Rather than set a lengthy list of almost unattainable new year goals and resolutions like in years past (see mine from 2014, 2013, and 2012), I’ve decided that I am going to give myself one single word to live by this year in the hopes I can really clarify and make an impact in various areas of my life.
For the past month, I have jotted down a few select words that stood out to me and made a note to really think about what I want to accomplish this next year and then I sat down, brainstormed, and thought of ways I intend to make it happen! Top contenders that I ended up not choosing included Organize, Kindness, Love, Gratefulness, Hope, Happiness, Joy, and Laughter, but the one that stood out to me and captured my heart for this year was right in my face.
From the dictionary, the definition of simplify is to make something less
complex or complicated/simpler or easier to do or understand/clarify/make easier
In so many forms and fashions, it’s time for this lady to simplify and live a more simple life. I’m a complex person who loves life’s little intricacies, but I’ve found that sometimes living with less can be better for so many reasons, and I intend to discover that over the next 12 months. Less stress, less clutter, less “stuff”, and less mess can go a long way in my book and I am hoping to clarify not only in my personal life, but in my business as well.
So, how do I plan to tackle this challenge/resolution/lifestyle change you ask? Well, I have brainstormed a few initiatives for me to take this and run with it and I am including those below.
For streamlining my daily schedule/habits/lists, I invested in a new daily planner for 2015 where I intend to write down EVERYTHING…from goals to to-dos to upcoming events and everything in between. Funny enough, I bought the
Simplified Daily Planner from Emily Ley and I am loving it so far! It’s handy, easy to use, and a one-stop shop for me to keep my life organized.

I also plan to pick certain days/times to knock out certain elements on my agenda…i.e. the grocery store, the gym, the post office to mail
Sugar Bit packages, outings with the girls, more strict work hours so I’m not working so much at night, etc. I think if I really can schedule my life in a more proactive way, I won’t constantly wear myself out trying to tackle everything in one day and overwhelm myself
(and my family) in the process. For instance, I plan to print out weekly grocery lists that I have talked about before
here and want to get out of my comfort zone and test out new dinner options every few weeks so we don’t burn out on our standard rotation of meals.

When it comes to shopping and spending money, I want to cut back…a lot. I want to cut out those miscellaneous purchases that happen “just because” I found something I like and think I need it. When I buy for the girls, I want to be intentional about what I buy them and only what they need, not because someone is screaming down the toy aisle in Target that they NEED another Frozen toy (yes, I have been that mom plenty a time, so judge me all you want). My babies are blessed beyond measure, and we are very thankful for that, but I want them to learn what it’s like to do for others, to give selflessly, to love unconditionally. These are things that money can’t buy and life lessons that will help them through life. Let’s face it, life is more than “stuff”. I want to live by the motto that Amy (from Tina Adams Wardrobe Consulting) taught me and that is to ONLY buy something if you absolutely LOVE IT!

As for our church life, Jeff and I are excited to join a Sunday School/Small Group to help motivate us to do above and beyond what we have done and have a more active role in our church. As a whole, I think it can help us build a stronger marriage, a stronger front for “team” parenting, and a stronger passion for our faith in God.
So, there you have it…it’s not a blueprint for obtaining the perfect, simplified life by any means, but it’s a few steps that I am working towards so that 2015 will be a year of simplification in so many areas of my life.
Do you have any 2015 goals/resolutions you’re working towards? Or have you gone a different route and come up with something fun and new to try like me? Do share and linkup below for our first Five on Friday for 2015!
Oh, and cheers to a Happy New Year friends!!
I think Simplicity is such a great word. We all can find a way to simplify in our lives and it's a goal that I try to live by too – as hard as it can be sometimes. I wish you the best in achieving it this year đ xx
Sounds like the perfect plan!! I have to agree…I am simplifying lots of things, clearing out the unneccessary and the clutter and refocusing on what is really important to me!
I love your word. I think it's something most of us need to work on…I know I do! I really like how you're going to be getting more involved in your church. Having a small group really helps a lot! Happy New Year and thanks for hosting! -Jess, http://www.sweetlittleonesblog.com / sweetlittleonesblog@gmail.com
P.S. We are starting a new link up this year, and we would like to invite you to it! It'll be every Tuesday at 8am EST starting on January 6th (with a few giveaways for the first one!). It can be any post at all – just another place to build community and connect. We'd love it if you'd join us!
Wonderful! Can you share what program you used to create the "2015…the year to Simplify" graphic?
Absolutely…Pic Monkey đ
great plan!! i need to simplify a few things in my life this year too. xo jillian – cornflake dreams
What a great list and great mind-set!! I wrote my "goals" and decided that I want to be more efficient…all of these can you help you be more efficient, which will make everyone happier!! Good luck, lady! You got this!!
Great word! One I probably need to get on board with!!! -Dorrie @ Bear Den Plantation
Oh, I love your word and all that goes along with it. And, I need to "adopt" it as my word too. With us moving into a new house in a few months it is the perfect time for me to SIMPLIFY in stuff for sure! We can so easily become slaves to our stuff and that is not good. And, I love the quote about "only buy something if you LOVE it." Great advice. All the best of you as you strive to simplify. I'm betting it's going to be a super duper year for you and yours. Blessings!
so so hard not to buy those randoms, isn't it?!
Love this. I'm coming to terms with the fact that our baby girl took over my "storage" room with what's now the nursery, and I want to be so much more intentional with my purchases and not just buy stuff on a whim!!
Thank you for the info!!