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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Caroline’s 3rd Birthday…The Inspiration


February 16, 2015

Birthday invitations have gone out, which means it’s officially inching closer… to March 17th, the day my baby girl turns three. We’ve done the Lucky Charm Shindig, then last year we held a festive Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Soiree, and now this year, we decided to switch things up a bit and have a relaxed, casual, and comfy breakfast party at our house, complete with Pancakes and Pajamas… cue the excitement!

I know I keep saying we will dial it down when it comes to the birthday parties, but who am I kidding, I love throwing them and it’s a celebration of our little one’s big day and we love to spend that time with our family and friends. It’s going to be fun and I’ve got big plans for some yummy brunch food and goodies as well as food bars and tables to get everyone involved in savoring Caroline’s special day! And I might have already bought the girls the cutest matching pajamas so they will be all ready… the party inspiration is Kiddie Kate Spade-ish complete with a red, pink, black, white, and gold color scheme and I cannot wait to share some of the details with ya’ll.
Now back to my crazy mom party planner scheming!
And P.S. as always, my party fairy is none other than Beth Hart Designs. She seriously is the BEST!

  1. Simply LKJ says:

    Adorable! Love the theme and the color scheme.

  2. I have no doubt this "low key" shindig will top them all, although I reeeeeeaaallllly loved the Lucky Charms party…and the hotdog party for jeff…well, and the ice cream party for Carson. Ok fine, I love all your parties equally!

  3. nelle monaco says:

    so amazing- adorable. i love everything!! the 'rise and shine' invite is so cute… enjoy the planning!

  4. Love the idea! Can't wait to see all the details!

  5. Kate says:

    Love the theme!! Caroline and I are almost birthday buddies. I'm the 16th!

  6. Jillian says:

    aw i love this theme! such a cute idea. xo jillian – cornflake dreams

  7. Looooove this theme, too cute!!!

  8. Kylie says:

    This is such a cute them. LOVE the breakfast idea too! All of it is adorable. And I can totally relate to you on the party planning. I LOVE party planning. Currently finishing up my wedding which is in 2 weeks and can't wait to post some pictures!!

  9. Chasity Munn says:

    I absolutely loved your Minnie party! This one is going to be really cute, too. Can't you just NOT WAIT for slumber party days???


  10. rachel says:

    Seriously the cutest invite ever! So excited for this party!!!

  11. Jo says:

    Love this idea, so cute! There's nothing I love more than a good looking theme party! So excited to get to start planning my little one's first birthday soon!!

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