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A Summer Full of Fun…Closing Time


September 3, 2014

This weekend was just what my little family needed, time with just our little circus and we made small adventures into big fun and that’s exactly what summertime is all about.
Hubby was under the weather at the end of last week…travel for work + no sleep + crazy flights at 6AM = major case of yuckiness coupled with a trip to the urgent care and he had a nasty bacterial infection he must have caught along the way. Thank heavens the doctor was able to prescribe him something and by mid-weekend he was feeling better.

The girls and I ventured to the zoo Saturday morning for a quick stroll…the rain was coming in, so we didn’t stay long, but we managed to take in most of our favorite exhibits before heading home for arts and crafts in the playroom and naptime. Carson and I decided we needed an afternoon shopping day for her and I so we hit up some local shops and then came home so we could make chicken quesadillas with daddy for dinner. We got a wild hair and ventured out on the thunderstorm downpour for Sonic Happy Hour Shakes…which was exactly just what we all needed! That night after the girls went to bed, we rented Divergent and it was REALLY good, now I’m just wishing I had read the book!

Sunday, we made breakfast, watched Rio (umm, surprisingly a cute kids movie) and then CC and I headed out on a mom and me shopping date to TJMaxx and Kroger before heading to our friends’ house to watch the UT game. Of course we were all decked out in our orange and white supporting the VOLS. I also tried out a new appetizer recipe, and it was SO simple and SO tasty, while a perfect transition to fall dish…you can find the recipe here via the Food Network. 
Apple + Prosciutto+ Apple Butter + Brie Baguettes
1 loaf French bread (we used Ciabatta)
4 tablespoons butter, softened
1 cup apple butter
16 thin slices prosciutto, about 1/4 pound
2 apples, thinly sliced
1 pound Brie, thinly sliced
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
Extra-virgin olive oil, for drizzling
Heat the oven to 450 degrees F. Cut 16 (1/2-inch thick) slices out of the loaf. Butter each side of the slices and put them onto a baking sheet. Spread 1 tablespoon of apple butter onto each slice. Top this with 1 slice of prosciutto and 3 or 4 slices of pear or apple. Cover this with the Brie slices, season with salt and pepper, and drizzle with olive oil. Bake until the cheese is melted, about 8 to 10 minutes.

That night once we got home, we rented another movie, The Other Woman…total girly movie, but Jeff obliged and it was a fun flick. Monday I hit the gym early while Carson napped and Jeff and Caroline vegged on the couch. Then we hit up the park, came back just in time for the delivery guys to deliver CC’s new big girl bed (which is currently being stored in the attic as we are SO not ready for that transition yet) and then the rest of the afternoon was spent taking strolls around the neighborhood, coloring, reading books, and then I cooked Jeff’s favorite Lasagna Soup… yes it might have been 85 degrees outside, but it felt like fall in our house! Now back to the normal daily grind!

  1. mmm that appetizer looks SO good! xo jillian – cornflake dreams

  2. You've been cooking up a storm, lady! Sound like a nice weekend! Countdown to the next one is ON!

  3. Kristy E says:

    I can't wait to see the other woman (we rarely watch movies!) but first we watched Blended (thought I could butter up my husband with that before diving in to the girlie flick next weekend!). And it was great. I mean, so light, but adorable and fun. A perfect thing to watch once two babies are in bed! Trust me, I know, because mine are even younger than yours!

  4. Kristy says:

    You are a such an amazing mama and wife. 🙂 Sounds like a lovely weekend, my dear! Can't wait to check out your movie recommendations. And that recipe, too!

  5. Sounds like a great wknd! Perfect mix of go & relaxation! The lasagna soup sounds really good!! Might need that recipe for Fall/Winter! If you don't mind sharing!?

  6. Tracy Lyons says:

    Sound like a perfect little weekend! The app looks amazing too – defiantly adding to the weekend line-up for football and wine fest. 🙂

  7. What a great weekend (especially with the quick recovery)! I've been wanting to watch The Other Woman. And I found the movie Divergent better than the book. Your minister just too cute!

  8. Tess says:

    Such a lovely weekend! I dragged Joel to the Other Woman and we both found it pretty enjoyable as far as chick flicks go!! Hope Jeff is feeling better soon – I think I caught something on my flight back from Chicago so I feel his pain

  9. Vanessa says:

    Those are my favorite kinds of weekends…sonic HH shakes included! Love the little arts & crafts pic of the girls–SO sweet!!!!

  10. Jen B says:

    That appetizer looks delicious! Prosciutto, apples, cheese….what's not to like?? I love the enormous t-shirt on your oldest daughter. So adorable!

  11. Meredith says:

    Oh I want to make that appetizer, it looks so yummy!!! I love Carson's smile, too sweet!

  12. Ida Arias says:

    That appetizer looks amazing!! Your girls are way too adorable!!

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