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Top 10 Favorite Posts for 2014


December 30, 2014

It’s a David Letterman kind of day here at Hello! Happiness as I’m counting down the top 10 posts from 2014 (and including one more just because I seem to love them all, too). These are based on number of reads/page views from all of you out there and it’s always so much fun to look back and see which posts you enjoyed the most. Here they are! Enjoy 🙂

  1. Girl, you know how I feel about Sugarbit! And so do all my mommy friends!

  2. So sweet to look back at your fun year. Your family is so cute!!

  3. Jillian says:

    so many great posts! i love that minnie mouse cake 🙂 xo jillian – cornflake dreams

  4. Meredith says:

    what a great look back. Happy New Year!~

  5. THAT DRESS! I am obsessed with that dress. I like that your look back at your year wasn't extremely long like other peoples haha. Happy Holidays!!

  6. Becky M says:

    I love these kinds of posts! 2014 looks like a great year for you!


  7. What a fabulous year reflected in these posts! And I might be mildly obsessed with your dress from the masquerade ball!

  8. Jenny says:

    What a fun year!!!

  9. Ida Arias says:

    So fun to look back. Somehow, I missed Carson's party post so I will be reading that next. Here's wishing you a very Happy 2015!

  10. What a great year, hope 2015 is just as great!!

  11. I loved all of these post! It's been fun reading along as your family has grown. This has been one of my favorite blogs since you were newly engaged! Happy 2015 (:

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