we can have pretend time and hideout from Daddy. So wish I would’ve had this growing up, and for $20 it’s a steal.
  1. Great list!! Perfect ideas for gifts too!!

  2. E Hayes says:

    Great list! We have a lot of similar faves. I'm also a total purger, I'm already trying to pawn off everything "baby" and Kenley isn't even 8m.

  3. Great list. I only wish my kidos were smaller I remember these days

  4. That shape sorter looks awesome…Ethan loves those but this one looks especially fun! And thanks for the sweet message on IG! We're excited!!! xoxoxox

  5. Sara Moon says:

    That easel is on C's Christmas list! : )

  6. Thanks for the list – it's always great to get ideas of what is a hit with the little ones, especially since I don't have any of my own yet. 🙂 This helps with birthday and Christmas shopping!

  7. Sara McCarty says:

    Great list! I actually put a huge bin of toys in storage in the attic this week because I feel like our house is overwhelmed with them. hopefully I'll remember to pull them out in a few months and it'll be like having all new toys. Well, that's the goal. And if not, they're all going to be donated.

  8. Joie de Viv says:

    Nice list! Glad to hear the Little People stuff is worth the space! We were given 3 sets and I've only setup the castle so far because of the space. Maybe I should bust out the Stable or Farm now too. Can the little one play with the easel yet?

    xx Viv at JoieDeViv

  9. Samma says:

    Do y'all have the Ariel swim doll? Dh is obsessed- we use it at the pool all the time!

  10. Jo says:

    Oh these look so fun! Love that mini picnic table with the adorable umbrella! I'm not wishing away the newborn time, but I do look forward to playing with cute and fun toys with our little babe some day!

  11. That Ariel doll is so cute!! We love wooden toys too 🙂

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