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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Five on Friday ||


October 2, 2015

After my post a few weeks ago showcasing All Things Orange, I had a ton of you emailing me to send you more options in the orange department, especially for gameday attire. I know, it’s a struggle for us Tennessee gals, but I searched high and low to find a mix that you’re surely bound to enjoy… even better, all of these are under $50 so they are affordable, too! 

Blogging has done so much for me these past seven years and it’s definitely shed some light on how much we all have going on, but I’m forever grateful for some of the blogging friendships I have made over time. Recently, I’ve been seeking out new reads, of those going through the same season of life, those with a refreshing take on their days, and ones that add something valuable when I hop over to read their blog. Wanting to share a few of my favorite new feeds with you, too! 
Natalie at East Coast Chic blogs about life, fashion, home, beauty, and her normal daily musings. It’s a wonderful mix of the things I like to read about most and she has the cutest little family. A must-read for all of us.  
The Hunter Interior, authored by Kristin Jackson, is all about inspiring readers to find good style at any price! Kristin’s taste is all together amazing and I love how she mixes high and low in each space for a unique spin on traditional design. She makes it easy for us design-challenged friends to understand how to make it work. And she lives in Atlanta so the southern tie is there, too! 
Speaking of southern, a local favorite read is my girl Brooke over at KB Styled. She is gorgeous and has an eye for fashion… and it doesn’t hurt that she is SO sweet in person, too. Our paths have crossed here in Music City and I am excited to get to know her better. I love her entire blog and her ability to work so many fun trends into her everyday wardrobe. 

Try to hold back your jealousy as tomorrow we’re taking the girls downtown to enjoy DISNEY ON ICE!!!! Caroline is over the moon excited and keeps telling Jeff “daddy, you will love it”… joy and wonder in every single thing right now and I am fortunate that we get to have these little family dates! Hoping we can rise and shine early enough to make it to Biscuit Love for some breakfast goodies before the show. Afterwards, this gal is packing up the car and heading east to Knoxville for another Sugar Bit Trunk Show!! This time my girls Julie and Bev are hosting and I cannot wait to see so many of my beloved friends and Sugar Bit shoppers… you better bring your babies and little ones!!! All the info you’ll need to come join is included below 🙂 

If you have followed me for any length of time, you know my fascination of quotes… they boost my morale when I am down, they help start my days off right, and they are always good little bits to send to loved ones when you know they need a helpful ray of sunshine. Some of these have been speaking to my heart as of late: 

Last weekend after Jeff came home from his boy’s beach trip, I decided it was time for mama to venture out ALONE for some Sunday afternoon shopping!! We all know this rarely ever happens for most of us, and I can’t lie… getting to enjoy a warm Starbucks while shopping solo at Green Hills could’ve been one of the highlights of my week. A little Nordstrom is always good for the closet. Here are a few recent wins from the fitting room that make for perfect fall staples that I know will serve a multitude of purposes. 

Karly Shift Dress [under $50- I bought the Wine color, though the Navy and/or the Marsala might be coming to my closet soon] 
Spotty Printed Long Sleeve Dress  [love the pattern and the fit…perfect for dressier occasions|| 
Fluted Sleeve Dress [fairly sure this is going to be PERFECT for our holiday family photos]

What things are occupying your brain this first Friday in October??? Be sure to link up below, stop by and say hey to April, and check out some of your other favs, too! 

  1. P!nky says:

    I enjoy Natalie's blog too. Great finds, mama.

  2. I love your Nordstrom finds!! I may have to swing by and pick up that spotted dress you got.. it could go with so many colors! I love your blog – I was especially happy to stumble upon it because you're a Nashvillian like me! Hope you have a fab weekend 🙂

  3. Those Nordstrom dresses look great on you!

  4. Jess Scott says:

    I love your dresses!! I agree that the red dress is perfect for family photos! It's a total win. 😉

  5. Hi Natasha! I've been a follower of Hello! Happiness for several years now – we relocated to Franklin a couple of months ago, so I love all of your recommendations for things to do in Nashville! After being a reader for so long, I finally got the courage to launch my own little piece of the internet yesterday, and I'm really excited to be a part of this community.

    The quote "the things you are passionate about are not random, they are your calling" really spoke to me, so thanks for posting! http://www.wakingupwatkins.com

    xoxo, kealey

    • how cute are you!!!! congrats on launching your blog… it is adorable!!! and i hope this crazy week of weather doesn't turn you away 😉

      have fun this fall exploring all the goodness music city has to offer your sweet family

  6. Thanks for sharing your favorite blog reads! And I love that purple dress – Svetlana @Life With a Side of Wine

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