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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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meet and greet


February 18, 2015

everybody is always doing re-introductions when the new year rolls around, and since i’m seeing some new faces reading and commenting (welcome friends!), i thought i would take the opportunity to do a little meet and greet so some of you new-ish friends can get to know more about the girl behind the blog.

the background details.  a quick run through…my name is natasha (na-tash (like ash)-a…and yes, i like my name and it suits me, but after correcting people my entire life, i wish i never had to again. i’m 31, married to jeff (almost 4 years), and we have two girls: caroline cate (almost 3) carson elizabeth (20 months), and our dog (chloe). i’m a small business owner, and run sugar bit, an online baby and children’s boutique. it’s been open almost a year and it’s an absolute dream come true. it was an endeavor i thought about for a very long time, and finally i took the leap and plunged head first into the world of retail. it’s even more a blessing that i have the ability to work from home so that i can spend time with the girls, though that has it’s drawbacks when you have two young children who want mommy all day long (and with that, thankful for our nanny alex who has been a god send for our family as jeff and i have crazy schedules and work that doesn’t really fall into the normal 8-5 category). i was born and raised in nashville, and doubt i’ll ever leave…i’m a southern girl by heart, with a true type-a personality who loves stationery, entertaining and throwing parties, shopping, working out, and cooking in the kitchen. the most important things to me in life are my family and friends and i’m always trying to find the happy in each and every day.

a bit more insight into me to help you get better acquainted:
the best advice i’ve ever received
don’t ever take no for an answer. if it’s something you truly want, you have to go for it.
my favorite quote
“a girl should be two things…classy and fabulous”
favorite vacation spots
rosemary beach florida / antigua / napa
five things i cannot live without (excluding my family, faith, and god)
coffee, iphone, pizza, comfy pajamas, and fresh flowers
favorite thing to cook
cream cheese banana bread
something surprising about me you may not know
i’ve been skydiving (and yes, if i didn’t have children i would do it again)
most trusted beauty secret
i have two: kendra platinum bow out spray and clairol shimmer lights shampoo
song that sums up my life outlook

i lived by one republic
women i admire, and why?
my mom and jackie kennedy  
books on my bedside table. 
jesus calling women’s daily devotional / big little lies
how i enjoy spending my free time

family fun days on the weekends are good for the soul…getting outside with the girls, taking adventures around town, and snuggle sessions with all four of us in bed on saturday mornings are the best.

thanks for following along on this crazy roller coaster called life and popping by to see a little more into our circus… it’s the biggest joy and i am thankful for everyday i get on this world. 

  1. New follower 🙂 you have the cutest little family and the most adorable little girls!

  2. Amanda June says:

    You have the most beautiful family!!

  3. Sara McCarty says:

    Love this! Great idea to reintroduce yourself – I might have to borrow your idea. Love all the gorgeous photos of your beautiful family. 🙂

  4. Tess says:

    Such a gorgeous family! I love that you said you look for the happy in everyday…..I think that quote is going up on my chalkboard this morning!

  5. Andrea says:

    That's such a neat idea! It's really nice to get to know more of you. I'm still a fairly new follower, but I have to say you have one of the cutest girls I've ever seen! 🙂

  6. Simply LKJ says:

    As a new follower, I so enjoyed reading more about you and your sweet family!

  7. I've been following for a while but always lovely to get to know more about you and your precious family x

  8. Ida Arias says:

    Such a beautiful family and love the re-introduction. I think its super fun when bloggers do this! I always learn a little something new!

  9. I've been following for a little over year probably and love your page! Such a beautiful family you have!

  10. loved this! I've been reading your blog for years, but I love the 'getting to know' posts 🙂

  11. Girl, you are too cute! I love these sweet reminders. So happy to have "met" you through the wonderful world of blogging. 😉

  12. Dawn says:

    Love you fabulous friend! I'm also reading Big Little Lies!

  13. Mandi says:

    New Follower! I also live in Nashville… (or rather, right outside of Nashville). You have a gorgeous family!

  14. Love reintroductions!!! You and your sweet fam are out of a picture book! 🙂 🙂

  15. Chasity Munn says:

    First things first…I need details on the girls' outfits! Georgia has gotten picky and won't wear anything Matilda Jane-ish, but those have so much pink I may be able to convince her. And thank you for using the correct spelling of stationery. 😀


  16. Thanks for sharing ! Your family is gorgeous and I've been reading your blog for almost 1 year now 🙂 I love your on line store 🙂

  17. Megan says:

    yall are too cute and I am a stationary lover also!! must be a southern thing! 🙂

  18. I love this idea! You and your family are the cutest and I love following your blog! Xo, Stephanie

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